How to create a zip file from a pdf

Trying to transfer a large PDF file via email and finding it difficult because you can’t attach it? Or are you looking for quieter ways to compress a PDF file?

This is a complete guide with multiple ways on how to zip, compress and manage multiple PDF files.


Since many email servers do not accept large email attachments, compressing them is the best possible solution. This way, you can save time and effort when sending or managing multiple PDF files.

The size limit for Gmail attachments is 25MB. So if you want to send PDFs larger than that, you’ll want to compress them first.

If that sounds like you or you’re just wondering how to compress files on different (Mac, iPhone, Android, etc. ), we’ll cover everything you need to know below.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What is ZIPPING ?
  • Is it bad to zip files? PDF?
  • Benefits of compressing PDF files (when to compress files)
  • Top 2 programs to compress a PDF file
  • How to compress a PDF file for email email?
  • How to compress a PDF file on iPhone?
  • How to compress PDF files with Adobe Acrobat?</li
  • How to compress a PDF file on Mac?
  • How to compress a PDF file with password?
  • How to compress a PDF file on Android?
  • How to decompress a compressed PDF file?


Compress means to archive a file by compressing it to make it easy to easy to share, save device space and protect the file.

In addition, zipping allows you to combine different files into a single zipped folder for transfer to other devices via email.

Is it bad to compress PDF files?

Not at all. You can compress files without losing image quality and raw data. It becomes the only option left when you want to share large files.

The maximum attachment size limit for Gmail is 25MB. If your PDF is too large, you’ll want to compress it so you can attach and send it correctly.

Let’s look at the benefits of getting a clear image.

Benefits of Compressing PDF Files (When to Compress Files)

In essence, compressing a PDF file is the ideal way to compress files and reduce their size. You will find tons of benefits to compress a PDF file. Take a look below:

Easy Transfer

The first benefit of compressing files is that they can be transferred faster. The compressed files in the archive are smaller than the original version. Also, many files can be compressed into a single file.

This makes it much easier to send a zip file as an attachment to other people over the Internet. This is because some email websites have restrictions on the size of the file they can send. This means you can send pdf files as email attachments that you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to due to the size limit.

In addition, it’s also helpful to transfer the zip file to a blank CD or USB stick. . Compressed files are small, so you can add many more files to a CD than any other method. Also, the smaller the file, the less time it takes to burn the CD.

Compressing all files in this way allows you to put many more files on the CD than you would without compression.

Easy Storage

Compressing a file will make your system will be more organized and it will be easier for you to find a file. Suppose you have a lot of files that you don’t want to use right away; you can zip them all into one file.

This makes them smaller and organizes them into files that are easy to find and use. Some files on your computer can be huge. Therefore, by bundling many of these into a single ZIP file, you can significantly reduce both the disk space required and the difficulty of finding those files.

Top 2 Programs to Compress an Archive PDF

The 2 main and most used programs to compress files are WinZip and WinRAR.

Everything All you need to do is download these programs on your system, and by right-clicking the folder you want to compress, you can easily add it to the archive.

Let’s take a look at the step-by-step guide.

How to Compress PDF Files with WinZip

WinZip is a test file compressor and file archiver for iOS, Android, MacOS and Windows. It is used to create files in .zip format. It also unpacks various other formats and has several tools for system integration.

Step 1: Click here and get a 21-day free trial of WinZip. Follow the prompts and run the software on your system. The download will take a few minutes. After the download is complete, 4 folders will appear on your desktop (WinZip, WinZip Image, WinZip PDF Express, and WinZip Secure Backup). Click on the main ribbon folder and let it run.

Step 2 – Open WinZip’s file panel and choose the PDF file you want to compress.

Step 3: Click Add to Zip.

Step 4: Save the zipped file wherever you prefer.

How to Compress PDF Files with WinRAR

Developed by Eugene Rosshal, WinRAR is testware used for archiving files. It allows you to view and create files in ZIP or RAR format. In addition, it is also used to extract a large number of archive formats.

Step 1: Click here and download WinRAR. Run the software on your system. WinRar free trial is for 40 days. After the 40 days are up, WinRar will ask you to purchase a license, but you can still continue using the program for free after the 40 days are up.

Step 2: once the download is complete, locate the PDF file you want to compress on your system.

Step 3: right-click the file and choose “add to archive “.

You can compress as many files as you want using the two programs mentioned. Here is how you can compress your PDF files if you have to send several using WinZip or WinRAR.

How to compress a PDF file for emailing?

It is quite annoying when you try to email a large PDF file and the attachment is not accepted due to excessive size . The best approach in such circumstances is to zip your PDF file and then email it.

This is how you can zip your files and email them in seconds.

  1. Do a new folder on your desktop and add all the PDF files you want to compress and email.
  2. Now right click on the folder and select the “Send To” option.
  3. Now click on “Zip Folder”.

4. Now you can see the .ZIP file with all the files zipped together.


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