How to save your google hangouts and gmail chat history

The system for chatting through Google hasgone through several names in the past, including Google Talk, GChat, Google Hangouts, and Google Chat. While Google Chat is the newest iteration, integrated with Google Workspace and available to all Google account holders, some users are still working with Hangouts.

Watching: How to save your google hangouts and gmail chat history

If you”re using Gmail and Hangouts, Google saves your Hangouts conversations so you can search and access them later. Here”s how it works.




Toggling Hangouts Chat History

Whenever you have a conversation with someone through Hangouts, Google keeps the conversation history, allowing you to scroll up in the conversation window to see what messages have been exchanged in the past.


Select Conversation history to enable the conversation history feature. Once checked, Google will keep a history of the conversation thread.

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If history is disabled, messages may disappear before the intended recipient reads them. Also, if one party disables the history feature, Google won”t save the conversation. However, if a user is accessing the chat through a different client, their client may be able to save the chat history despite disabling the Google Hangouts history setting.

Archiving Conversations

Archiving a conversation hides it from the list of conversations in the sidebar. The conversation is not gone, however.

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To retrieve an archived conversation, select your name at the top of your conversation list and choose Archived Hangouts. This will display a list of those conversations that you have archived previously.

Categories: Mail

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