“credentials needed” notification?: gmail

I have a Pixel 3, and for some reason today I”ve gotten bombarded with “Credentials Needed” messages from gmail. Once I ascertained it wasn”t a scam, I entered info, but neither name nor password was deemed correct. Why is this happening? I”m unable to send photos taken on the smartphone to the computer. Fantastically frustrating.

You are reading: “credentials needed” notification?: gmail


Any help is appreciated.




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Moderator17,421 postsOFFLINEGender:MaleLocation:West TennesseeLocal time:03:30 PM

You might want to ask for help at Pixel 1 problems after latest updates / patches – Google Product Forums

It appears to be an active forum. There is a chance that others here may have a fix, too. Especially since the

problem may not be specific to the phone.

See also: Here’S How To Mark All E Ntire Gmail Inbox As Read, How To Mark An Entire Gmail Inbox As Read


More info at credentials needed message keeps being sent to my android phone from – Microsoft Community

Edited by buddy215, 28 January 2019 – 03:35 PM.

See also: Tutorial: How To Insert A Table In Gmail, Add A Table To A Gmail Message

“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded and the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics…you are all stardust.”― Lawrence M. KraussIf we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon’s, but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition, and ignorance on the other. Ulysses S. Grant…Republican president who correctly predicted the cause of Trump”s attempted coup.

See Also:  Setup help




westeggTopic Starter


Members18 postsOFFLINELocal time:04:30 PM

Still exploring the advice. 


To clarify,, when I give my credentials, thety”re not recognized, a photo or text  “can”t connect to server,” or my gmail/password is somehow wrong, which is all nonsense. 

Categories: Mail

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