how to make a professional gmail signature
gmail has quickly become the most widely used email platform provider. With over a billion people using Gmail worldwide, it’s surprising that so few people know about the ability to create a Gmail email signature.
Even more confusing is how little people invest in creating a truly professional gmail signature that makes them appear credible and outstanding in the eyes of their peers.
This short how-to guide will shed some light on how you can create a great gmail signature in no time.
professional gmail signature dos and don’ts
how to highlight the design and style of your gmail signature and make the right impression
While a professional gmail signature will work in your favor, a poorly designed signature can work against you. follow these 5 essential tips to ensure the success of your firm.
1) get inspired:
We recommend starting the process of creating your gmail signature by looking at some great examples of email signatures that real people use to positively stand out.
at wisestamp we see millions of signatures every year, spontaneously made by our users. if we remember these examples it is because they work. We turn these memorable examples into templates that you can use as your own. check them out
2) stand out visually:
To catch people’s attention, your gmail signature block should have a splash of color or some movement. Many beautiful email signature designs use color, without being too colorful or clowny. our email signature tips page for graphic designers explains how to do this in depth.
In addition to color, you can add a gif for an eye-catching animation. As with colors, the key is to make this addition bold enough to catch the reader’s eye but subtle enough not to be perceived as an annoyance (think of those flashing banner ads on old websites that everyone we hate).
3) stand out with a personal touch:
adding something of yourself can give you big wins. it can influence people to see you as more honest, more authentic, and more approachable. but this can also go very wrong if you send the wrong message to the wrong people. so think about who you’re talking to and what about you so they trust you instead of ignoring you.
One way to add a personal touch is to add a positive or inspirational quote. this will give people an idea of your values. we have a whole library of quotes that you can choose from and add to your gmail signature with the click of a button.
If quotes aren’t your thing, then another way to keep yourself in mind after reading your emails is to choose the right signature for the specific person you’re addressing. To find the best signatures, check out our archive of email signature examples.
a really powerful way (and my personal favorite) to add a personal touch is to add an animated or static handwritten signature on top of your gmail signature. you can create your own with our manual signature generator (it’s great).
Adding a signature by hand gives your readers the feeling that they invested in that email. because signing a document is something you do when you care about the message within a document. it implies that you care enough that you want to associate your name with it.
4) set your signature a definite goal:
Before you go ahead and put the finishing touches on your signature, think for a moment about what you want to accomplish with your signature. this will definitely affect what you decide to add or remove from your final signature.
Check out some of our users’ email signature examples that use a call to action (CTA) to get leads and engagement from their gmail signature. then add features that you think will best promote your goals, like social media icons, a custom sell button, or a video thumbnail.
5) set the stage for a later engagement
Your gmail email signature is the end of your email, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your recipients’ engagement with you. even if you added an cta like i advised in the tip above, you might still miss it. It’s fair to say that most people won’t be ready to accept your offer, because the commitment may be too high for them at the time.
but your gmail signature still offers you a great opportunity to build your relationship with your prospects and keep them around until they are ready to commit. You can do this by adding social media links to your gmail signature block. You can also get valuable insights on how to use social media in your email signature for best results.
These little social icons can entice people to engage with you in a high-interest, low-engagement setting, and you could slowly but surely convert them into loyal customers from there.