How To Create A Personal Logo In 7 Simple Steps

A personal logo can involve the use of your name, your company name, the name of your website, newsletter or product. You need to bring all of these elements together to create a brand identity.

What are the best logos?

The best logos tell a story from the moment you or your customers see them . . They need to resonate with the target audience and communicate what your brand is all about. These great logo examples might inspire you:

  • The I love New York logo is simple but makes a statement. Designed in 1977, this logo continues to be a symbol of strength for the city today. It conveys love, unity and creativity.
  • London Underground also uses a memorable logo: a red circle with white UNDERGROUND on a blue background in the middle. Why does this logo design work so well? Its simplicity makes it easy to brand modes of transport, creating a distinctive character that is timeless.


What makes a personal brand?

A personal brand explains the core values ​​of the individual behind the brand and how they can help customers or followers.

Clearly communicate what it is about and why. A personal brand also tells your story, shaping the ways in which you are distinctly different from a competitor.

When done right, you can link this personal brand to your business in a seamless and organic way. . A personal brand is important because it not only helps with marketing, but also adds value so that your audience knows, likes, and trusts you.

How do I create a personal brand logo?

You can create a personal logo by hiring a professional designer, learning Illustrator or Photoshop, or using basic design software. You don’t need a lot of design skills, although a basic understanding of color and font options helps.

When creating your custom logo, keep these factors in mind:

1. Decide your name vs. a company name

The answer depends on your website URL or your company name.

For example, the Become a Writer Today logo represents the name of this website and not mine, Bryan Collins.

If you’re self-employed, you can use your personal name.

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Do you want to include a tagline next to your logo, separately or at all? A tagline is the written equivalent of a logo or a statement that a logo makes. You could create a visual logo and write your personal brand name next to it.

2. List Your Values

Think about your professional identity before creating a logo that works for your brand and business. Knowing your short-term and long-term goals, as well as your target audience, plays a role in creating the right logo and statement.

What is your personality? What are your strengths? Aspirations? How does your business help customers or followers?

Use color and font options to reflect these values. For example, green usually conveys confidence, while blue conveys tranquility. Red conveys action.

3. Create a Mood Board

A mood board helps determine how a logo will make others feel. Evaluating colors, shapes, lettering, images, and other attractive elements can help inspire effective logo design. You can even add a monogram.

A Pinterest board is a digital alternative, as you can pin other logos you like and send them to a contractor for design inspiration. A moodboard is particularly useful if you plan to report to an external designer.

4. Pick the Right Color Scheme

Reading about the psychology of color can help you decide which colors to use and what emotions you want to evoke. For example, green conveys balance, while red encourages people to take action.

Your color choice should also complement the visual design of your website, product, email, and business. A mix of dozens of colors on a site will discourage visitors.

The design services below can help you choose the right colors for your logo. I also like Adobe’s color wheel.

5. Select the Right Font

Should your logo use a serif or sans serif font? What types of fonts go together well? These are difficult questions to answer if you don’t have design experience. Creative professionals often make these decisions for you.

That being said, you can still choose the right font yourself. Avoid fancy or hard-to-read fonts. Font Pair and Google Type will help you choose two or three fonts for your logo and potentially your tagline.

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6. Experiment with logo styles

Don’t overthink the process, experiment a little. Looking at different concepts or free-form drawings is a good start.

Although you can look to other brands for inspiration, the key is to create something original that your audience will connect with.Some of the best personal logos are not recognizable. They also have elements of imagery that often go unnoticed.

7. Hire a designer or try logo design software

A graphic designer will help you create an original logo. They will also take care of choosing the font and color for you. Just remember to clarify the costs up front and get the source files.

You should also explain where you intend to use the logo so they can provide it in the correct formats.

On the other hand, you can design a personal logo for much less money using some basic software. Choosing between a designer and software depends on what you want and how much you can afford.

Working with a professional graphic designer is often more expensive than software. For example, I spent $500 creating a logo set for another website compared to $50 through the software.

What are the best personal logo or personal branding services?

You can try quite a few software programs on the market, such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. That being said, these programs take time to learn.

While working with a designer is ideal, this option can be expensive for new creatives. Here are three affordable logo design services for creatives and small business owners.

1. LogoMaker

LogoMaker helps creatives design logos in minutes using drag-and-drop software through your web browser. It contains dozens of different templates and layouts with customizable and appropriate fonts and colors.

Once you’re happy with the design, you can purchase the LogoMaker source files as a package for about $40. On the downside, Logomaker is a popular service, so you can use templates that other creatives have tried.

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LogoMaker is our current recommendation for creative entrepreneurs who need a quick logo.

It’s relatively easy and inexpensive to design a professional logo. They will also provide you with all the files you need to use this logo on your website, blog, and social media channels.

2. Canva

The Canva platform is easy to use, even if you don’t have design skills, and will help you find suitable fonts.

The service provides stock photos and logo samples , colors and other design elements. This is a nice idea for someone who wants a personal DIY logo.

However, Canva doesn’t provide you with a complete package of files like Logomaker does. You’ll also need to choose some fonts and colors beforehand.

Canva Pro is a reasonable investment for creatives at $12.95 per month. It is also available with an annual subscription.

3. 99 Designs

If you have a larger budget and would like to hire a designer, 99 Designs is a good choice for creating a personal logo.

Designers bid on projects or contests, and You can see different ideas before choosing a design contest winner. I’ve used this service in the past to create a book cover.

Once you like what you see, you’ll collaborate on a new design or choose the submitted version. It’s a cost-effective way to get what you need without breaking the bank. Still, a 99 Designs contest will cost you several hundred dollars.

The Bottom Line: Creating Your Personal Logo

Having a personal logo design is a great way to build credibility for your niche website, blog, newsletter or personal brand. You’ll probably use it in other places too, like on your social media channels, as podcast art, and even on your book cover designs.

Fortunately, you can easily design a personal logo without breaking the bank. a lot of money.

Finally, if you want to know more about personal branding, listen to our interview with Pamela Wilson of Big Brand System.

Personal Logo: Frequently Asked Questions


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