How to create a website using godaddy and wordpress

Set up a WordPress website at GoDaddy in 15 minutes with these step-by-step instructions that walk you through buying the right hosting and installing WordPress.

Step One: Buy Hosting and domain name

1. Go to

2. Select Hosting & SSL > Web Hosting.

DO NOT choose the options for Websites or WordPress Site/Blog.

3. Choose a hosting package that is right for you.

  • If you only plan to have one website, select a budget package.
  • If you plan to have more than one website, buy a deluxe package.

You can always upgrade later.

4. Please select a term length.

Your term length is the amount of time you will pay in advance for your accommodation. Choose what best suits your budget and expectations for your site.

5. Select system type: Linux with cPanel control panel.

This may sound complicated, but it will set up your site for further customization in the future, which again will be useful if you want to add features or hire a developer to do it for you.

6. Add Protection if you want and need it.

You have two options for plugins. They are not required.

  • SiteLock: Adds additional security to your site. Buy it if you want extra peace of mind that your site won’t be hacked.
  • Standard SSL Certificate: Protects the information that users can send to your site. Buy this if you want to collect secure information on your site or sell products. You can add this later if you choose.
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7. Add your domain name.

For most new GoDaddy accounts, you’ll get a free domain name with your purchase.

8. Make your purchase.

Your cart should now have the following:

  • Linux Hosting with cPanel
  • Domain Registration
  • SSL certificate and/or additional security (if selected)

GoDaddy may try to sell you other things, but you don’t need anything else to build a standard website.

Step Two: Install WordPress

1. Sign in to your GoDaddy account.

2. Select My Account in the upper right corner of the page.

3. Select Visit my account.

4. Select Products > Web Hosting > Manage.

5. Select your domain.

6. Create cPanel details.

Create a:

  • Username
  • Password

Wait for the internet world to work its magic.

Once the site is installed, click Get Started to go to the cPanel home page, which can look a bit intimidating, but it’s not. is. We’ll guide you through it!

7. Scroll down to Web Applications and select WordPress Blog.

8. Select Install this app.

9. Please fill in the following information.

DO NOT change things that are not mentioned in this list.

  • Location Section
    • Domain: Set to
    • Directory: Must be blank. Remove text if any.
  • Version section
    • Leave all options as is.
  • Settings Section
    • Administration Username: Create a username. (This will be the username for your Website Administrator Credentials.)
    • Admin Password: Create a password. (This will be the password for your website administrator credentials.)
    • Admin Email: Add your email address.
    • Website Title: Add the name of your website. You can change this later.
    • Website Tagline: Add a short phrase of one to six words that describes your website.
  • Advanced Section
    • Leave all options as they are.
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10. Select Install.

At the bottom right of the page, hit the install button.

The magic will happen and WordPress will begin installing.

And the good news is that everything will seem much simpler from now on!

11. Take a look at their live site.

Your site is active. To see it, open a new window or browser and go to

Celebrate for a minute, then start designing your site!

Now sure how to do it? Use this tutorial to buy and install a professional theme.

Want more tips on buying resources for your website, managing WordPress, and creating content to clean up your site? Check out the Rock It WordPress lineup.

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