How to create an email account for a nonprofit organization

Having official email addresses for your staff (for example, [email protected]) can simplify communication in your organization. Also, using your official domain name with email addresses makes your contact information look much more professional than using a general address (for example, [email protected]).

Here’s how Your nonprofit organization can sign up to use G Suite (ie Gmail and other Google services) with your domain name. After completing the steps below, your staff will be able to use all the features of Gmail with their own custom domain name. And even better, it’s free for nonprofits*!

*The steps below describe how to set up G Suite for nonprofits. If your organization is NOT a nonprofit (such as a business) or if it is a school, you will need to follow slightly different steps.


Sign up for a Google Nonprofit Account

As a first step, sign up for a Google for Nonprofits account. Once approved, you will be able to sign up for G Suite (which includes Gmail) at no cost.

How to set up G Suite email for non-profit organizations for your domain

To get started, click the Get Started Now button at the top of the page (pictured above). You will then be prompted to:

  1. Confirm your Google account – Select the Google account you would like to add as an administrator for the Google account for organizations without organization’s non-profit (pictured below, left).
  2. Confirm your organization is eligible to apply: Verify that your organization is not a school, health care organization, or government entity (pictured below, on the left).

    How to set up G Suite email for nonprofits profit for your domain

  3. Identify the country in which your organization is registered (in the image below, on the left).
  4. Click Obtain a validation token from TechSoup (pictured below, right).

    Setting up G Suite email for nonprofits for your domain


Request a validation token from TechSoup

All organizations must be validated as non-profit organizations by TechSoup or your local TechSoup partner. After clicking Get a TechSoup Validation Token, you will be directed to a TechSoup Global Network web page. Once there:

  1. Click New on (bottom left image).
  2. Click on Register your NGO to obtain validation (in the image below, on the right).

    Setting up G Suite email for nonprofits profit for your domain

  3. Fill out the form Join TechSoup.
  4. When prompted, confirm your email address.
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Next, be prepared to enter the following information about your organization when you complete the Tell us about your organization form (shown below):

How to set up G Suite email for nonprofits for your domain

  • Organization Status – Select 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
  • EIN or FSCS ID – Enter your EIN (Employer Identification Number)
  • Organization Type – Use the dropdown to select Religious Activities
  • Subtype – Use the drop down menu to select Church, Synagogue, etc.

Check all the details, then click Add this organization (pictured below).

How to set up G Suite email for non-profit organizations for your domain

Once submitted, you must wait for TechSoup to validate your request, which can take up to 10 business days. You may also be asked by email to send additional information to TechSoup (see below).


Get your validation token from TechSoup

Once TechSoup notifies you that your account has been validated, log in to your TechSoup account to Get your TechSoup Validation Token. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the user icon in the upper right corner to select your account (in image below) .

    How to set up G Suite for Nonprofits email for your domain

  2. Once on the Account Details page, click on Validation Tokens (pictured below)

    How to set up G Suite for Nonprofits email for your domain

  3. Then click the Google for Nonprofits link (shown below)

    How to set up G Suite for Nonprofits email for your domain

Then, will ask you to:

  1. Identify the country your organization is located in.
  2. Log in to your TechSoup Account.

After logging in, you will be directed to a page containing your echSoup validation T Token. Click Copy, and then paste the validation token into the Google for Nonprofits field (shown below).

How to set up G Suite email for nonprofits for your domain


Complete the application for your Google account for nonprofits

Now that you have obtained your validation token from TechSoup, You can complete the registration process for a Google for Nonprofits account. Non-profit account.

  1. Sign in to your Google account one more time to confirm your account and enter/paste your TechSoup validation token (pictured below).

    How to set up G Suite email for nonprofits profit for your domain

  2. After Google has verified your token, check the list to see if your organization is already included. Otherwise, select My organization isn’t listed. Create a new account.
  3. Next, enter your organization’s phone number, website, and contact details. You must also agree to the Google Nonprofit Terms and Conditions.

Once your submission is received, you will receive an email from Google about the status of your request within 3 days.

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Sign up for a G Suite trial

  1. Once your Google for Nonprofits account is approved, go to the site G Suite website and sign up for a G Suite account. test for your organization. Be prepared to provide the following information:

    • Company Name – e.g. Holy Angels Catholic Church
    • Number of Employees
    • Country
    • Name
    • Last Name
    • Current Email Address – Be sure to use an existing email address through from which you can immediately receive G Suite account setup emails. You’ll create new business email addresses later.

    How to set up G Suite for Nonprofits email for your domain

  2. Then select if you want to:

    1. Plan to set up your organization’s email accounts using a domain name you already purchased
      • If so, click Yes, I have one I can use, then enter your domain name (image below).
    2. Plan to buy a new domain name > from Google for your email accounts.
      • If so, click No, I need one and search for a domain name to buy on Google. (Alternatively, you can purchase a domain from a different registrar, such as, then return to complete your G Suite setup with the new domain.)

      How to set up G Suite for Nonprofits email for your domain

  3. The final prompts for the test setup process will guide you through:

    • Confirm the domain you want to use to set up the account.
    • Enter your preferred G Suite username password.
    • Accept > the G Suite Agreement.
    • Select a paid plan : You must choose a business plan and enter your payment information until you’re fully enrolled in G Suite for Nonprofits. Once your application for G Suite for Nonprofits has been accepted, you’ll be able to use G Suite tools at no cost.
    • Accept the G Terms of Service Suite room.
    • Enter your First Name
    • Enter your Last Name
    • Enter your Current Email Address – Be sure to use an existing email address through which you can immediately receive G Suite account setup emails. You’ll create new business email addresses later.

    Once you’re done, it’s time to set up your account. Click Continue Setup (pictured below) to proceed to the next step.

    How to set up G Suite email for organizations for your domain


Set up your G Suite account

  1. You will then be presented with a variety of options continue. Click Use manual settings at the bottom of the screen (in the image below, on the left). This will open the Manual Settings dialog (pictured below, right). Click Go to Admin Console to continue.

    Setting up G Suite email for nonprofits profit for your domain

  2. Once in the Admin Console, click Start Setup at the top of the Admin Console . Then click Verify Domain (pictured below).

    How to set up G Suite email for non-profit organizations for your domain

  3. Once you have verified your domain, click Continue Setup to continue.

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Sign up for G Suite for Nonprofits

Once your Google account for nonprofits is approved, you can follow the steps below to sign up for specific products, including G Suite for Nonprofits (which includes Gmail). This enrollment is what allows your nonprofit to use G Suite at no cost.

  1. Sign in to your Google for Nonprofits account.
  2. Click on the Registrations page > from your account to sign up. in products.
  3. Click the Sign Up link under G Suite for Nonprofits to continue the process (shown below).

Setting up G Suite email for organizations for your domain


Add Users (Email Accounts)

Once Google has informed you that your G Suite for Organizations enrollment has been approved For nonprofits, you can sign in to your admin console at with your Google admin account and password to begin setting up email accounts for individual users. This Google article will tell you how if you need guidance. Once the users are created, your team will be able to sign in to their new Gmail accounts.

Once you’re ready to switch, simply click the Set Up Gmail button at the top of your admin console and follow the steps as directed. There will be instructions on how to update your MX records in your DNS zones. This is what activates your new email and starts messages flowing to your new Gmail inboxes. If you are not familiar with DNS Zones or don’t know where your DNS Zones are hosted, please contact us! The Google Admin help center is a great resource if you need help making changes to the new email in the future.


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