Create a Niche Review Website That Makes Money in 7 Easy Steps

Want to start a niche review website, but don’t know how? You’re in good hands!

After trying, failing, and then succeeding on various niche review websites, we’ve seen a general pattern of what works, what doesn’t, and some of the best. best practices for building niche websites.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear idea of ​​what goes into building a niche review website from scratch, the different ways to monetize it, and how you can get started . with a site of your own!

What is a niche review website and should I start one?

A niche review site is a website dedicated to reviewing products and services related to a specific topic or niche.

It can be anything from beauty supplies or dog services or even something broader like kitchenware.

The main focus of the site web is to provide reviews of products and services, which can then be linked to an affiliate program. Then you earn a little money if someone buys one of the products through your link.

There are hundreds of thousands of websites that review different types of products and services. Should you start a niche review website?

The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

Competition is not a reason to keep you from launching into an industry. Having competition validates the fact that there is money to be made in that niche.

There is a caveat, however. When there are many people reviewing similar products, you need to do even better market research and understand the market needs that are not being met.

This is time consuming and once you realize After this , a long and successful journey awaits you!

How can you start your own niche review site on WordPress?

Let’s start with some prerequisites.

What you need to start a niche review website

Before we get started, we need a few things in place. Let’s see the prerequisites for your niche review websites and then you can start creating your own niche site!

1. Choose a niche

The most important step in starting a niche review website is to have a niche. This involves a lot of research and many beginners will skip this step.

You might get lucky and already know your niche. You may have particular expertise in a topic or unique skills that you can use within your niche.

Or you may need to find one. Either way, selecting a niche and becoming an expert in it should be your first task.

If you don’t know your niche yet, don’t worry. We’ll show you how to create one shortly.

Starting with a complete understanding of your market will help you serve the niche much better.

When you have a niche, you specialize. on a topic and you capture an audience of enthusiasts working on that topic.

Instead of writing about everything under the sun, niche review websites focus on one topic.

For example, scuba diving.

When you dig deeper into this topic, you dig deeper than other competitors who write general reviews on each product.

And because of this, the People who visit your website and are interested in scuba diving will stick with it and search for your website the next time they need a review.

When your niche gets more specific, it’s called a microniche.

If you find that there is too much competition within your niche, you can start with a micro-niche and expand your website beyond the niche.

2. Domain and Hosting

Your domain name is your brand identity. Once you’ve selected a niche, take the time to choose a good branded domain name.

You can choose a domain that includes part of your target keywords, such as the word “diving” or “diving “, considering our example above.

It might be better to go with a brand name if you want to be in the game for the long haul.

Brand names like Apple, Google and others give you scope to expand into other niches later in your journey. So choose a domain based on your goals.

You’ll also need good hosting to make your site work.

When you’re just starting out and don’t have a lot of traffic, you can start with a Shared hosting like A2Hosting or SiteGround.

As the number of visitors increases, you will need to move to cloud or dedicated hosting for your website.

3. WordPress

We’ll be using WordPress as it’s the most popular content management system (CMS) for blogs.

It’s also one of the easiest to set up, regardless of the type of blog. website you have. they seek to build.

WordPress is great for beginners! Here are some of the benefits of using WordPress:

  • Very easy to learn
  • Hundreds of thousands of plugins to extend the functionality of your website without requiring any knowledge of coding
  • Great for SEO as it automatically includes most elements by default
  • Fully responsive on devices of all sizes
  • Open source so you can You can always hire a developer to add features to your website where a plugin won’t.

While WordPress is great for most use cases, there are a few things to keep in mind. account:

  • Allows you to customize every aspect of your website, which can be overwhelming when you’re just starting out
  • While optimized for speed by default, WordPress can slow down if you add too many plugins. or add poorly optimized themes.
  • Updates can cause some issues with older plugins

While these are issues to be aware of, they won’t hinder your progress in starting up a niche rev view site. You can continue to learn more about website customization and get used to the multitude of customization options available.

Also, keep your website fully optimized by removing all unnecessary plugins, using themes built to be fast like Astra and do not install any unknown or unofficial plugins.

And lastly, since WordPress plugins are developed by independent developers, a major WordPress update can cause problems with them. As such, it is always recommended to check the compatibility of your existing plugins before updating WordPress.

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If this seems difficult for you, WordPress has a plugin called Plugin Detective to save you from any compatibility issues that may arise. When you’re just getting started, keep it installed while you learn and get used to managing WordPress to avoid any setbacks!

4. Versatile WordPress Theme

A WordPress theme gives your niche website its look. It’s an incredibly important part of building a website.

You need a theme that is versatile and highly configurable so that it’s easy to live with and adjust to your personal taste.

In this tutorial, we will be using Astra.

It is a modern, fast and lightweight WordPress theme that is perfect for creating any type of website.

It comes with a ton of features and options , so you can easily customize it to meet your needs.

Plus, it’s fully responsive, so it looks great on any device.

5. Unique Selling Point

To create niche review sites, you need a unique selling point. This can be anything from the angle of your review site, the type of products you review, or the way you present your information.

When you have something that makes your site stand out from the rest, you’ll be able to attract more visitors and keep them coming back for more.

6. Plugins and Tools

Plugins add functionality to WordPress. They can enhance existing features or add new ones.

Either way, plugins are an integral part of building a website and one of the most powerful features of WordPress.

Here are a few tools to consider for your niche review website:

  • A keyword research tool like ahrefs, SEMRush
  • Convert Pro to capture Email leads on your website
  • Review plugin like Starfish Reviews

You’ll need to change or expand your selection of plugins as your website grows, but these should be enough to get you started.

Creating a Niche Review Site Step by Step

Let’s now move on to creating a Niche Review Site in WordPress.

Step 1: Choose a niche

The general perception of working within a niche is that it limits what you cover on your website.

While that is partially correct, there’s more.

A niche also helps you know exactly who your audience is. When you work within a niche, you can become a true expert on the subject. That will be reflected in everything you do, helping you serve the market and turn readers into fans.

How do you choose a niche?

We suggest starting with things that already enjoy. read or are passionate about it.

But you cannot choose any product or service to review. You need a balance between the things you like and the things that lots of other people like too.

And that’s where research comes in.

Here’s a quick summary Here’s how you can choose a niche for your niche review site:

  • Step 1: Create a list of topics that you regularly read about on the internet or are passionate about or know. You can even search for topics recommended by Google News.
  • Step 2: Sort the topics between hobbies, businesses, and personal projects.
  • Step 3 : Pick 1-2 of your favorite topics from each category and search for communities on Reddit. For example, I enjoy music, e-commerce, and freelance writing.So, I go ahead and search Reddit communities for each other. Sort them by number of members.
  • Step 4: You now have a really nice list of topics that you like, but that a group of people also like. With over 52 million monthly active users, Reddit has every community you can imagine. In fact, it’s a gold mine of communities and niches to explore.
  • Step 5: Pick the top 2 topics that you think you could write a lot about.
  • Step 6: You can then dig deeper into this research and search Google Trends for each of the topics as well. Do some basic keyword research on each topic to see potential search volumes. We recommend tools like SEMRush to get estimates on search volumes and ad spend for each theme.

With this, you’ll have a couple of themes you love and also have a community around you . .

If you also look at ad spend, you can find the business potential for each topic.

Find the one that is most lucrative and interesting for you and you can move on to the next step!

Step 2: Get a Domain Name

Let’s move on to the second most important part: your domain. Your domain is your brand identity.

Spend a little time finding the right name for your business. You can get your domain name from NameSilo or NameCheap to pay a flat annual fee and avoid unnecessary fees charged by many other domain name providers.

What do we mean by a good domain name? ?

A good domain name is bookmarkable. Something that conveys the message you’re trying to convey, without being too over the top in terms of keywords.

For example, cannot be called a brand domain name. But domain names like Google, CartFlows, Elementor, Astra are brand domains.

You can find a good domain name by combining several words from your niche into one like CartFlows, an ecommerce cart mix and payment flows. .

So, find a domain that works for your niche, and you’re good to go.

Step 3: Web Hosting

Web hosting is where the data from your website are stored and made available to visitors. It connects your domain name to your hosting provider and that’s how people who type in your domain name can see your website.

To get started, sign up with a hosting company of your choice.

There are hundreds of hosting providers and types of hosting on the market.

To make things easier, we suggest you start with Hostinger or SiteGround, both of which are low-cost shared hosting companies. .

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Once you sign up, you’ll need to set up your domain name servers. For domains purchased from NameCheap, here’s a quick tutorial.

You need to set up custom nameservers depending on the hosting you choose.

Hostinger’s nameservers are:


SiteGround’s nameservers are:


Once you’ve configured your nameservers, wait a few hours for your DNS settings to update.

After that, you should be able to visit your domain and see your hosting provider’s default page.

Step 4: Set Up Your WordPress Blog

This section is where things get more technical. But with the easy-to-setup shared hosting platforms available, setting up a WordPress blog has become very simple.

We’ve covered how to create a blog extensively in this article, so we’ll just give you an overview. . Steps to set up your WordPress blog here.

Login to your hosting account. You should see the domain you connected to when you signed up.

Click Manage for the domain where you want to install WordPress.

Here’s what it will look like the page on SiteGround and Hostinger.

Once you click manage, you will be taken to the cPanel interface.

For Hostinger, go to Website > Auto Installer > WordPress > Select.

For SiteGround, search for Softaculous One- Click Installer > Install WordPress.

Set up your username and password, and you’re good to go!

Step 5: Install the necessary plugins for the website

Now, log in to WordPress with the username and password you just created.

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard

2. Click Appearance> Themes

3. Click Add New

4. Type “Astra” in the search bar and press enter

5. Click Install and then click Activate

Your theme is now ready to go.

Next, we will install necessary plugins for our website.

To install Convert Pro, go to their website and sign up for one of the plans that suit your needs.You can then log in and download the Convert Pro zip file to install it.

To install your plugin as a zip file, go to Plugins> Add New > > Upload.

This will give you the option to choose a zip file that installs like a normal plugin.

For other plugins like reviews of Starfish , Litespeed cache and others, you can go to Plugins> Add New and search for it in the search bar.

Now you can add any of the plugins we suggested above, or any others you’d like.

Step 6: Writing Your First Product Review Blog

When it comes to writing a review, there are a few steps you can take to make the process much easier.

First, you need a product. If you are reviewing SaaS products, getting your hands on the product will be so simple how to register and for the test. For physical products, you can contact the manufacturer of the product and request samples to review. Many wouldn’t be interested when you’re just getting started, but you can check out those who send you samples. Take time to develop your cold focus skills on this one.

Second, gather as much information as possible about the product or service. This will help you provide a comprehensive review that covers all the important stuff.

A little trick here: Read 50-60 product reviews, including 5-star, 4-star, and 1-star ratings. they will give you a full picture of what is good with the product, what needs to be improved, and what is really bad.

Lastly, when writing your review, be sure to focus on the positive and negative aspects of the product or service. This will help give readers a balanced view of the product. Be sure to explain why you feel this way, and back up your points with concrete evidence.

Here’s a simple structure for your review blog:


  • Introduce the product or service you’re reviewing.
  • Add a short summary of your review at the top in table form or a small section that stands out differently from the rest of the post. .
  • Next, talk about your experience with the product or service. This should include information about how well it worked for you and any problems you may have had
  • Get reviews from Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and other e-commerce sites where the product is listed and add them to your blog.
  • Link to the product at regular intervals within the blog post so convinced users can continue to purchase using your affiliate link.
  • Finally, add a conclusion that summarize your experience and give a final verdict on who the product is good for and who should try a different one. This will help your readers make a decision.
  • Getting access to the product or service for free will be difficult when you start out. But as your site gains authority within a niche, companies will approach you for reviews and that’s when you can start charging them.

    Let’s write our first review on our website for reviews! niche!

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