How To Brand Your Blog – Blog Branding 101

A brand is a very complex notion and, today, it has become a used word, both in the online and offline world. In order to clearly delimit the meanings of the word “brand”, many good specialists have written a multitude of thick books, while others have devoted entire blogs to the subject, so it is somehow ungrateful to write only a few sentences. about it.

A brand, in common use, is an entity that, built over time, has become the symbol of something that is considered by the public as a provider of quality , confidence or efficiency.

More pragmatically, the brand is what makes a buyer choose a product made by the company even if it is expensive (and sometimes more expensive than a similar one).

The Internet has benefited from a great evolution and it was normal that the idea of ​​the brand was presented here; the idea of ​​branding a blog is almost a novelty, however, could it be a worthy idea?

As a personal opinion, I’m sure it was implemented, since there are some blogs that are treated as true authorities and these posts are enjoyed by a large number of readers.

An elitist blog is a good source of countless days without rest for the administrator, but it could be considered as an opportunity financial. So how do you create a brand for a blog?

First of all, we must assume that this is a never-ending process, so patience is the main fuel in this perpetual attempt, but there is more to add . the perfect recipe:

10 tips to make your blog “a brand”

1. Use a unique design throughout the blog

The next step in creating a strong brand image for your blog is to use a unique design throughout the blog. Although I am not an expert in web design, I can say from experience that websites with multiple layouts are quite confusing. Your design should be simple.

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Read: 6 Brilliant Tips to Make Your Blog Like a Professional Blogger

5. Pick a suitable posting style and stick with it

After finding and choosing your writing style, the next thing to look at is your posting style.

  • How often will you post?
  • Are you going to post daily, biweekly, or weekly?

You have to figure this out and stick with it. It’s worth keeping in mind that sticking to one post style is where the challenge comes from. Your readers should know when to expect your next post. After all; Branding is all about consistency and predictability.

  • Read: How to Maintain Your Blog Post Frequency

To Be a Real Authority , a blog must establish a clear field and a publication patent; a mixture of topics and forms of publication is not a sign of professionalism, so it is difficult to become a brand in that context.

On the other hand, do not go to the opposite extreme, it is normal to ensure a good variety of topics, but it’s better to have small connections, for example, a blog about web design might contain posts about development, freelancing, or even blogging, but writing about math or physics is not justified.

The Posting schedule has quite an important influence on the overall building of a brand; It is essential, for the progress of a blog, to have regular readers who know the frequency of the publications. I know this is difficult, but most well-known bloggers find daily posting to be the best ratio, not too much to annoy readers, and not too little to make the audience forget about the respective blog.

  • When and how often should a Blogger update his Blog?

6. Posts should be high quality and interesting.

In the first point, I emphasized that readers should keep up with your posting frequency to be back in blogging and enjoying the latest items, but they should have a reason for doing so. Definitely, the main ingredient of this return is the quality of the publications; We are all short of time, so why would anyone want to waste time with inferior quality posts?

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A good solution to attract more and more readers is to have impressive giveaways and very interesting topics; this way, an indecisive netizen might land on your page just to compete for a gadget or a book, but he may notice that the blog is very good and from now on, he can come back regularly to check the latest articles.

7. Become an authority in your niche

Speaking at InOrbit 2019 in Slovenia.

I hope it was obvious, from the start of this list, that all my tips are just the chapters of a coherent policy of self-promotion and the end result is gaining respect as a brand so that everything is interconnected. Probably the middle way between an ignorant blog and a brand is authority status. Most specialists consider that an authority is recognized and respected only by the people who act in the domain while a brand is universally recognized. The natural way to grow and develop is to first become an authority; everyone in the respective niche should see you as a dominant opinion.

  • Learn: How to Build an Authority Site From Scratch

8 . Communicating with people

Good communication with readers is the perfect method to keep a blog popular. I know we live in the world of speed, social media, but still the world of mouth has its influence, so don’t ignore it. We must never ignore that ordinary people are the ones who truly build a brand; if people aren’t sure you’re the best solution, there’s still a lot to figure out.

9. Be distinctive and original

A brand blog should be distinctive – it’s more than just a requirement, it’s a survival imperative. Think about it: we can find tons of jerseys in the mall and many of them look pretty similar, but there is hardly any shopper who doesn’t recognize the Nike swoosh and buy such jerseys. Many people prefer to buy high quality products and the small Nike logo is a guarantee of this; in this case, the swoosh makes all the difference and the great company is truly a brand.

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In our example, Nike was original and distinctive because of the logo: people noticed they made good clothes and recognized them with the logo support. The same process must be done with the blog; people should be aware that when they see your logo or hear your address, it should be something interesting that is worth a click.

Along with this, try to get a custom theme or layout for your blog, because that it will give your blog a unique identity.

10.(Optional) Hire a branding specialist/team of specialists

It really depends on budget and personal aspirations; a blog that is respectable has a large readership and many posts that are difficult for one person to handle. When we find ourselves in this situation, the best solution is to hire someone who really knows how to promote the blog, usually a single major mistake is enough to have a drop in traffic and surely it is a step back on the road to conversion. a brand.

In short, branding your blog is not an easy task; You must be patient, hardworking and optimistic. Don’t forget, stay positive!

Here are some handpicked articles for you to read below:

  • Why “Follow Your Passion” Is Horrible Advice ( What to do instead)
  • How I am satisfied and happy to earn $0 a month online after turning down an offer of 30,000 a month
  • Top 5 Marketing Mistakes of content that scare readers


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