Get Rid of Gmail Ads in Inbox

Word got out yesterday that google is putting ads directly into your new gmail inbox.

These ads are misleading because they blend in with your inbox and look like a regular email.

Google announced in May that it would add new features that would help users better organize email. specifically, the feature organizes emails into different inboxes based on categories like: main, social, promotions, and updates.

The promotions tab is supposed to contain emails from places like livingsocial, department stores, and other sellers you’ve signed up with. but according to google, there are two new types of ads: ones that link to and take you away from your inbox, and ones that will expand in your inbox when you click.

We are used to seeing internet advertisements everywhere we go, but having them in our inbox can be quite annoying.

If you see these ads in your inbox, here’s how you can get rid of them:

  • If you see an ad in the promotions tab, click or tap the x on an ad to make it disappear. note that this will only dismiss the ad until you open a new session.

The only way to really get rid of ads is to disable the feature entirely.

you can do this by:

  • go to the gear icon in the upper right corner below your gmail picture.
  • select “configure inbox” and disable the “promotions” option.
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