51 Best Email Address Name Ideas That Work in 2022

Good mail name ideas to register cool professional email address (ideas and examples)

Email Name Ideas To Register Great Business Professional Email Addresses Easily

Good email names are like your pet names.

remain on the tongues and minds of everyone you come into contact with.

That’s when you need to look for creative email address ideas no matter if you need a personal email or a professional email address.

I’ve previously blogged about email tips and in this article, I’ll help you find great email name ideas (even if it takes your desired username!) .

also read: how to create a professional email address in 2 minutes (step by step)

must read >>> How I went from zero to $6324 per month writing blogs

what is a valid email address? 3 parts of a good email address

A valid email address is the specific location of an email inbox that ensures messages sent to that email id are delivered to the exact email inbox.

It’s like your mailbox on the internet. Of the 269 billion emails sent each day, each one has its own email address and is unique to the recipient.

Similarly, when you send an email to another person, your email address decides whether your email can be trusted to be opened, discarded as spam, or automatically sent to the unregistered mailbox. desired (without the receiver knowing).

to the parts of an email address…

what are the different parts of an email address?

well, a valid email address (eg [email protected]) usually has 3 parts:

  1. the local part (jane.smith)
  2. the @ symbol
  3. and a domain (outlook.com, gmail.com, or your own professional domain)

To create a professional impression, it is recommended to have a professional domain (for example, my email address is [email protected]). That’s because when you have a professional email address, people see you as safer, they invest in your business, and it doesn’t come across as spam.

However, not everyone needs a professional email address. you can still have professional sounding email names without investing in a domain.

let’s see how…

how to choose the best personal email address (creative email address ideas)?

Choosing a perfect email address is very necessary to maintain trust and create a good impression. In this age of digitalization, getting the desired email address is a bit difficult because almost 50% of the world’s population now has a dedicated email address.

wondering how many email users there are in the world?

According to statista.com, there were almost 4.1 billion active email users in the world (in 2014) and the number is expected to rise to 5.1 billion by the end of 2020, which means that your a unique email address is almost impossible no matter what email name generation tool you use.

That said, there are still solutions to get clean, professional-looking email ids easily.

let’s start…

1) choose the desired email service provider

Like I said, if you don’t want to invest in a professional domain, you need to register your email ids through email service providers like gmail, outlook.com, etc.

When choosing the email service providers you want, you need to remember that choosing a popular service like gmail will make it hard for you to get your desired email name, while a less used service like outloook might still have your name. free email to sign up.

2) choose a name you want to use as your email username

Now that you have an email service provider, you need to quickly focus on establishing 2 or 3 of your desired usernames. this will form the basis of our email address.

After that, you can rotate and use various cool email address ideas or mail id suggestions. this will make the job much easier than just trying each username with the available free options and trying them every time.

for example, you thought of janesmith as your desired gmail username idea.

pro tip: make sure your chosen email username passes the phone test. that is, if you call a friend and speak their email id, that person should be able to accurately spell your username without having to ask you.

This is why:

This is necessary because many times you will need to verbally share your email id with friends, colleagues and they might share it with their network. If the listener can’t get the exact spelling or confuses it with a similar-sounding ID, they may lose your sensitive emails to someone else, no time wasted.

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it’s obvious that janesmith wouldn’t be available for registration right away. so you can try the following simple email name ideas to combine them.

  1. reverse name order: This is perhaps the best email name hack you can try. if janesmith is taken, try smithjane. most of the time, this is usually the only thing you need to prove. reverse names are the best email names out there because they still make the same sense without fancy plugins.
  2. use abbreviations: if email username trick above doesn’t help, try using abbreviations of your username. most of the time this would not be available, but if it is, you’re in luck. try sjane or jsmith as your email address. alternatively, you can try using a middle name (if you have one) to up your game a bit.
  3. don’t make it too long: while long wordy usernames These may seem like good email address ideas, but they’re hard to remember and can lead to misspellings.

Also read >>> how to make a website that earns $6324 per month!

These are some of the best email name ideas that can be registered for free:

3) use your profession

Adding your professional designation is still a better option than adding vague numbers. Here are some sample email address ideas where adding a profession can help you get the desired email username, even if your regular IDs aren’t available:

  1. cajanesmith (if CPA)
  2. drjanesmith (if doctor) or docjanesmith
  3. janesmithlawyer (for lawyers)
  4. vajanesmith (if you are a virtual assistant)

4) add your educational qualification

  1. janesmithma (master of arts)
  2. janesmithbsc (master of science)
  3. janesmithdds (perfect and easy to remember email name idea if you are a doctor of dentistry ) surgery)

Adding your profession, educational qualification, or any kind of professional skill that identifies you is a great example of creative email names. remember to keep it professional and don’t add anything like nicknames or funny words or yours would fall into the debacle of the funny email addresses listed below.

5) add your place of work or hometown

This may sound a bit unique, but it’s a great way to come up with good email address names without banging your head against the wall. just add your hometown name or abbreviation to create a great and memorable email id.

  1. [email protected]
  2. janesmithdc (if you’re from washington dc)
  3. janesmithuk (still a better username than janesmith2298qa)

6) modify your name

if all that doesn’t work or your real name is too big for your email username, you can try another simple email address idea which is to modify it a bit. try truncating it to create a short form.

  1. billyjohnson can be easily created and turned into a nice short email address, as biljohnson
  2. timothycruise can be easily turned into timcruise (although not on tomcruise :p )

the next email name ideas will make you laugh out loud. xdd

7) a couple of email address ideas

Try these email name ideas for couples:

  1. use your relationship status: email addresses like [email protected] or [email protected] can be used. (to get domain names like these you need to register domain names as newly committed or lailasman. see the next section to see how to do it easily)
  2. take your last name : if you are Taking your last name as your last name, use it to create a new partner email address. for example, sarita agarwal when married to rajesh goyal can make a new gmail username idea ([email protected] or something similar).
  3. use your partner’s name as Your Dominance: The real feeling of being taken comes when your partner dominates your email name. try registering domain names like [email protected] or [email protected] (for this you need to buy domains in both names first (for example shanewatson.com and lorithomson.com. here is a detailed tutorial to do it)

8) fun email address ideas

Looking for fun email address ideas that add a fun element? here are some cool and fun email name ideas that you might want to take. (all funny email name suggestions are fictitious and similarity to existing ones is purely coincidental)

  1. mayur dikshit – where dikshit is a very popular surname in india and you could even break it up to form fun email addresses like [email protected] (and it would sound like mayur d* *k s**t)
  2. anu spencer – could easily be a fun email address with just a natural looking email username combination where we use first name and first letter of last name, which makes it an *[email protected]
  3. if you own a professional domain (read how to own it here), you can poke fun at the big guys with your cool email names like google@example .com or [email protected].
  4. patricia arty: her college email id was one of the funniest examples of email addresses that you can find she had an auto-generated email username that was [email protected], which is the complete opposite of what you’d like to see as a college student email id.
  5. You could take a spin on superheroes and comic book characters using email ids at [email protected] or [email protected]
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hope you liked the above list of fun and weird email address ideas. We could go below the lines, but we didn’t want to, if you want more vulgar or adult email name ideas, a quick quora search will get you there. it is simply beyond the scope of our article.

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9) how to choose a professional email address for common names?

Choosing a professional email address is much more difficult than choosing a simple personal email address. you must create a business email address, you must make sure it is professional and does not appear spammy.

The best way to get your professional email address is to invest in a domain (no more than $5 per year) because it looks more professional and you can use any username you like for different purposes.

When you create a professional email address on your own domain, you are free to choose any username you like, including for your team members or a separate one for each email purpose.

examples of professional email addresses:

10) Alternatives to the info@ email address

Looking for the best alternatives to the info@ email address for your business? here are lots of creative email address name ideas to replace that boring [email protected] into a more attractive and more personalized email address. Let’s get started:

  1. [email protected]: This is a great alternative to informational email addresses if you want to do business with your customers. is better than any of your typical info@-based business email addresses.
  2. [email protected]: another substitute for info-based addresses and get a name from more personalized and attractive email user.
  3. You can also use any role-based email address for your customers and visitors, which defines who they will contact. like [email protected] or [email protected] if you want your visitors to connect with your editor or hr.

11) alternatives to the sales@ email address

here are some interesting and more accessible sales email address alternatives@ that you can use to make the customer or visitor onboarding process more accessible and easier.

  1. [email protected]: This is a very popular and professional alternative to sales email addresses for business people. you’re inviting them to talk and that’s what you should do instead of shouting sales.
  2. [email protected]: this is a slightly more limited alternative but more focused on what you need with the client or say what the client can expect from you. here, it means growth of your business or something similar. If you’re a business or agency that gets more visibility for your clients, you can use [email protected] instead of the sales@ email address.

how to get a professional email address with your domain?

You can easily get a professional email address with your domain simply by registering your preferred domain name with one of the domain name registrars.

You can do it in 2 minutes using a service like namecheap, which is my preferred domain name registrar (I have 26+ domains on that platform!).

get your own domain ››

The above procedure is great if you simply need a domain name to register a professional email address.

but, in case you want to set up your own website (or have plans to start a blog to make money one day), you need to register your domain with a hosting company like bluehost.

Here is the step by step process on how to create a professional email address with examples and ideas.

click here to read about 10 amazing things you can do with your domain to boost your brand (see also: brand statistics you should know) and your business.

They offer you a free domain for life and space to host your website. click here to get a free domain with bluehost or read the step by step guide to create your blog to earn money.

Another advantage of having a professional email address through your domain is that you don’t have to be resourceful to come up with creative email names, you can choose any email address you like with your domain.

things to avoid when choosing the name of your email address

I hope you liked our best email address ideas and are ready to register your unique email name. But, before that, I’d suggest avoiding these terrible email username errors when choosing an email address.

email addresses, once registered, become permanent.

This is worse if you have distributed your email id to your friends and business clients. changing them often is not a good idea.

That’s where you need to make sure you follow email naming best practices to avoid embarrassment.

here are some do’s and don’ts for the best email names:

  1. Don’t use numbers: Numbers in your email address should be the last thing on your mind. numbers make email identification more clunky.
  2. don’t use random words: random words phrases from movies make your email address look funny. you may not intend to have an email id for business purposes, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be a professional one day.
  3. don’t flirt or use baby talk: having an email name like coolprincerob or machohunkbilly can not only embarrass you but can also look spammy.
  4. don’t use your spouse’s name: some people for love add your spouse’s name like janetimothy or robmartha, which is great if you’re using the email address strictly to communicate with your date. but other than that, it will create a bad impression when you share it with others.
  5. don’t use meaningless or too short short format: if your email address is something like actrbrian for actor brian or hmeconstructrjack for something like homeconstructor jack no one is going to bother to remember. Also, typos can send your email to someone else’s inbox.
  6. Use an email name generator: You may want to use an email name generator. email names to generate ideas, but many times it will confuse you even more with combinations of useless usernames and meaningless words that will do more harm than good. The reason is that, when we are asked for a carelessly selected collection of words (such as cat, dog, flight, king, royal, etc.), our mind tends to get wrapped up in them and no longer think of coming up with creative name ideas. of e-mail. and you end up with something you will regret in the future. therefore, avoid email name generators (free or paid) to the best of your ability.

conclusion: the best creative email name ideas for businesses & common names

I hope you liked our best email name ideas and sparked the idea of ​​registering a unique email address for yourself. If this guide helped you, please share it on your favorite social media platform.

Do you have any great email naming tips and tricks that have worked for you? Would you like to suggest some cool email name ideas to our readers? Leave a comment below and let’s discuss email naming best practices.

faq professional & good email name ideas

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