
Do you want a .gov? Start here.

.gov domains are available at no cost to qualifying US-based government organizations.

I’m new to .gov I want another .gov domain

New to .gov

This section describes the process for those who do not have any .gov domain names.

Wondering how to do the transition to .gov from your current domain ? See What to Think About When You’re Considering migrating to .gov.

  • Step 0: Choose a great name
  • Step 1: Determine your DNS server
  • Step 2: Prepare and submit the authorization letter
  • Step 3: Submit the online form
  • Step 4: Wait for the review
  • Step 5: Add nameserver addresses (if you haven’t already)

Step 0: Choose a good name

Your domain name represents your organization and your services to the online world. Good domain names are memorable, easy to say out loud (over the phone or in a presentation), and must adhere to general naming requirements and any specific rules your type of organization is subject to. (In practice, these requirements often limit the range of possible names to just a few.)

Once you’ve reviewed the naming requirements, make sure the name you want hasn’t been registered yet.

For more guidance on choosing a good name, see our Domain Name FAQ.

Step 1: Determine your DNS server

We do not offer DNS hosting. This means that you will need to operate authoritative DNS servers for your domain or obtain services from a DNS hosting provider. Where available, work with your IT support team to determine how you will host a new domain.

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You do not need to determine your hosting situation before applying for a .gov domain. However, the domain cannot be activated until the name server addresses are added to the .gov registrar and respond authoritatively.

For more information, see What are the requirements for the .gov registrar? name server for .gov domains?

Step 2: Prepare and Submit the Authorization Letter

To apply for a domain name, we request a “authorization letter” from your authorizing authority. Who it is depends on the type of organization (federal, state, city/county, etc.), but is generally your organization’s highest-ranking or highest-elected official.

Use the appropriate template to prepare an authorization letter:

  • Copy the template text into a document editor, then add the names and contact information of the people who will be your domain contacts. We require an administrative and technical contact, and recommend adding a security contact.
    • Security contact details are made public, allowing people to report observed or potential security issues in your domain.
  • Have them your authorizing authority sign the document on official letterhead, and then send the signed authorization letter (PDF) to [email protected].

Once we receive your authorization letter, we will work to verify the authenticity of the application (including with your authorizing authority) and create .gov registrar accounts for each domain contact.

Step 3: Submit the online form

After After each domain contact has logged in to establish their account, any of them can complete the online domain application form at the .gov registrar. The form requests some information that you have already collected with the authorization letter and allows you to submit name server information for your .gov domain, if known at this stage.

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Step 4: Wait for review

Once the online form is completed, we will adjudicate the application.

  • Applications from non-federal organizations are reviewed in approximately 20 business days , but may take longer in some cases.
  • Requests from federal agencies are generally processed within 10 business days (requests from the executive branch are subject to review by the OMB).

Step 5: Add Name Server Addresses (if you haven’t already done so)

If approved, you will have one last chance to add name server addresses. name servers to the .gov registrar. This is a critical step: your domain will not be active in the .gov zone until your nameservers respond authoritatively.

Security Best Practices

Before you launch your new domain We strongly encourage you to review our domain security best practices. Each recommendation can increase the resiliency of your online services while protecting your organization and your users.

Get another .gov domain

If you already have a .gov registrar account, sign in and then click ‘Register’

Need help?

If you have any questions, check our frequently asked questions or contact us.


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