USPS Delivered To Wrong Address: What Should I Do? • USPS-Track.Us

so the usps post office delivery guy delivered to the wrong address and now he has no idea what to do about it. well, don’t worry because it happens all the time. You’re certainly not the first person this has happened to and you certainly won’t be the last.

Maybe it was a mistake by the delivery staff who misread the address or someone at the post office didn’t write down the address correctly. or maybe the error was on the sender’s end who mistakenly entered the wrong address when typing in the package details. whatever the reason, no one can reverse it, but don’t think twice because usps will get your package back.

a couple of possible scenarios

scenario 1

To be safe and as a responsible person, the first thing you should do is inform your post office about the wrong delivery. it is best for the sender to personally call or visit the post office and let them know.

the usps will record a complaint and immediately try to recover your package if it was the driver’s error or if the error was on your part in any way.

In most cases, the USPS will locate your package and retrieve it. soon your package will be on the retrieved list and you can have your package.

this is the most ideal way and 7 out of 10 times this would be the solution to your problem.

scenario 2

Sometimes if the error is on the sender’s end, let’s say the destination address wasn’t correct to begin with, then usps may or may not pick up the slack.

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it’s fair if usps doesn’t take over and you have to deal with the problem on your own. in that case, it is better that you inform the sender about your problem. If you both know each other, you can probably solve this problem on your own.

You can ask the USPS Post Office for the recipient’s name, signature, and address. If you are unable to file a complaint against the USPS, what you can do is approach the receiver yourself and ask them to release your package to you after providing the relevant information. the usps can find the consignee’s information on the air waybill.

Most likely, the person who signed for and received the package did so by mistake and will probably return it to you. you can also enlist the assistance of usps while trying to retrieve your package and that should solve your problem.

track your usps package

Courier services like USPS and UPS normally have an online tracking system that can help track your order. You will be able to know the status of your shipment. In that case, if the state says your package was delivered, chances are that USPS delivered to the wrong address or maybe there was some obstacle and your package is back at the post office.

Either way, it’s best if you keep a check and track the status of your package from time to time until it’s delivered by USPS. You can track your package by entering the tracking number provided to you on your shipping receipt when you send your package to the post office. the other option to get your tracking number is through the confirmation email you receive from usps after your package ships.

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usps package tracking status that says delivered

If you were tracking your package and now the status of your package says delivered, it does not necessarily mean that USPS delivered to the wrong address.

A few days ago I ordered a bag online and had to go through a similar experience. i was tracking my package regularly and all of a sudden it said usps delivered my package. Like any normal person, my mind skipped a beat and I began to think of the worst possible scenario. usps delivered to the wrong address? Did I not enter the correct address? is it possible for me to retrieve my package now?

but to my surprise and relief, after waiting an additional business day for my bag to be delivered, it was delivered.

However, you may want to contact your local USPS Post Office immediately if you experience a situation like this. It’s best to be proactive and take matters into your own hands rather than sit back and wait for things to work themselves out.

I personally had to wait another day because it was the weekend and there really wasn’t much I could do.

things to do in case of international shipping:

  • You should check your mailbox regularly, in case your local post office sends you a notice to pick up your package.
  • For international deliveries, you should also contact your customs office and ask them to inquire about your delivery
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things not to do:

  • You should not panic. Panicking doesn’t help and will only worsen your judgment rather than fix things. Normally, people worry and ask what’s good, but after a day or two, they receive the package.
  • For international deliveries, it’s best to contact customs instead of USPS. USPS can’t really ask about your packages once they’ve arrived in a different country. the customs office is a much better option in that case.


in the end, if all goes well and we hope it always does, you will receive your package. try one of the things we have asked you and most likely your problem will be solved. both situations considered, in case of usps shipping to the wrong address or even if the tracking status says delivered incorrectly, problems like these happen all the time.

There is a possibility of a delay in delivery time from when the package tracking status says delivered until USPS notifies you to pick up your package. Similarly, other messenger users may also face the same problem like this but the solution remains the same.

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