How to create a logo in corel paint shop pro

Take a look at any of these images and what do you see?

You’ll almost certainly recognize them instantly. You know what company or product they represent without even having to think about it. You may be remembering the last time you refueled, even if it wasn’t at a Shell station, or the last movie you watched with your kids, or the last text you sent, or the last meal you ate. Although none of the logos above contain the names of the things they represent, human beings are powerfully visual creatures and the ability of logos to create associations in a customer’s mind is unmatched. The saying is that a picture is worth a thousand words, but any publicist or marketing professional can tell you that no amount of words could do the same job as the shape of a Coca-Cola bottle or the interlocking colors of the Olympic rings. .

So how do you harness that power for yourself? If you’re looking to create an iconic logo, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Keep it simple The best logos are instantly recognizable from a distance, whether it’s a traffic sign , a fast-scrolling web banner, or a hastily saved business card. The simpler your design, the easier it will be to grab someone’s attention. In the perfect world, a customer would see something that’s not even related (an apple, a seashell, the shape of a tree) and remember the logo of it. The cleaner the design, the fewer lines and colors you use, the more likely it is that people will recognize it quickly and easily.

Keep it small Logos are often scaled down to fit fit. on tiny surfaces: stamped on labels and business cards, or tucked into the corners of websites and banners. When designing your logo, make sure that it is still parsed in small sizes. The easiest way to do this is to include as few lines as possible, or to ensure that all lines are of the same general type. The Coca-Cola logo has many lines, but you don’t need to see all of them clearly to know what the logo is: they just need to be all the same kind of broad curve.

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Have a plan The fact that a logo has to be both small and counter-intuitively simple makes it one of the toughest challenges in the world of design. When you have so little space to work, every little choice can make a big difference. Think about what your logo is trying to evoke and try to find a design that makes people feel in their gut the way you want them to feel about your product. Apple’s design is minimalist and black and white because the simplicity of the logo makes customers imagine that its products are intuitive and easy to use. The Coca-Cola logo uses broad, smooth lines to make you think of its smooth taste, and the Pepsi logo is red, white, and blue to make Americans see it as the natural drink of their country. These kinds of things can sound silly when said out loud, but subconsciously, which is where the sales are made, they really work.

Use color contrast We talked about this in our article on Web Banners, but if anything, it’s even more true for logos. Because your image is smaller and has fewer lines than a banner, you’ll also want to use fewer colors. This will also save costs when printing labels or business cards, or even t-shirts (see How to Start a T-shirt Printing Business), and everything helps! To make sure your colors work together try this article, it not only has a great title but also has a solid introduction to the basics of color theory. Remember, there’s no point in designing a logo if people don’t even realize it’s there. It’s also important to use the right color palette for the job. A dentist’s office should never use too much red, for example, it will make people think of blood. On the other hand, a company that markets toys for young children may want as many bright colors as possible.

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Hire a designer to get started Unless you’re a digital artist, you probably have no experience making this type of image yourself. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it all by yourself! Hiring a good designer to sketch out some logo designs, or to refine what you came up with, can be a great way to make sure your logo works the way you want it to. Images are the most important part of building a brand identity or advertising campaign, so if you plan to spend money on your ads, this is the best place to spend it.Once you have an image you’re happy with, you can use and reuse it everywhere, and for a logo, the more places you put it, the more effective it will be.

Check Your Logo Against Others companies One of the dangers of small, simple designs is that someone else might have had the same idea as you. Logopedia is a database of corporate logos selected by the user; It’s by no means exhaustive, but browsing your industry or in your location can give you an idea of ​​whether your logo design might step on someone’s toes. And of course, once you have your design, register it! Trademark and copyright laws vary from place to place, but the trademark board will verify that your design is not too similar to another company’s, and that future logos are not too similar to yours.

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Designing a Logo: Quick Steps

  1. Decide what feelings or emotions you want your logo to evoke – what is it trying to say about your product or brand?
  2. Know your audience: who is the logo for? This will help you choose a design and color scheme that appeals to them.
  3. Hire a designer. If you plan to hire a designer, do so early in the process. Know what you want from it so they can help as much as possible.
  4. Choose a primary design color, and choose secondary colors that work well with it (and each other!).
  5. Design the image. Try a combination of shapes you’ll recognize from afar, with small resolutions or even folded in half.
  6. Crop it out if it gets too complicated
  7. Print some Business Cards, put them on labels, stick them on banners! You’re done!


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