How to create an app for android step by step

You’re most likely considering how to create an Android app if you’ve kept tapping until you find this article. The truth is, developing an app is not an easy process, regardless of whether your purpose is to improve your company’s productivity, boost a business in the mobile industry, or something else.

Generally speaking, you should Have patience when starting a digital project, projects like creating an Android app. First of all, find a pen and a notebook and start taking notes. Understand the subject long before you start looking for Android developers.

We’d like to introduce our tutorial on how to create an Android app, a tutorial meant to help you gather all that information. Are you ready? Let’s get started… Ready, set, set!

Why create an Android app?

Please pay attention to the following if it is your number among those who are not sure whether to create an android application or not. You will miss out on iOS users if you go for Android, really. However, going the other way will also make you miss out on many other opportunities.

So… Are Android apps then? Yes, for the following reasons:

  • In Spain, Android enjoys a larger market share. The story is a bit different in the United States: iOS share continues to grow.
  • Another reason is that the hourly rate of an Android developer is cheaper than that of an iOS developer.
  • The variety of terminals is also greater, which means more possibilities to continue growing. On the other hand, iOS only works on Apple devices.
  • And last but not least, Android is a much more customizable operating system.

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How to create an Android application? step by step under the phone

How is creating an Android app different from other platforms?

There are many small differences when it comes to developing an app; the main one being the operating system itself and its associated programming language. Native apps use specific codes and languages. That is why it is very likely that we will have to hire different developers depending on whether we want to create an application for Android or an application for iOS. Many things will be different: our budget, our business model, our promotion strategy… Let’s analyze all this carefully:

What should we take into account when creating Android applications?

Type of programming

As for native Android app development, the performance of our efforts will only work for Android. However, we may use the performance of our efforts on other operating systems if we choose other types of programming approaches, such as cross-platform applications. However, the final performance of your application may not be as good.

When it comes to developing Android applications, it is important to choose the type of programming approach. It is possible that you will not get the result you expected if you do not choose the one that best suits your project. Let yourself be advised by experts to have more information about your particular case. Each project is a world in itself. You may not need an Android app – a hybrid app might do the trick.

Nuancements lie in the diversity of programming languages ​​and types of development. However, creating a native Android app will not take as long as creating a cross-platform app. Find out precisely the amount of time that will be needed in each case. If you’re in a hurry, you may want to consider alternatives to creating a native Android app.

? Read on: Differences Between iOS and Android App Development

Development Cost

There are a few tools available to get a quote. You can calculate the cost of your Android app using our tool, for example.

how much does it cost to make an app? button start

But now let’s get to the facts. Developing an Android app can be cheaper than developing that same iOS app, even if the number of development hours is roughly the same. This is because the cost per hour of hiring an Android developer is less than that of hiring an iOS developer.

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Android Application Design

Android application design should also be considered.The look and feel and functionality will be very similar to iOS, generally speaking. However, the design will be different. There are buttons on Android devices that aren’t available on iPhones.

The app layout will be different for each operating system. This will mean an extra expense to include in our budget, since —at least in terms of design— we will be tackling the creation of two apps.

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The profitability of creating an Android application

Surely you are also wondering how to create an android application that is profitable. In other words, an application that brings benefits. The truth is that Android apps are less profitable than iOS apps in general.

Several studies show that iOS users are more willing to pay for apps. On the other hand, Android users are looking for free apps. Therefore, monetizing an Android application will be a bit more complicated. You will have to work more on your business model and monetization strategy.

Business model

The business model of your Android application must be present from the beginning of your project . You can’t create an Android app without establishing what business model you’re going to implement.

By business model, we don’t mean how you’re going to monetize your app. What we mean by this is: What is the purpose of your app? It can be to obtain leads, to carry out branding tasks or any other purpose.

By monetization we understand how to obtain an economic return. There are many monetization techniques, and we must choose between them depending on our business model.

Pay per download does not work well for Android applications. As we said earlier, Android users expect to download the app for free. This is the reason why the freemium application model is getting more and more ahead of other models.


You should keep this in mind for your Android application project. In September 2016, the applications published on Google Play exceeded 2.4 million. That’s an endless “ocean” of Android apps.

It’s precisely for this reason that you should pay attention to apps created by your industry rivals if you’re going to create an Android app. The current number of applications is enormous and there are possibly many that already address the same issues as yours. Keep in mind that you’ll need a good marketing and promotion strategy to get your app off the ground.

Study what your industry rivals are doing before building your app, and build on what they’ve learned .

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How to Create an Android App, Step by Step

We have discussed many things that you should keep in mind when creating one. android app. But what you really want to know is how to create your own in particular. Well, let’s continue with our tutorial on how to create your Android application. We will guide you step by step through the process of creating an Android application.

1. Initial stage

This first stage consists of getting in touch with your idea, with the industry and with mobile technology in general. There is work to be done before you start looking for developers or designers. First let’s have a real contact with your idea.

  • The idea behind an Android app. Having a good idea is the first thing you need to create an Android app . . It’s best if it fills a need, that is, if it solves a problem that mobile device users have. Take a look at what your rivals are doing in the industry. If Android applications have already been developed to cover such a need, your app will have to be better than them. Reflect on your idea until you think it could be feasible.
  • Models. If you already have your idea clear, write down on paper how it is will see your app. Make a simple, basic sketch and put design concepts aside for now. The mockup should reflect the basic functionality of the app and user interaction. Try to make it easy to use and understandable for the user.
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person drawing an app mockup

2. Entrepreneurial stage

In this second stage, we will move our scope away from the idea and closer to the actual project. However, we are not yet starting, properly speaking, with the creation of an application for Android. We need to define the project in a broader and more detailed way now.

  • Monetization strategy and business model of the Android application. At this point, it is time for you to define the business model of your Android application. Creating an app just for the sake of it doesn’t make any sense.What do you want to achieve with it? How are you going to achieve it? That is the trick, as well as the monetization methods that you will apply. We include them at this stage as they must be established before proceeding to the application development and design stage.
  • Definition of the Android application project. You must create a document that reflects all aspects of your Android application. You should include things ranging from the most basic bits and pieces, like mockups, to your app’s monetization means or brand design colors (if you’ve already chosen them). Don’t worry too much if it’s not perfectly detailed and complete: you can leave some things out. Things like if your design should be very specific or hire a specialized consultant.

You can consult our article on how to define a good mobile project if you need some advice in this regard (titled: How to write a good mobile app project). Now we’ll look at all aspects of your application.

3. Development and Design Stage

This is the longest stage of the entire application development process. This is true for Android as well as any other operating system. We will now address serious things: it is the development stage. At Yeeply we believe that you should jump into the mobile world properly; taking the leap halfway or beating around the bush is not an option. Creating an app without thinking it through, developing it properly or promoting it is useless. We’ll start by finding the Android professionals best suited for your project.

  • Android App Development Team. If you don’t know how to build an Android app but If you want to create one, it is best to look for professionals who do know how to do it. Yeeply will help you find a good Android development team. That is, specialized in the creation of applications like yours.
  • Android application design. It is of the utmost importance for your project that you take application design into account. You have to think about the way Android works if you want to design native applications for this operating system. This will affect material design animations, smart notifications, etc. Generally speaking, Android app design strives for visual simplicity.
  • Hire a project manager. You need someone to help you manage your Android app creation process. the application. It’s not that you’re incapable of doing it, but it will help speed up the process. This way you can focus on more important issues and not on the logistics of the project. Yeeply can provide one to help you manage your project.
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4. Release Stage

Once all processes have been validated, your application is almost ready for release. However, you will need to configure a few things before launching it to ensure that it reaches as many potential users as possible. In fact, the first week of an application in the store is crucial to gain visibility and channel its positioning.

  • ASO: the SEO of mobile applications. ASO is an acronym that stands for “App Store Optimization.” ASO implies, in other words, positioning your application within the application stores. Keywords need to be carefully defined to get a good ASO for your Android app. It is highly recommended to trust an ASO expert for this task. Your Android app won’t get many downloads if you don’t rank well.

how-to-make -an-android-app -aso

  • Prepare a press kit. Before launching your app, it’s a good idea to have a press kit ready to be delivered to the media. Prepare a press release, promotional images for your app, and any other materials you may need for a spectacular launch.
  • It’s time… to launch your app! Keep in mind that uploading it to stores will not be immediate. It usually takes a couple of hours on Google Play, and on other stores, like the Apple Store, it can take several days. Synchronize the release of your application if you are releasing it for multiple operating systems. And once your app is uploaded, launch your promotion while sticking to the plan you’ve laid out beforehand.

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5. Promotion stage

This stage is essential. Many people who lack the necessary skills to create a successful Android app focus only on development. However, promotion is just as important and requires a budget similar to that invested in development. If you avoid this stage, the app you have developed will eventually disappear from the stores.In addition to the more traditional methods of promotion, we encourage you to advertise and promote your app also in:

  • Specialized media. That is. In media that covers the world of mobile apps as a whole, but also in media specialized in your specific industry. If you have created an Android application that deals with cooking recipes, you can promote it in media related to health and cooking, for example.
  • Influencers. Build relationships with influencers within your industry. Let’s say you’ve developed a fashion app, for example. You can then contact lifestyle or fashion influencers and suggest they try your app. You will reach a larger audience if they like your app and promote it.
  • Ads. You can always rely on ads. Ads other than those made for TV, billboards, etc., all of which, by the way, you can also use. Take advantage of the online nature of apps to promote your app through banner ads, social media ads, and in-app ads in other apps.

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We could suggest a lot more depending on the type of app you’re building. However, our guide on how to make an Android app from scratch would be too long. For now, we hope we have been useful to you in defining your path and we also hope we can help you in the process. Feel free to tell us what your Android app is about!

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