R/PromoteYourMusic – How to use this subreddit devoted to self-promotion?

In this article, we explain everything you need to know about the subreddit specifically dedicated to promoting music: r/PromoteYourMusic. In general, Reddit is mainly focused on spreading information and building community, unlike from Instagram. or TikTok that are based on self-promotion. This particular subreddit is made for artists looking to share their music and get feedback! If redditors upvote your post enough on r/PromoteYourMusic, your song could get a huge boost in visibility!

Here’s everything you need to know about r/PromoteYourMusic and how make the most of it subreddit:

1. What is r/PromoteYourMusic?

Promote Your Music is one of the smallest music subreddits with around 48,000 members that allows artists to share their own video and song links . Most of the feed is made up of videos of musicians playing guitar riffs, for example, or embedded YouTube links to their songs. Redditors in this community are less active than on r/listentothis or r/indieheads, but what makes this subreddit unique is that it creates space for self-promotion. The other most popular music subreddits are mostly focused on spreading information and not necessarily telling people about your new single.

2. What are the rules for posting on r/PromoteYourMusic?

Unlike other music subreddits that don’t allow self-promotion, r/PromoteYourMusic is built for exactly that. However, there are still rules to follow to respect the community and contribute content. Here are the five rules for the r/PromoteYourMusic community.

1. No advertising

The first rule states that advertising is not allowed. You are allowed to promote your music but not to promote any brand, service or channel. They also don’t want redditors to advertise their music in other people’s posts.

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2. No Explicit Content

Explicit content is not allowed on this subreddit. More specifically, no sexual, discriminatory or drug images are allowed on the cover page or link thumbnail of your post. If there is explicit language in your song title, you should partially redact the title in the post.

3. No spam

Like many other subreddits, spam will not be tolerated. Do not send spam links or self-promotional content in the comments of other posts. Redditors that spam communities will be banned!

4. “Act only in good faith”

The fourth rule is about being honest in your posts and comments. “Act only in good faith” by posting content that is not intended to mislead or misrepresent anyone. This should go without saying, but since this is a subreddit for promoting your own music, only post content that belongs to you.

5. Be Respectful

Last but not least, you should be respectful when you interact with the community. Do not insult others in your posts or in the comments. Doing so could result in your account being banned.

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Groover Test

3. How does the feed work?

It’s important to be active on the subreddits you’re a part of by reacting and commenting on posts. Before you just blindly post your own music to the r/PromoteYourMusic community, see what others are sharing. What kinds of posts do musicians share here? What publications attract the most attention? To figure this out, you first need to understand how the page works.

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The main feed on r/PromoteYourMusic can be organized in four different ways: Hot, New, Top, and Rising. If you select Top Posts, for example, you can filter by time period: Today, This Week, This Month, This Year, and All Time. If we filter through the top posts of all time, we see an embedded Youtube link to an excerpt from a lofi instrumental. As you can see in the image below, you can also filter this subreddit feed “by style”. When creating posts, you can add tags like “Hip Hop” or “Instrumental” to categorize your music so people can find it more easily.

The most important post of all time in the r/PromoteYourMusic community

4. How to participate in the r/PromoteYourMusic community?

Now that you understand how the feed works, you can start participating in the community. The easiest way to participate in the community is to upvote posts you like and downvote posts you don’t. It’s that easy. To take it a step further, add comments to posts you enjoy that talk about why you liked the song or video or what it reminded you of.Don’t post comments just for the sake of posting comments; adding “nice” or “lol” to the comment section is unnecessary and adds nothing of substance to the conversation.

5. It’s time to publish your own music on r/PromoteYourMusic!

Before publishing your own music, we recommend that you spend a couple of weeks contributing to the community through comments. and upvotes first. If you start promoting your own music right after creating your account, it can seem a bit like spam. Take the time to explore what people are sharing on r/PromoteYourMusic and also on other subreddits that pique your interest. Once you get the hang of it, go ahead and post some of your music on this subreddit. You can choose to share a link to one of your songs on a free streaming platform like Youtube or Soundcloud or a video of you performing live, for example.

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Although r/PromoteYourMusic is one of the music subreddits smaller ones, there is still an ideal time to post that will maximize your chances of getting upvoted and moving to the top of the feed. According to an analysis of site traffic data, the best time to post on r/PromoteYourMusic is Tuesdays at 9am. m. EDT.

Now that you understand how r/PromoteYourMusic works, check out our articles on how to promote your music on two other popular music subreddits r/ListenToThis and r/indieheads.

👉 Complete guide to understanding how to use Reddit to promote your music

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