If you’re a fellow network marketer, you’ve probably considered whether it’s worth starting a blog for your network marketing business. As a network marketer who gets leads from my blog, I can tell you that starting a network marketing blog is definitely worth the time!
Maybe it’s the idea of create content for your blog or simply know where to start.
Well, fear not! This post will walk you through some of the best tips to help you get started with your MLM blog and what to consider from the start.
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What is network marketing?
Network marketing, also known as direct sales and multi-level marketing, is when an individual joins a company to be its representative and promote its products/services and business opportunities.
Each product sale made and launched by a team member can earn you a commission.
You are selling for another company and making a profit on each sale. Businesses that follow the MLM model prefer to use real people like you and me, rather than wholesalers and retailers to get their product to the end customer. They believe that the human connection provided by the average person helps them close the sale faster than the average retailer.
As a network marketer, your goal in business is to generate interest in the products. , sell them and increase your income base by recruiting more team members. Within network marketing, you are part of an extended team. You can work with a team and benefit from their expertise and support while growing your own business.
There are so many network marketing companies from different industries. These include everything from beauty brands to children’s books. Depending on your interests, you can choose which MLM company you want to be a part of. For example, if you are a homeschooling mom, you may want to explore an opportunity with Usborne at Home. Or maybe you love to cook and might be interested in the opportunity to sell Thermomixes with Vorwerk.
Why do you need to start a network? Marketing blog?
If you are a network marketer, starting a network marketing blog is really a second step to establishing your credibility and increasing your reach.
Blogging is the new norm for reaching more people. Even if you’re not working as a network marketer, starting a blog still has its advantages. From getting new leads with the content you write and post, to opening additional income opportunities through your blog.
When you have a network marketing blog, you can:
Connect with your target audience
We all have problems and we all want solutions. Especially your target audience. Use your blog as a platform where you help your audience by solving a problem related to your MLM niche. When you help them and offer value, you build a connection and a relationship.
For example, if your business is a fitness brand, you might create a blog on “9 Easy Exercises for Busy Moms to Do at Home.” Think about the pain points of your target audience and address them.
This will help you forge a better connection with your audience, which will eventually translate into more sales. Bravo!
Build your email list
Your email list is one of your most important tools as a network marketer. You need that email list to maintain a long-term connection with your prospect.
And a blog is the best way to start and continue building your email list. At the end of each blog post, add a call to action, which is your subscribe button. If your blogs provide real value to your readers, you’ll see your email list grow with each post.
If you really want to add extra value, add a giveaway or opt-in It will help your audience in some way. They will be more willing to give you their email address if they get something valuable in return.
Earn more money
When you start a blog, you increase your chances of attracting money to your website. In addition to selling your MLM products, you can set up:
- paid ads
- sponsored posts
- affiliate links
- your own products
- your own services.
Related Post: 7 Blogger-Approved Ways to Make Money Blogging
Grow personally
A blog also helps you grow. When you start writing a new blog, you start by researching a new topic. You gather new information. You learn so many new things. This helps you establish your authority and build your knowledge to support your audience.
Your followers are starting to see you as an authoritative figure, which means you’re improving your rankings and your brand’s
Stay Motivated
It’s part of human nature to get down sometimes. Maybe a potential sale didn’t translate. You get lost, you don’t feel creative.
But when you have a blogging plan scheduled, you get up and write that post. You still show up for your business. And I don’t know about you, but publishing a new blog post that starts getting views does wonders for my self-esteem and motivation level.
Related Post: Why? Should Network Marketers Start a Blog?
Top Tips for Starting a Network Marketing Blog
Now that we’ve established that starting a network marketing blog is the next step to your MLM success, let’s take a look at some of the best tips for getting started.
What to do? Can I name my blog?
The name of your blog is a big deal. If you do not have a website and you are going to start a blog directly, you should understand that you cannot change the domain name of the website after a few months, like we can do on Facebook or Instagram.
It stays with you unless you want to buy a new domain and start over or redirect all your hard work. So choose carefully. I suggest you use your own name or brand. Avoid restricting your website domain name to anything that relates to your MLM brand. First of all, due to copyright reasons, you don’t want to face any lawsuits in the future. And second, you want to open up your opportunities around how you make money from your blog, what you write about, and you may even switch companies later on.
This is why I always recommend branding and promoting yourself rather than your MLM company.
The domain name you buy will be the URL of your site, so people would type into a search engine to find your website, e.g. www. Your place . com
Choosing a Website Hosting
Now that you’ve identified your needs, you want to a hosting provider to put your work online. There are a wide variety of hosting providers available for you to choose from.
There are free (WordPress.com, Medium, etc.) and paid (Hostgator, GoDaddy etc). But first let’s understand what a hosting provider is.
What is a hosting provider?
To have a custom blog, you need the support of a hosting provider. These are the companies that make your website visible to their visitors across the internet.
You have free and paid hosting providers. With free hosting, you have limited options. And the free hosting providers, unfortunately, do not look professional. Even the payments are not very expensive. You can have your own website for as little as $9 a month.
If you’re setting up a self-hosted site, here are some paid hosting providers you may want to consider:
Lyrical Host
For Lyrical Host, use code MLMBLOG for 10% off your first month’s payment.
All of these domain providers offer support to help you set up your basic website.
Once you have your hosting package in place, you can take the following steps to:
- install your SSL certificate which it basically tells visitors that your site is secure
- installing WordPress
- Adding a theme
- Adding your plugins, e.g. for security, compressing images, etc.
Once you’ve done the basic setup, I recommend that you don’t spend a lot of time ‘beautifying’ your Blog. Start simple. Scale or change the look as you grow. Focus on publishing your first blog post.
Start building your email list on day one
Once you have your blog set up, I would suggest building your email list from day 1.
With an email list, you own from your contact list, unlike social networks where the platform owns your contact list. So you can keep in direct contact with your subscribers through their inbox.
A great tip is to get into the routine of sending weekly emails to your subscribers. Build that relationship of trust from day one by offering them additional value, not just a link to your latest blog post.
Your subscribers signed up for a reason. They want to hear what you have to say, your best advice, your tips, your recommendations.
My favorite email marketing software that I personally use is ConvertKit. With ConvertKit, you can send emails to all your subscribers, automate them, create a sequence to send a single email to your entire list, and more.
Do Your SEO Research
There are billions of blogs on the internet right now. But the funny thing is that not many understand the real reason why they need to start a blog.
One of the biggest advantages of starting a blog is that it increases the visibility of your site. Web. You get more web space with each new post. To maximize that real space, you need to work on your SEO.
SEO stands for search engine optimization. This means optimizing your website so that it is searchable on search engines like Google. To do this, you need to understand what people related to your niche are searching for. Once you figure this out, you just need to create blog posts around those topics and keywords.
But how do you know what people are searching for?
There are a few places to explore to craft your SEO strategy. Start with Facebook groups related to your industry niche. Pick 5-10 topics most discussed in those groups.
Another great place to explore topics is to look at other network marketing blogs in your niche. What topics are they writing? Type ideas and keywords from there, too.
Use Google itself to find out what questions people are searching for with the suggested automatic searches that Google gives you after you type the name of your business
Make use of sites like responding to the public to find out what people around your business, products, or industry are searching for.
Create blog titles around those keywords. Use these keywords and related phrases within your blog posts. To make sure your blog posts are SEO friendly, you can download the Yoast plugin on your WordPress website. This plugin will give you suggestions on how to improve your SEO and become more visible.
Write down potential topics
Before you start your network marketing blog or any other blog, you should make a list of all the potential topics that you can cover on your blog. Obviously these need to be related to your MLM industry.
If your MLM is a beauty product, you’ll want to explore titles like ‘Tricks to Make Your Skin Look Fresh After of a Long Day’ or ‘Spring Must-Haves’.
My recommendation would be to list at least 50 topics before you start writing your first blog post. This way, you’ll always have a topic to write about and you won’t have to spend time or lose motivation choosing a topic.
Once your topics are resolved, I I’d like to suggest that you also create a blog calendar. Choose a specific time and date that you will publish your blog posts. Stick to that schedule to stay current and also to establish credibility with your readers. It improves your trust factor when you have a set schedule for publishing blog posts.
Add visual content
As a Network Marketer, you probably realize how important good images are to your brand. Similarly, the best eye catcher is the design of your blog. Websites like Canva help you do this.
You can use Canva to design featured images and other graphics for your blog. Canva makes it all very simple. Just select a free image and then add your blog title to the image. voila! Your blog header is ready.
You don’t need Photoshop or any other paid software to create graphics. Canva can do everything you need.
Besides Canva, another great resource you don’t want to miss is Pixistock. When you publish a blog post, you would need an image to accompany the blog. But you can’t just take any image off the Internet and put it on your website.
This violates copyright policies and you could end up paying fines for using those images. If you want images for your blog, you should check out websites like Pixistock.
At Pixistock, you get not only beautiful photos, but also templates to make your life so much easier when it comes to to create visual content. You can also use Pixistock to get a content calendar if you run out of ideas on what to post on your blog.
Use Social Media to promote your blog
Don’t rely solely on SEO to drive traffic to your blog. If your blog is new, you probably need to promote it on all available platforms. This includes your social media and email marketing. Every time you publish a blog post, promote it on all your social media platforms. Send your subscribers the best tips and see which links return to your content.
Don’t forget about Pinterest and Youtube too! People love visual content and these two platforms are ALL about visual content.
Adding videos to Youtube and linking to your blog posts is a surefire way to help your blog stand out and gain traffic fast. Intertwine that with adding Pinterest graphics, then you’re supporting your blog three times over with rapid growth through SEO, video content, and visual graphics.
Add an interesting subheading to captivate your audience and compel them to click on your link and read your post.
Starting a network marketing blog might seem like a lot of work, but it’s actually a few steps basic. Steps:
- Think of a name for your blog.
- Buy a domain for that name
- Set up your WordPress blog.
- Spend time researching SEO
- Make a list of topics you want to write about
- Start writing your blog posts
- Follow those blog posts with nice images
- Promote your blog on social media and through email marketing
Once you have your blog up and running, you will realize that starting a network marketing blog was one of the best decisions you ever made for your network marketing business.
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