Frequently Asked Questions about the 2016 USPS Postage Rate Increase – Blog

blog_faq-2016-ratesFrequently Asked Questions about the 2016 USPS Postage Rate Increase

mailing letters when did the new usps postage rates go into effect? usps implemented the 2016 rates on sunday january 17, 2016. all postage printed after this date must include the correct rate for 2016.

has been updated with the new rates? yes, postage rates are updated in real time and all printed postage will reflect the new 2016 usps rates.

are first class postal rates increasing? no, the 2016 usps rate increase is only affecting shipping services. rates for first-class mail letters remain the same. those rates are:

  • first class mail letters (1 ounce): $0.49 – unchanged from 2015. each additional ounce will cost $0.22
  • first class mail letters metered mail rate (1 ounce) : $0.485 – no change from 2015. each additional ounce will cost $0.22
  • Flat/Large First Class Mail Envelopes (1 ounce): $0.98 – no change from 2015. each additional ounce will cost $0.22
  • postcard fees will not increase and will remain at $0.35 – unchanged from 2015

What if my letter has the above rate and it hasn’t been delivered yet? If your letter was postmarked before Sunday, January 17, 2016, then your letter will be delivered as normal. but if the letter entered the mail stream at 2015 rates, the letter could be mailed to you postage due or possibly delivered to the recipient with a postage due request.

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are priority mail rates increasing? yes, priority mail rates are increasing for 2016. after three years without a shipping rate increase, priority mail will see an increase average rate of 9.4% in 2016.

what is happening with the priority mail regional rate box c? the usps will discontinue the priority mail regional rate box c effective january 17, 2016. this box will continue to be available for your use (marked now as priority mail), but you must pay regular priority mail rates.

can I drop off a regional rate box at the post office? yes, regional rate box a and box b can be delivered to the post office. important note: if the postage for the regional rate box is purchased at the post office, usps has changed the additional charge from $0.75 to $2.25 if the regional rate package is delivered in zones 1-4, and to $1.00 if the package is delivered delivered in zones 5 to 9.

Why have rates for click-n-ship increased so much? Previously, customers who printed postage on click-n-ship ( received commercial base prices, which were Discounts offered to customers for printing postage online. Effective January 17, 2016, those online discounts will no longer be offered for click-and-ship and customers will pay post office prices (retail rates).

has the maximum weight for the first class parcel service increased? yes, the maximum weight for the commercial base price of the first class parcel service (online postage) will increase from 13 ounces to 15.99 ounces. this opens up many opportunities for e-commerce sellers looking for a fast and cost-effective means of shipping packages. First Class Package Service includes free tracking and delivery typically takes 1-3 days to the US. uu.

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Can I ship a 16 ounce (1 pound) package using First Class Parcel Service? no! If your package weighs 16 ounces (1 pound) or more, you cannot use First Class Parcel Service for delivery. Any package weighing 1 pound must be upgraded to Priority Mail, Priority Express Mail, Select Package, or Multimedia Mail.

how much does it cost to ship a 15.99 ounce package with first class parcel service? the cost to ship a 15.99 ounce package with first class parcel service is $3.65, significantly cheaper than any other shipping service.

What Happened to Most Commercial Pricing for First Class Parcel Service? The USPS is looking to simplify its pricing programs. effective January 17, 2016, commercial plus pricing for first class package service has been eliminated. however, commercial plus pricing is still available for priority mail and express express mail (domestic and international).

I see a fee of $2.54 for packages weighing between 1 and 3 ounces for first class package service. isn’t the commercial base rate $2.60? while online rates are typically cheaper than post office rates, prices at the post office did not increase during the postal rate increase January 2016. This created a unique situation where the Post Office rate for First Class Parcel Service packages weighing between 1 and 3 ounces are cheaper than online rates (commercial base price) . has added this cheapest postage rate of 2016 to our program! to get this discount, you must download version 13.3 from

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what happened to standard mail (formerly parcel post)? standard mail, a ground delivery service sold only at the post office, has been rebranded as retail ground. aside from the name change, the level of service remains the same as it was in 2015.

What is Parcel Ground Sort? Parcel Ground Sort is the new name for Parcel Sort (Non-Presort), a ground delivery service for medium and large shippers. aside from the name change, the level of service remains the same as it was in 2015.

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