Bugsnax – All Mail Quests Completion Guide – Riot Bits

here is the email that never fails! there are nearly a hundred of these mail quests, and some of them are difficult, cryptic, or both! That’s how you can show who’s boss on these missions!

messages in the river

one category of quests is that filbo will find messages in the river. thanks to river water damaging the bills, parts of the letters are smeared incomprehensibly, so you have to rely on the few keywords to know who wants these respective snaxes.

low tacroach, healthy, training grumpus: chandlo

chandlo wants a healthier version of tacroach, and that type of snake can be found in simmering springs. Wait until nightfall, then go to Wiggle’s old hangout. set a trap, then hide until one walks into it. after you catch one, give it to chandlo and then you will receive a letter from him thanking you.

reward: hammock (goes to bed space)

likes, bags, instabug grumpus:beffica

a snaxscope-obsessed snake for a snaxscope-obsessed grump. this boy and beffica are one! instabug can be found hiding in the bushes of the frozen peak. when you see a bush shaking, aim a travel shot to line up with where the snake will go. you can also use the snake trap to catch it but this requires some reflexes so using a travel shot is much easier. then step back and look at the bush with the snaxscope. the instabug will pop out for its time in the spotlight, only to easily trip and catch it. feed beffica and return to the mailbox for a job well done!

reward: bulletin board (goes to poster slots)

classified, aggroll grumpus: snorpy

snorpy certainly tried to hide, but you can see him crystal clear. Good thing you’re not a member of grumpinati! Aggrolls can be found frozen in the cave at Frosted Peak. thaw the ice block (either with a shot or by setting yourself on fire and running away), then take out the snakgrappler to take out his crate. throw it aside and pick it up quickly. discreetly feed snorpy and go home as if nothing happened.

rewards: metal siding (wallpaper) and metalworking flower (goes to planter space)

sign, flamin’ cheepoof, opportunity grumpus: chrome

trade offer: I receive a burning cheepoof, you get very frustrated trying to catch one. You may think throwing a redneck into the burning cheepoof is the way to go, but don’t bother; there is a much easier method. find the sodieux outside the cave, then get her attention using the snakgrappler. Take him to the cave and hopefully he’ll stop getting mad at you and instead spray all the burning snax, including a flaming cheepoof. catch the cheepoof before it falls into the lava (but if it does, don’t worry the sodieux will still spray), and maybe catch a noodler and the sodieux for good measure. feed it to chromedo and collect your goods!

reward: bug juice dispenser (goes to outer space)

wrangle, candy poptick, cactus grumpus: wambus

wambus continues his weird cacti antics and asks what cactiffify’s favorite snake is supposed to be. what a bastard is this this snake is the only snake that appears only when it rains, so he checks the map to see when it will rain next time and then sleeps until then. if there isn’t a time listed, just sleep the maximum amount of time and check the map again. once it’s raining make a b-line for the flavor falls and go into the cave behind the branches you have to duck under. it will be full of candy sticks. They are, as Shelda defines, beings of pure chaos, so all you can do is lay a trap and pray. the sauce can influence this, but I haven’t tried this, so try it for yourself. once you catch one, feed it to wambus and clumsily walk away.

Reward: Wood Pattern Paint

and with that, you’ve completed all the river quests! there is much less than I thought there was. but it should keep you busy long enough.

mysterious snake

There’s a good reason to keep donating snax after your inventory is maxed out, and it’s not just to be a sweetheart. Gramble will occasionally send her letters asking about a certain snax she has seen or heard of. if you’re diligent about donating, he’ll sometimes send you a letter asking for a snack, realize you’ve already donated one, and send you the reward right after.

big heart flying in the sky, this is the lovely fly. appears at the entrance of boiling springs during the day. Like all sweet flies, if you try to catch it while it’s hovering, it will fly erratically and evade capture, so wait until it falls asleep. From there, use your lunchpad to throw a trap at it, close it and run to grab it or use your snakgrappler. Give a little heart to claim and claim your goods!

reward: pink dandelion

tablecloth pattern this is a seared throat variant of everyone’s favorite aroused meat, the bbq bunger! There’s only one BBQ bunger, so you can’t just cover one with ketchup or cheese and have another bunger remove it. Instead, you have two options: If you haven’t brought Chandlo and Snorpy home, use a Lunchpad to throw the bungee at the bottom of the gorge. then cover it with ketchup to draw the attention of a spuddy, which will attack and stun it. If you’ve brought Chandlo and Snorpy home, just use the Travel Shot. using sauce isn’t important because the barbecue bunger charges you anyway, but if it makes it easier for you, use some ketchup or cheese.

reward: bale of hay

the snake that hides in the bushes this is the tropicabug. it hides in the bushes if you startle it, so be very careful. In general, you’ll want to set a trap close to, but not too close to, where the Tropicabug roams, then lure it in using hot sauce. once he reaches the trap, quickly close it before he realizes what’s happening and take it to gramble.

reward: weather vane

strabby, but different as gamble says, it’s not a razzby, and it’s not a gay either. it is a white strabby, which you can find near the wambus farm in garden grove. it’s basically the same as a regular strabby, plus it’s a cracker, so catch it like you would a regular strabby.

Reward: Knitted Sprout Mat

jumps from tree to tree this is the cobhopper, one of the most annoying snakes to catch in the game. he is in the garden grove and jumps from tree to tree unpredictably. all you can really do is place a travel shot between two trees and wait until the grasshopper jumps that way. Once that’s done, catch it and be thankful you never have to catch it again, lest you want to turn someone into corn.

Reward: Woven Bed

he loves the cold, but he’s not icy this is the happy one. however, you won’t easily find it in the wild. To even find one, you need to split a Banopy Scoopy to get it along with two Banoppers and a Scoopy. the gay hides in bushes similar to the strabby, so catch it like you would a strabby.

reward: woven wallpaper

go for the gold! this is the golden kweeble, found in the boiling bay. Like the white strabby, it’s identical to the kweeble except for color, so catch one just like you do the kweeble.

reward: mat table

desert fly is not sweet, which excludes crystal sweetness, and it is not meaty, which excludes buffalo lobster. and it’s not a cheepoof, so this leaves just the black lollipop. To catch a black lollipop, make it grab something by covering something with cheese. buggy ball might work, or maybe you want to try a snak. if he’s worried he won’t be able to grab your snake trap, so throw one on him with the eating pad to catch him!

reward: weave baskets

picantis lost a fight three different snax come out of the picantis they hunt, so I’ll make it easy for you and say it’s the tacroach. don’t believe the description of him; not easy to catch. At least not if you don’t know what you’re doing. don’t just run at him with the trap off him, because he’ll just run away, and unlike their low cousins, these ones have a whole playground to run away from. hot sauce or cheese.

reward: strabby patterned wallpaper

Legendary Snax Once you’ve completed the Chandlo, Wiggle, Chromdo, and Snorpy quests, Gramble presents you with its toughest challenge yet: catch all four Legendary Snax again! you can call them back by going to where you fought them and clicking on the statues there. their fights are no more difficult now than they were when you first fought them, so remember your old strategies and catch them all four! note that this does not include the cheddabordle rex, so don’t worry about that. just get mama mewon, megamaki, mothza supreme, and daddy cakelegs.

reward: trampoline

and with that, all gramble quests are done! but you can still donate snax to him if you wish. It’s fun, and I bet it’ll leave you ticklish pink! well… it tickled me even more rosy.

catch all the snakes

It is not necessary to capture all the snax for any mission. That said, to complete these, you’ll want to catch them all anyway, because these missions strictly require it! I’ll give you a basic overview of how to catch each snake, but if you need something in depth, you’ll have to look elsewhere.

garden garden has nine snakes.

  • bunger: cover one with ketchup or cheese and have another run over it.
  • fryder: place a trap near the fryers, then cover it with ketchup to lure them down.
  • shishkabug: Cover the bush it’s hiding in with ketchup, then set a trap where it lines up with another bush. a bunger will hit it, causing the shishkabug to run towards your trap.
  • sweet: wait for it to fall asleep, then set a trap on it. only appears during the day.
  • strabby white: set a trap where it wanders and walk back. maybe cover it with chocolate to make things easier.
  • dr. sodie: just place a trap in his path and close it when he gets close.
  • worm: lure him into a trap with ketchup.
  • cobhopper: line up a shot between two trees and wait /li>
  • crunchy snackpod: just take one. there are guides to their locations.

reward: ladder shelf

flavour falls flavor falls has 13 snax.

  • strabby: Set a trap where it wanders and walk back. maybe cover it with chocolate to make things easier.
  • pinkle: grab her jar and toss it aside, then grab it before she can get back into her jar.
  • rootle: place a trap where he wanders and walks back. it appears during the day.
  • the white root is grabbed the same way, but it appears at night.
  • green lollipop: dip something in cheese and let it grab it, then set him up while he’s preoccupied.
  • inches: take him to a surface he can’t dig into (like rocks), then scare him into trying to dig again. he’ll stun himself so you can catch him.
  • sandopede: fire a shot in his path, stunning him and some of his followers.
  • the subsandopede is stuck in the same way .
  • Ruby Peelbug: Push it out of its burrow using the buggy ball. run to the other side, then set a trap.
  • caramel popcorn: set a trap and wait for one to jump into it. this one only appears during rain.
  • twisted snakepod: just take one. There are guides to their locations.
  • Mama Mewon: Reach Chandlo’s final mission. once summoned, he locks a small mewon in a trap but don’t catch it. the mama mewon will crash into it, so you can drop a stalactite on it. do this three times, then chandlo will take over. drop another stalactite on it and you’ll be able to grab it.
  • little mewon: assuming you didn’t catch one when you fought mom mewon, just place a trap near one. they will jump into the trap for easy capture.

reward: rustic bed

Simmering Springs Simmering Springs has 12 bugsnax.

  • kweeble: lure him into a trap using chocolate. make sure he doesn’t push the trap!
  • crapple: place a trap just outside his burrow and wait.
  • pineantula: cover it with chocolate or peanut butter for a crapple to grab that. the crapple will throw it into his lair and stun it.
  • orange bug: push it out of its burrow using the buggy ball. run to the other side, then set a trap.
  • razzby: set a trap where it wanders and walk back. maybe cover it with chocolate to make things easier.
  • Green Grape Bunch: Cover a nearby snake with chocolate and let it feed on it. it will become chubby and unable to fly. it only appears at night.
  • snaquiri: throw a trap at the apex of its jump using the lunchpad.
  • tropicabug: lure it into a trap with hot sauce. don’t scare him, or he’ll hide forever.
  • cute sweetie: wait for him to fall asleep, then set a trap for him. it only appears during the day.
  • low tacroach: you can lure it into a trap with hot sauce or cheese, or chase it to the edge and drop a trap. it can’t hide in any bush so it’s safe. only appears at night.
  • waffstackarak: summon them during the day by tapping the triangle on the old wiggle spot. from there, you can trip them or have a crapple grab them. only appears during the day.
  • grumpy snappod: just take one. there are guides to their locations.

reward: palm tree

Scorched Gap Scorched Gap has 12 bugsnax.

  • BBQ Bunger: Use the lunchpad to launch it to the lower level, then cover it with ketchup for a spuddy to hit it. or just use the trip shot.
  • sweet fryer: use the lunchpad to throw a trap at him. the windmill will push him off the cliff afterwards.
  • ribblepede: Lure him into a hot sauce trap. alternatively, there’s a grasshopper low enough to catch with just a trap if you’re really quick.
  • poptick: Cover it in hot sauce for a scorpenyo to pop it. then pull it away from the chocolate scorpenyo and into a trap.
  • spuddy: lure it to another spuddy. they will attack each other and get stunned.
  • scorpenyo: use water shot to stun it and turn it off.
  • shy worm: set a trap nearby and scare the worm away. it.
  • cheepoof: Use the lunchpad to throw a trap at it.
  • White Cheepoof is caught exactly the same way, but only appears at night.
  • crystal sweetiefly: wait for her to fall asleep, then set a trap for her. it only appears during the day.
  • Green Peelbug: Push it out of its burrow using the buggy ball. run to the other side, then set a trap.
  • Bloated Snappod: Just take one. there are guides to their locations.

reward: money print rug

sugar pine forest sugar pine forest has 10 bugsnax.

  • kwookie: Follow his path using the snaxscope, then use the travel shot to intercept him.
  • charmallow: Use chocolate to lure him into a large bopsicle. will thaw and stun the charmallow.
  • cinnasnail: my favorite snake! use the lunchpad to throw a trap at it, then take the farthest trap with the snakgrappler.
  • hunnabee: throw a basketball or throw the ball from your cart at it.
  • sprinklepede : Take it out of its pillar and then use a shot to intercept its path.
  • Yellow Peelbug: Take it out of its burrow using the buggy ball. run to the other side, then set a trap.
  • bopsicle: Thaw it using the Smoking Lakes or a charmallow, then stun it with one shot.
  • big bopsicle: Thaw a large bopsicle and wait fifteen seconds. it will split into two bopsicles that will be stunned.
  • sweet rainbow fly: wait for it to fall asleep, then set a trap on it. only appears during the day.
  • nutty snackpod: just take one. there are guides to their locations.

reward: hot tub

See the next section of the guide for the other locations. this one reached the character limit.

catch all the snax part 2

boiling bay boiling bay has 15 bugsnax.

  • Green Crapple: Place a trap just outside its burrow and wait.
  • Grapeskeeto: Cover a nearby snake in chocolate and let it feed on it. it will become chubby and unable to fly. it only appears at night.
  • golden kweeble: lure it into a trap using chocolate. make sure he doesn’t push the trap!
  • great cocomita: break his shell with lava or paletoss. then stun it or have a crapple catch it.
  • the lesser cocomite is caught in exactly the same way.
  • the sodieux: simply place a trap in its path and close it as it approaches .
  • noodler: lure the sodieux to the volcanic cave. It will spray all the fiery snax, which you can catch before it falls into the lava.
  • Large Hicks: Place a shot into the lava and stun the Large Hicks with it, unfreezing it.
  • paletoss: defrost a large paletoss and wait fifteen seconds. it will split into two stunned rednecks.
  • red banopper: aim a shot between two trees and hope it works. as a note, the one that jumps between two trees in the ocean is, as far as I know, unstunable, so go for the one near the cave.
  • flamin’ cheepoof: lure a la sodieux in the volcanic cave. it will spray all the fiery snax, which you can catch before it falls into the lava.
  • sherbie: When it’s not underground, thaw it. it will be stunned once you thaw it.
  • fruity snackpod: just take one. there are guides to their locations.
  • megamaki: Reach the final wiggle mission. once the battle starts use the shot to intercept megamaki’s path and make sure you don’t get too close or he will break some pillars. when he’s stunned, catch as many minimakis as you can. once all the minimakis are caught, you can catch the megamaki. most importantly, try not to get too distracted by playing the best song in the game!
  • minimaki: we already covered that.

reward: pirate ship

sizzlin’ sands sizzlin’ sands has 15 bugsnax.

  • Charged Spuddy: Trigger it while charging forward.
  • Tacroach: Spray a prey Picantis, then wait 15 seconds. it will split into two of these things. set a trap and cover it with cheese or hot sauce to attract it.
  • prey picantis: use the lunchpad to throw it near the lake. a sodie d will turn it off, and then you can use a shot to stun it.
  • black lollive: cover something in cheese and let it grab it, then throw a trap at it while it’s preoccupied.
  • buffalocust: using ranch or hot sauce, have it go into a spot near the lake. this will stun it and probably spray it.
  • eggler: Crack its shell with something hot (you’ve got plenty of sources!), then go to the bush it’s hiding in. then throw a trap near him.
  • flapjackarak: Take it into a travel shot as it charges forward.
  • scorpepper: Lure it to a cheesy lunchpad, then throw it near the lake. a sodie d will turn it off.
  • incherrito: lure it to the rocks with cheese or hot sauce. it will see you when it surfaces, will try to bury itself again and will be stunned.
  • black razzby: set a trap where it wanders and walk back. maybe cover him with chocolate to make things easier.
  • sodie d: just place a trap in his path and close it when he gets close.
  • cheezer: follow his path using the snaxscope , then use the shot to intercept it.
  • Fleshy Snakpod: Just take one. there are guides for their locations.
  • mothza supreme: reach the final chromedo mission. once the battle starts, blow up the rock in the middle with a bowler and place a lunch pad on it. use bowlers to launch them at mothza, then slice him with the snakgrappler. do this again, then it will fly out of range of the lunchpad. instead, grab a bowler hat, run up to one of his big tornadoes, and drop the bowler hat from there. then slash it once more.
  • bombino: Assuming you didn’t catch it during the mothza supreme fight, lure it into the water, which will soak it and cause it to hide. then throw it at another snake to stun them both.

reward: desert print

ice beak ice beak has 14 bugsnax.

  • chippie: follow his path using the snaxscope, then use the shot to intercept him.
  • chillynilly: use chocolate to lure him into the fire. this will stun it.
  • flutterjam: cover it with peanut butter. this will make it close and easily captured.
  • mt. sodie – just place a trap in his path and close it when he gets close.
  • stewdler – the first one can be thrown near the lake with a mt. sodie the second can be sprinkled with a chillynilly.
  • aggroll: find a frozen aggroll in a block of ice, then thaw it. then, grab its shell and throw it aside, then catch the snake.
  • banopper: Thaw a banoopy scoopy and wait 15 seconds. It will be divided into a jolly, two banoppers and a scoopy. once the banoppers start jumping, find the trees they are in and then try to intercept them with a shot.
  • scoopy – Thaw a banopy and wait 15 seconds. It will be divided into a jolly, two banoppers and a scoopy. dig up the scoop, then thaw it with any means necessary. this will stun it.
  • cheerful: Thaw a banoopy and wait 15 seconds. It will be divided into a jolly, two banoppers and a scoopy. this one can be caught as a strabby or a razzby.
  • banoopy scoopy: place a shot on a campfire or brazier, then fire the banoopy scoopy with it. this will stun and unfreeze it.
  • instabug: Find a bush that is shaking (and confirm it’s not jolly), then line up a travel shot where the instabug will leave. then open your snaxscope to attract it.
  • melty snakpod: just take one. There are guides to their locations.
  • Papa Cakelegs: Get to Snorpy’s final mission. when you get to the frozen peak, he lights the candle in the big cave. the cakelegs will wake up and raise ice walls in retaliation. light his candles (a travel shot is recommended, but lighting him with your body is fun), then chase after him. Your second location will be near the big door that Eggabell tried to open, and the third location will be on the right edge of the map. In the third and final stage, you just have to light a candle, but climb up the wall to make it harder.
  • Baby Cakelegs: If you didn’t catch one during the Daddy Cakelegs fight, you can find some in the big cave they don’t run, so catch them in a trap.

reward: hanging pots

there is one more area. it’s in the next section.

catch all the snakes: broken tooth

broken tooth broken tooth has 11 bugsnax.

  • bunger royale: Throw shrink spice at him then use travel shot to stun him.
  • cheddorb: Throw shrink spice at him then he will hide like a log. push him with the buggy ball and catch him as he leaves.
  • millimochi: Throw shrinkable spice at him, then use the shot to thaw him and stun him and his friends.
  • spaghider: Throw spice shrink close to it and top it with cheese. the spaghider will grab it. once the spice expires it will explode and shrink the spaghider. once that happens, throw a trap at it, then snap it shut at the apex.
  • clawbsteroni: throw shrinkable spice at it, then lure it into a trap with cheese or hot sauce. make sure you don’t need his trampoline first, though!
  • tikkada masala: sprinkle with shrinkable spices, then top a shot with hot sauce. the tikkada will fly towards it and be stunned, falling into the water as well.
  • pielobite: pull its four barbs with the snakgrappler. it will run when you do this, but chase it down and keep it going. once the shell falls off, throw shrink spice at it and catch it.
  • chocolant: throw shrink spice at it and then catch it. they are best found in cellystix.
  • cellystix: Throw shrinkable spice at him, then catch him. make sure the chocolants and spaghider don’t get in the way.
  • devilled eggler: this absolute bastard is my least favorite. I don’t know of a consistent strategy to catch it, but the best I have is to cover a milimochi with hot sauce so this thing will chase it, spraying it. then throw shrink spice at him and catch him. It’s tricky and time consuming, but that’s the best way I’ve found.
  • cheddaboardle rex: Complete all broken tooth missions, then gather in the rubble. you will face the cheddaboardle rex. There are four phases in this fight. For the first one, just have the cheddaboardle throw cheddorbs at the catapults and then launch them with the trip shot. do this twice, then two more catapults covered in rocks will appear. shrink a cheddorb, and it will crawl into the rubble, breaking it apart and revealing another catapult that you can charge up and launch. do this twice, then two ramps will open. Have the cheddaboardle launch cheddorbs down these ramps and onto the catapults, then launch them at the cheddaboardle. For the final phase, a maze will open and your buggy ball will drop on the battlefield. The lure shoots through the maze, then load it into the catapult at the end. it will throw itself at the cheddaboardle and eventually break its shell. shrink it, then use the shot to stun it, and the cheddabordle is yours!

reward: chandlolier (score a pun right there)

And with that, you’ve caught all 111 snax on the entire snaktooth island! don’t believe this man’s lies. there’s another, deep in a place you should never explore. It’s called the cappucheetle. It’s not important to your missions, but I can’t let this dirty lie fall. sorry for interrupting this guide. this has been allegender jamfoot. you haven’t heard anything. filbo will also send you another gift for this gigantic task, so check it out in the hidden quests section!

scan an interesting event

beffica and triffany have some cool stuff they want to see, and they’d like you to find it!

scan a shy little worm with ketchup. “only a monster would put ketchup on a shy little worm.” -wambus, 2020

Okay, time to be a monster. go back to where you found those shy worms and cover one with ketchup. He will get so enraged that he will grow in size and attack everything in sight! make sure to scan it as you run for your life!

reward: drawing board

scanning a barbecue on fire no, this does not mean scanning a barbecue that is gay. this means scanning one that is on fire. use your lunchpad to launch it to the lower area and cover it with hot sauce to piss off a scorpenyo. once it attacks, scan the bunger and claim your cruel reward.

Reward: Prehistoric Tablecloth

scan a sodie watering the old wambus garden at garden grove so sweet! Even though Wambus has moved on to greener pastures, Triffany still wants to water her old garden! so that a dr. sodie do this, use the lunch pad to make it jump into the old garden, then cover the plants with sauce so sodie sprays them everywhere, then scan that.

Reward: Excavation Site Paint

scan a hunnabee with a basketball attached to him. self explanatory. grab a basketball, throw it at a hunnabee and scan it before he gets back up.

reward: bestie print

scanning a crapple carrying another crapple this one is a bit more difficult. you’ll have to lure one crapple to the other using sauce, preferably in a buggy ball. once they’re close, cover one crapple with chocolate or peanut butter, then the other will grab it. scan it and claim your reward!

reward: best friend

scan a sandopede hanging from a lollipop I think this is possible with sandopede or subsandopede. just cover a sandópede with cheese and watch how he grabs it. sadly it only contains one, not the whole sandopedo, but that’s good enough to make beffica laugh.

reward: shining stars

Scanning a Picanti caught in Flapjackarak’s maelstrom is easier than it looks, even if Flapjackarak is afraid of Picanti. simply top the flapjackarak with cheese or hot sauce and snap on. the picantis will chase after him and then get caught in his flurry.

Reward: Barrel Cactus

scan a frozen stewdler to freeze a stewdler, wait until nightfall, then enter the upper cave. lure the chillynilly to the chocolate stewdler to thaw. after a while, it will freeze the stewdler, which is your prompt to scan it.

Reward: Purple Lupine

scan a pinkle with an aggroll box luckily, the place where you’d find the aggroll also has a frozen pinkle! defrost them both and catch the aggroll. then touch the shell of the pinkle, but don’t catch it. instead, throw the aggroll box at him and he’ll start using that instead!

Rewards: Bone and Stone, Bone and Stone Bed

scans a grape cutting sucking on a noodle waits until nightfall before entering the boiling bay. then lure a noodler and have the sodieux spray it. now that it’s sprinkled, you can cover it with chocolate so you can drink a bunch of grapes. scan this, and beffica will be pleased. don’t worry about your text. this is how he normally speaks.

reward: kiddie pool

And that’s all the fun events you need to scan! A lot of wacky things can happen on this quaint little island, and these quests prove it!

lost objects

lost items may be the most infamous quests in the game. they can become difficult, cryptic, or both! you’ll need to master your parkour skills and lunchpad to get these!

Beffica’s Lost Item Beffica’s bag of dice is hidden in the trees surrounding his old cave. Exit his cave and head to your right. jump on the rocks and then on the nearby trees. once you get to the second tree, use the lunchpad to jump to the third tree. the article is there. grab it with your hands, because the snakgrappler can’t charge it.

Reward: Furry Hearts Carpet

Wiggle’s Lost Item Wiggle’s Cranky Prizes are hidden in a rock on the far left of the beach. find the rock that looks like a ladder and jump to the first step. grab the lunch pad to place it on the second step, then bounce to the top. there is a wiggle article.

reward: platinum award

filbo’s lost property filbo’s dirty laundry is on top of triffany and floofty’s store in snaxburg. Start on Lizbert and Eggabell’s balcony, then jump to Filbo’s roof. run through the gate to the Scorched Gorge, then jump into the shop. grab filbo’s clothes. this is the only quest you can do without the lunchpad, because normally you can’t use it in snaxburg.

Reward: Footprint Carpet

Wambus Lost Item The Wambus Fertilizer is on top of the ledge you fell from just before you ran into Filbo at the Flavor Falls. place the lunchpad on the rock and jump over the bridge. from there, the payment is in sight.

reward: beechwood

chrome lost item the chrome paintings are on top of the highest ground in Scorched Gorge. place the lunchpad anywhere near the rock wall where chrome was originally housed. aim for the top of the wall, then jump before launching yourself up. this gives you double the height that it would give you by simply throwing yourself. from there, the paintings are yours! err, chrome…

reward: large safe

snorpy’s missing item this is the most infamous, and you probably came here to find out, because snorpy uses his cryptic feature to his disadvantage here. he doesn’t tell you, but he is on the basketball court in a sugar pine forest. place his lunch on the fence on the higher ground and aim for the rocks that hold the outermost basketball hoop. jump and launch, then retrieve your lunch box. place your lunchpad down and aim for the top of the hoop, then jump back up to reach the survey camera.

reward: satellite dish

Triffany’s Lost Item This is, in my opinion, the hardest lost item to get and by extension the hardest mail quest in the game. At the top of the mountain, many rocks and ice blocks stick out, and you have to jump from rock to block in sequence, without mistakes, to get it. I can’t explain it very well in the text, but I only have two tips. First of all, don’t jump. that will only result in overkill. second, try and try again. soon, you will dominate the positions and conquer the mountain, becoming the master of parkour!

Reward: Giant Skeleton (One of, if not, my favorite piece of furniture. Fantastic reward for what you had to do to get here.)

floofty’s lost item Your lost item is inside the lava cave in the boiling bay. she starts by throwing you onto the rocks next to the cocomita statue with a straw, hoping mother naturae won’t make things difficult. drop to the second step, then go to the ledge closest to the lava waterfall. jump to the next rock and face the wall if you got burned so you don’t run away. jump to the next rock, then the next, and the floofty item should be on top of the entrance. Unfortunately, whatever that item is, it was destroyed and they chose not to tell you what it was.

reward: decapitation machine (sadly unusable)

shelda’s lost item Shelda’s herbs are in the grumpy head high in sizzling sands, in which the cheese is found. If you were like me and didn’t know you could use the snakgrappler to grab sauces, you’ve probably already managed to get there. the left side has a rock sticking out of it, so bounce on that. Nearby is another rock that’s even higher up, so jump onto it and you should be able to go into the mouth and grab the herbs.

reward: wind chimes

chandlo’s missing item chandlo’s latest missing item, the weights, are above his temple in a broken tooth. climb the mushrooms to the right to land on a rock on the wall. From there, jump to the other mushroom, then to the top of the door to the temple to collect the weights. grab the weights, pretend you didn’t see someone use the word yeeted without irony in 2022, and claim your last lost item reward

reward: gym mats

and ready! All the lost items have been found! pat your lunchbox on the head for a good job and enjoy a good rest, you won’t need to do crazy parkour at that level anymore.

transformation missions

some grumps want to see someone transform into various kinds of snakes. they’re often lazy, but this guide is here to help!

four bugs the first mission is relatively simple. just transform a grumpus to have all four bugs on them. these are:

  • orange bug (simmering springs)
  • ruby bug (flavor drops)
  • green bug (scorched throat)
  • yellow bug (sugar pine forest) )

reward: beach chair and umbrella

four sodas basically the quest for the bug, but for sodas. these are:

  • dr. sodie (garden)
  • la sodieux (boiling bay)
  • sodie d (hot sands)
  • mt. sodie (frozen beak)

reward: a single hanging bulb

all 8 snakpods I would recommend doing this to beffica, as she has already given you two types of snakpods for your missions.

  • twisted snappod (flavor drops)
  • crunchy snappod (garden)
  • grumpy snappod (simmering springs)
  • puffy snappod ( scorched throat) )
  • walnut snakpod (sugar pinewood)
  • fruity snakpod (boiling bay)
  • fleshy snakpod (sizzling sands)
  • melted snakepod (frozen beak)

Rewards: Science Poster, Chemistry Mat

the four sweeties back on all fours! this time, with sweetness!

  • butterfly (garden)
  • lovely butterfly (simmering springs)
  • glass butterfly (scorched throat)
  • sea ladybug rainbow (sugar pine forest)

Rewards: Wardrobe, Sheet Music

tri-compound snax compound snax are snax that split into other snax. I’d recommend doing this with chrome, if you’ve given him a big bopsicle, or with snorpy, if you’ve given him a scoopy banoopy.

  • big bopsicle (sugar pine forest)
  • big bopsicle (boiling bay)
  • presa picantis (sizzling sands)
  • scoopy banopy (frozen beak)

Rewards: Test Tube Lights, Science Sheet

Three Cake Snax I recommend doing this with chandlo, since he’s already eaten a cinnamon stick, and you can feed him flapjackarak and waffstackarak for his side quests.

  • waffstackarak (simmering springs)
  • cinnasnail (sugar pine forest)
  • sprinklepede (sugar pine forest. who’s got donuts? for breakfast???)
  • flapjackarak (hot sands)

Reward: Worn Mattress

eight snax chocolates here is the first complex. there are many snax that contain chocolate, exactly eight of them. most of these are found in the icy peak. I recommend doing this to snorpy since he eats some chocolate snax on his missions.

  • kwookie (sugar pine woods)
  • charmallow (sugar pine woods)
  • chippie (icy beak)
  • chillynilly ( scoopy scoopy
  • scoopy banoopy
  • melty snakpod
  • chocolant ( broken tooth)

awards: motivational poster, vintage engraving

thirteen fruit snax this one is at least a little easier to determine. basically anything marked “fruity” on the snakpedia will work, so you have 13+ to work with. I recommend doing this with whoever you did the peelbug quest with, since peelbugs are fruit.

  • strabby (falling flavor)
  • green lollive (falling flavor)
  • ruby peelbug (falling flavor)
  • mama mewon (falling flavor)
  • wee mewon (flavor falls)
  • strabby white (garden)
  • kweeble (simmering springs)
  • crapple (simmering springs) simmer)
  • pineantula (simmer springs)
  • peelbug orange (simmer springs)
  • razzby (simmer springs)
  • Green Grape (Simmering Springs)
  • Green Peelbug (Scorched Throat)
  • Yellow Peelbug (Sugar Pine Forest)
  • Green Crapple (boiling bay)
  • grapeskeeto (boiling bay) )
  • golden kweeble (boiling bay)
  • red banopper (boiling bay)
  • fruity snakpod (boiling bay)
  • black lollipop (sizzling sands)
  • black razzby (sizzling sands)
  • banopper (icy beak)
  • cheerful (frozen beak)
  • scoopy banoopy (frozen beak)
  • Rewards: Rock Club Sign, Psychedelic Furry Carpet

    thirteen cheese snax and here is the most difficult one. I recommend doing this to chrome, since his quests make him eat a lot of snakes with cheese.

    • sandopede (flavor falls)
    • sub sandopede (flavor falls)
    • bunger (garden)
    • bbq bunger (seared throat)< /
    • picantis presa (sizzling sands)
    • incherrito (sizzling sands)
    • cheezer (sizzling sands)
    • mothza suprema (sizzling sands)
    • bombino (sizzlin sands)
    • bunger royale (broken tooth)
    • cheddorb (broken tooth)
    • spaghider (broken tooth)
    • clawbsteroni (broken tooth)
    • cheddaboardle rex (broken tooth)

    rewards: whiteboard, telescope

    I might be wrong with some of these, or maybe I’m missing some, so if I am, let me know in the comments. but regardless, those are the transformation missions completed!

    dangerous missions

    Once you bring Eggabell back to her senses, she’ll start giving you medical advice. your goal? do the exact opposite of what she recommends. don’t worry, you won’t have any lasting effect. probably. hopefully.

    getting hit out of bounds by a bugsnax eggabell hopes you’re not in too much danger while dealing with an aggressive bugsnax. the best way to do it is with scoopy banoopy. take him to the edge and make him take you off the edge. don’t run away, because I found that makes the quest not count.

    rewards: medical cabinet, emergency bell

    stay on fire for thirty seconds supposedly, you should be fine if you get set on fire, as grumpus are slightly flame retardant. just don’t stay on fire for thirty seconds. And especially don’t stand on the lava rivers in the boiling bay so the fire doesn’t go out when you crash into a wall that’s still covered in lava! that would be bad!

    Rewards: First Aid Kit, Drape

    fall from the highest point of the icy peak to the lowest fortunately, this means the area with the store and the skeleton, not that peak you had to jump off of to search for the lost item from triffany. I don’t know how anyone can handle doing that twice in one game! just go to that store, then jump into the lake with the mt. sodie this is such a bad fall eggabell goes all the way to snaxburg just to express her concern for your well being!

    Rewards: Igloo, Snow Grunt

    and ready! Hopefully these items will be worth more than your future medical bills! if you don’t live in… it doesn’t matter. I know I’d be downgraded if I made a political comment like that.

    purge search

    shelda, she who is devout, she who is wise, she who is pure(!), wants you to “purge” some snax by placing them in the purity box.

    green crapple the first supper- err, sinner, it’s green crapple. can be found in the boiling bay. just set a trap near their lair and scare them away. later, it will come out again and you can catch it. toss this in the purity box and let mother nature’s light shine on you! just…don’t ask if you see shelda with a green claw, okay?

    Rewards: Herbology Station, Primitive Herb

    razzby shelda describes a deviously adorable, ruby-red fruit sliding across the sands of the beach. this scrumpti- I mean, scrupulous snak is clearly… the razzby! *thunder* To catch this delicious devious fruit, find it in the bushes of the boiling springs… lure the demon with the chocolates it craves… then trap it under the cage of retribution! then just drop it in the purity box like the garbage it is. Shelda will be so pleased she might even wear a bumpy fez to celebrate!

    Reward: Ebony Stained Wood

    scorp brothers On one side of the desert is the scorpenyo, a green monster that terrorizes the popticks below it. on the other hand, the scorpepper, a lone demon who defends the maw of stone with a fist of hot steel. hit one, and the other will be nearly powerless. only one tool can handle this, the trip shot. he uses the scarce desert water to douse his flames and bring his body home. It only takes one, but Shelda will probably appreciate you bringing them both…for nature’s sake, that is!

    reward: zen garden

    charged spudy, a golden-armored barbarian roams the desert’s sizzling sands, hot-blooded and ready to charge at whatever he deems loathsome. The Charged Spuddy is a fiendish warrior, so be very careful when neutralizing him! no man-made trap will stop him, so you must use the trip shot, a powerful weapon that takes down even the mightiest of dragons! And you can use brains over brawn, outwit this beast with the gold of his armor, cheese, or ketchup as red as the blood he’s spilled over the years! Purge this fallen warrior, and Shelda will put him out of his misery properly, using his armor as his trophy!

    Rewards: Meditation Cushion, Meadow Grass

    spaghider remains a disgusting creature. In the trees of broken teeth lies a carnivorous fighter. the spaghider, eight legs of pure noodle fatality! but fear not, brave warrior! this beast has a weakness! He can’t resist anything these slimy hands can put on him, so bring him a fake offering: a filthy concoction of herbs, acid, and worse, cheese. he will grab it, thinking it will bring you mercy. but what he doesn’t know is that it is a ticking time bomb that will take him from a powerful monster to a mere mortal. he uses the lunch box and trap to seal her in his prison for the rest of his life, then put that prison in the purity box just in case! the beast will never see the light of day again…

    reward: torch

    And now our heroes can rest. You have done a good job. Shelda appreciates your contributions to the cause and has given you some gifts for your generosity- y-y-your heroism. well done.

    can you tell i had a lot of fun writing this section?

    miscellaneous missions

    These missions don’t fit into any other category, so I’m putting them here.

    story quests bringing grumps back to snaxburg and completing their side quests will earn you items for your household. I don’t have time to list them right now, but maybe in the future I can.

    two basketball shots without the ball hitting the ground Believe it or not, the hard part about this is getting the shots. once you get it into the hoop, just stand under the hoop and catch the ball as it goes in. then make another shot.

    rewards: framed jersey, climbing walls

    put up banners to promote cromdo mart cromdo is pulling you into another scheme, so just deal with it! There are about 20 places you can put up signs, but you only need about 16, they’re all around Snaxburg, so keep an eye out and you’ll find every spot! each is marked with a blue square.

    reward: billboard

    collect all the discarded chrome poster looks like wambus really didn’t like this plan, so he crumpled up all the posters you put up. they can be found where you originally put them, so if you remember that, this search shouldn’t be a problem.

    rewards: cowboy hats, ceiling fan

    complete the interview with eggabell eggabell is feeling a bit optimistic that she didn’t accept a proper interview from you, so she invited you to a proper interview. treat it like you would any other interview; Ask him all the important questions (why did he come to snaktooth, why did he leave snaxburg, and what does he know about lizbert), and maybe the other questions if you’re that curious. she’ll also give you another videotape, and it’s important for an achievement and another mail quest, so be sure to check it out!

    Rewards: Eggshell Print, Medical Egg Rug

    catch 5 snakpods in 30 seconds the best area to do this is garden grove. Start with the snakpod in the old beffica cave. once you grab it, the clock is ticking. make a sharp turn into the trees on the lower level to catch the second one. run like crazy towards fryer cove to catch the third one on the middle pillar, then run towards the old wambus farm, making sure to grab the snakpod on the high rock. finally there is one on the wall where you see the worm so grab it. If you don’t get it on time, don’t worry. once you catch them all, you can leave and come back, and the snakpods will return.

    Rewards: Conspiracy Board, Blueprint Printing

    catch 5 different snax in 60 seconds you can try this one right after. after you get the last snakpod, catch the small worm just below it, then grab the white strabby. jump down to get dr. sodie, then grab a deep fryer to finish it off.

    reward: protective perches

    catch 10 snax in 90 seconds for this last challenge, go to the next adjacent area, the flavor drops. start by catching the sandopes, and don’t even bother with the rootlet. then grab the strabby, and then the pinkle. Run through the waterfall to the mama mewon arena and catch all the little mewon. this should be 10 long enough.

    Rewards: Deprivation Tank, Bookshelf

    catch 3 snax at once this is just not fun. for this, the only place I recommend is simmering spring. Try luring an orange bug, a razzby, and a kweeble into an area with chocolate, then when the stars align, catch them all. it will take whole minutes, but it is entirely possible. chandlo himself even admits that it was a terrible idea once you pick up the items.

    Rewards: Poof, Bloodthirsty

    feeding over 25 different bugsnax to a single grumpus I can’t give any real advice here. simply collect all the snax that you think are easy to get and give them to a single grumpus. They don’t all need to be present in their body (obviously, because the body can only hold 14 different snax), but you’ll still want to use the snaktivator to keep track of how many snax they’ve eaten.

    reward: hospital bed

    and that’s it! but there is only one more section to cover. get ready, because some of these are… interesting.

    hidden missions

    These quests don’t appear in your mailbox, so you’ll have to do them yourself. once the goal is completed, the message will appear in your mailbox.

    sleeping on the ship if you sleep in the bed of your damaged ship, filbo will assume that you miss that old makeshift bed of yours, so he will send you a replica so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your home!

    reward: crib

    search for cactiriffy outside the house sometimes, you can find cactiriffy outside the wambus house. if you scan it when you see it here, you’ll get a message… from cactiffy! I don’t know where it appears or how often, but I found it during the investigation after the third cutscene.

    Rewards: Cowboy Hat Roof, Planted Snake

    get all the sauce when you collect a sauce for the first time, it will also appear in the wambus garden. Once you’ve collected all six sauces (ketchup, ranch, chocolate, hot sauce, peanut butter, cheese), wambus will send you a letter thanking you for it.

    Rewards: Salsa Plant Seedlings, Salsa Mat

    remove the toilet paper from the latrine you can pick up the toilet paper from the latrine and throw it away. if you remove all tp from the latrine, chrome will applaud your scum and offer a collaboration plan.

    reward: police tape

    catch one too many snax with a fully expanded backpack after donating enough snax to gramble, you’ll have an inventory size of eighteen bugsnax. If you catch one more when you’re eighteen, Chandlo will notice that you’ve been holding 20 snax (the ones in your pack + the one you can’t carry + sprout) and praise your training effort.

    rewards: home gym, sports painting

    Scan 50 Environment Objects If you can scan fifty different non-Bugsnax objects, Beffica will be amazed at your keen eye and accidentally discover it snooping around in your diary. I guess you won’t feel too bad about taking his (fake) diary to garden grove, huh?

    reward: privacy curtains (you’ll need them!)

    Set fire to the snax barn If you set one of Gramble’s snax on fire (which is most easily done during Snorpy’s second side quest), Floofty will notice your arsonist tendencies and will ask you to keep it in the confines of a lab.

    reward: lab table

    take a power nap this one is easy, but really stupid. to achieve this, you need to sleep more than 15 minutes in the game or less. for example, going to sleep until 5 am at 4:45 am. this was the last quest I completed, because it’s just ridiculous.

    awards: luxury bed, gold

    complete 80 letters if you complete 80 mail quests (you’re welcome!), filbo will be happy to help you. however, that’s not the end for them, so be diligent!

    rewards: garden gnome, snaxburg flag

    watch the snaxburg foundation tape once you’ve watched tape #0 (obtained by doing a proper interview with eggabell), you’ll be forwarded Lizbert’s message about the foundation.

    Rewards: Snake Print, Strabby Shelf

    pick up the triangle key once you catch the triangle key on the broken tooth (found inside the sleeping area in the temple), you will receive a mysterious message from… someone. you’ll have to dig deeper to find out. but you didn’t hear it from me. shh…

    Rewards: Eyes, Legendary Snake Carpet

    listen to all the secret tapes in the secret area, there are ten hidden tapes you can listen to. listen to them all and a familiar figure will scold you for it, but not before warning you that you know too much.

    rewards: snak mobile, sodie source

    catch all the bugsnax if you catch all 111 bugsnax, you will get a congratulatory letter from filbo. while you can have all the snax…or can’t you?…there’s still a lot to do!

    rewards: golden strabby, certificate of completion

    scan the snaxsquatch in 3 different areas check out this guide on how to find this elusive creature. I recommend doing it in garden grove, scorched gorge, and sugarpine woods, as they are all close to beds, so you can keep trying to spawn this beast. What exactly? you’ll soon find out…

    rewards: snakgoyle, matilija poppy

    And with that, you’ve completed all the mail quests the game has for you! now you can furnish your house to perfection, and finally rest. if you have any questions about anything be sure to ask in the comments!

    rewards: easy game completion, boost to vote and award prizes

    See Also:  CHINA POST sledování zásilky | Sledování balíků China Post | Ship24

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