How Many Google Accounts Can You Have? There’s No Limit

  • There is no limit to the number of accounts you can have with Google.
  • You can quickly and easily create new accounts, and also link them to your existing accounts so you can switch between different accounts.
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When it comes to the number of Google accounts you can have, there’s no limit – you can have as many unique accounts as you like.

The tricky part, though, is that the more accounts you have, the more potential logins you need to remember. but you can always link your accounts by listing a previous account as the recovery email address.

here’s how to create another google account if you already have one.

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how to create another google account and switch between accounts

1. open google chrome and sign in to your google account on a mac or pc.

2. tap your profile icon in the upper right corner of the window.

3. select “add another account”.

4. click “create account”.

5. Choose the type of account you want to add from the dropdown menu.

6. add your information and follow the prompts to set up your new google account.

7. Verify your phone number.

8. Decide whether to use the same phone number on all accounts.

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9. read the privacy and terms and click “agree” to create your new google account.

10. once you’ve signed in to multiple google accounts, you can click their icon in the top right corner of a google page again to sign in to each of your accounts.

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