Turn images on or off in gmail

Jonathan Fisher is a CompTIA certified technologist with more than 6 years’ experience writing for publications like TechNorms and Help Desk Geek.

Watching: Turn images on or off in gmail

Gmail on the web: Compose a message, and then drag and drop the picture from your computer to the desired position in the email.Or, position the cursor where you want the image to appear, select Insert Photo > Inline, then choose your photo and select Insert.Gmail app: Tap the paperclip, select Attach file, then choose the photos you want to send. Pictures are sent inline by default.

This article explains how to add an inline image to a Gmail message so that the image appears in the body of the email. Instructions cover Gmail on the web and the Gmail mobile app for iOS and Android.

How to Send a Picture in Gmail

To add an image or photo inline to an email you are composing in Gmail on the web with a desktop browser:

Select the Expand window icon (the double-sided arrow) in the upper-right corner of the composition window to make it larger.



You also can paste the image at the desired location in the email from the clipboard using Control+V (for Windows and Linux) or Command+V (for Mac).

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How to Send a Picture From the Web or Google Photos in Gmail

Alternatively, you can use an image you found on the web or upload one from your computer:



To upload an image from your computer, selectUpload> Choose photos to upload and open the desired graphic.

Images you upload from your computer remain available in the Insert image dialog box while you compose the message (but not for other emails).


​To insert a picture from Google Photos, go to thePhotostab and select the image you want to include.

To use an image foundon the web, go to theWeb Address (URL) tab and enter the image”s URL next to Paste an image URL here.

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Images from the web appear inline with the message. These images are never sent as attachments. Any recipient who has remote images blocked won”t see the image.

While composing a message or reply, tap the attachment paperclip icon (
Categories: Mail

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