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Exclusive: The billionaire Democrat donor funds a $10 million campaign to impeach Trump and is linked to national lawsuits against oil companies via a memo to his nonprofit environmental group
- billionaire tom steyer has denied involvement in statewide efforts to file class action lawsuits against oil companies
- yet his group The environmental nonprofit NEXTGEN was told in a 2015 memo about the strategy, in which several lawsuits were filed in multiple states. Calling for his removal from office
- The 60-year-old hedge fund manager is an environmental activist and is also rumored to be Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein’s main challenger
- steyer, who has a fortune of $1.61 billion, was the largest political donor to the united states during the 2016 election. he contributed a total of $66.3 million
- rumored to be running for senate
by alana goodman for
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