If you are an iPhone lover, you must have seen the voicemail feature. most people who rely on this feature can make appointments and contact their clients. therefore, this feature is quite useful when enabled. However, sometimes you may want to disable voicemail on your iPhone, for example when traveling to a foreign country.
In other cases, for those using ios 15, the voicemail feature can sometimes be problematic. Most users say that the voicemail screen can sometimes get stuck, making it difficult to move on to the next voicemail. this has led to the need to disable voicemail on the iphone. If you experience any of the above issues and want to disable voicemail, this part is for you.
In this article, therefore, you can follow the simple steps on how to disable voicemail on iphone whenever you want to travel and any relevant information that will help you manage your voicemail system effectively without charges. additional. If you happen to be unable to disable the iPhone’s voicemail feature, please contact your service provider’s customer service for help.
how to disable iphone voicemail function
If you are tired of extra charges due to voicemail, here is a simple procedure to help you disable voicemail on iphone:
- start by tapping the phone icon on your iphone home screen. then enter the numbers *#62# and then call the number so you can determine your voicemail number. write the number down on a piece of paper or memorize it if you’re good with numbers.
- go to the settings section on your iphone. As soon as the menu opens, tap on the phone icon and then go to the call forwarding section. at this point, type your voicemail number in the space provided and then you can exit after saving the settings.
- now, you can go to your phone keypad and then type the number #404 and then call so you can turn off voicemail on the iphone. then you can try calling your voicemail box just to confirm if you have any new messages.
- You also have the option to enable call forwarding on your iphone should you wish. when you have disabled voicemail, you can dial #61#, so your phone will have a “no answer” response if someone is trying to reach you. you also have the option to dial 67 for busy answer.
- if you want to reactivate the voicemail function, you can dial 004# and call.
how to disable voicemail password on iphone
when configuring the voicemail message inbox, available passwords are enabled by default. this feature is set to protect all voicemail messages from other parties. In most cases, carriers won’t recommend that you disable passwords, but most of the time, if you keep forgetting passwords, you’re better off disabling them.
The following procedure will help you disable passwords and then enable them later.
Step 1: Begin by calling the voicemail system. From your iPhone keyboard, press and hold the number one key. You may also consider pressing and then holding the voicemail key.
Step 2: Enter your voicemail password. If prompted, you must enter your voicemail inbox password. If you have forgotten your password, you may need to reset it before continuing.
Step 3: Go to the main menu skipping the part where you have to listen to messages. this will require you to press the * button. from there, you must choose the administrative options.
Step 4 – Select your password options. Touch the key that says disable password and then continue following the instructions given. these indications always differ depending on the carrier, therefore, you need to be careful enough to avoid mistakes.
how to disable voicemail transcription on iphone
Most of the time, the transcription is based on Canadian English and US English, so you can only change the language. Go to settings and then change siri language to any other language that doesn’t sound like english. the final result will show that the transcript is not available.
ask your operator for help
If you can’t follow the above procedure, you can dial *611 to contact iphone carriers for help or you can contact your service payment number.
- t-mobile: 1-877-453-1304
- verizon: 1-800-922-0204
- at&t: 1-800-331-0500
- sprint: 888-211-4727
bonus: video guide on how to disable voicemail on iphone
If you are still not clear on the operational steps, then you should watch this video.
In conclusion, with the above descriptions, I hope you now have a chance to monitor your voicemail box effectively. use the steps above in case you want to turn off/disable your voicemail. If you unfortunately lose some data while doing this, then you may need a professional iOS data recovery tool. feel free to leave comments below.