How to resend email

Resending an email is common practice in marketing and sales when the copy seems to entice a reply. However, if your email client doesn”t have a way to resend emails easily, it can chew up a lot of your time.

Stats from McKinsey show the average professional spends 28% of their work day reading and answering emails.

Here”s the bad news. A lot of email clients have a built-in feature to resend emails—Gmail doesn”t. It”s possible to resend emails in Gmail, but you just need to get a little creative.

In this article, we’ll show you:

How to resend an email in Gmail

Have you ever sent an email to a customer or prospect and wished you could reuse it?

Once you learn how to resend emails in Gmail, you can—and save a ton of time in the process too. Here’s how you do it.

Watching: How to resend email

First, head to your sent items and find the email you want to resend. Open it up and click “reply.” You should then see something like this:


The text that you want to reuse will be in the body of the email.
Now, highlight the timestamp and other stuff at the top of the text, and delete it. Then, highlight all of the text using a Gmail Shortcut (Ctrl + A or ⌘ + A), and remove the indent ( ⌘ +
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You should be left with this:


All that”s left to do now is change the subject line and recipient”s email address. Find the arrow at the top left corner of the email, click it, and select “Edit subject”:


Hit send, and you”re done.

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Once you start resending emails like this, the whole process from start to finish should only take seconds.

Pro-tip: If you have automatic signatures turned on, when you hit reply, your signature will be replicated. Make sure to check the bottom of the copy so that your next email recipient isn”t sent two of your signatures!

Categories: Mail

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