Connecting Two Air Compressor Tanks Together – How to Add an Additional Tank to the System

I get a lot of questions about whether or not it’s a good idea to implement an extra tank on a compressor, or even people ask, is it possible? The answers to both questions are… yes! With some qualifications, of course.

One way you can improve the performance of a small air compressor is to add a second tank to the air compressor, creating a larger reservoir of compressed air for you to use when you need to. you are using an air tool that exceeds the capacity of the compressor.

This page will serve as a guide on why and how to connect two air compressor tanks, and the considerations to take before it results in a double tank air compressor.

Table of Contents

  • Why connect two air compressor tanks together?
  • How to connect two tanks Air Compressor Kit</li
  • Important Considerations When Connecting a Second Tank
  • Where should I add the second tank?
  • Connecting Two Air Tanks Parts Available on Amazon
  • Frequently Asked Questions ( Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Reader Questions and Answers

Why Connect two air compressor tanks?

The key benefit offered by adding or connecting another air receiver tank to your air compressor is the ability to have more air storage! This allows the air compressor motor to run for a much longer period before it reaches its cut-out pressure and does not allow you to use your air tools during this period.

Now that you have enabled the compressor pump to fill a larger volume of air (the two receiver tanks), you have a higher amount of CFM available! Learn more about air tanks here!

This is by far a great solution for increasing the CFM of your compressed air system. Not only this, but adding a second tank will allow the compressor a longer cool down time. Well, this is under the assumption that you’re not pulling more CFM out of the air compressor system than your pump can actually put out. For more information on the compressed air system as a whole, please visit this Atlas Copco article.

This longer cool down time is due to the increased volume of air which keeps your air tool running longer it was before start pressure is reached and the compressor restarts.

This can also be a great technique to reduce stress on the air compressor, say for example your compressor has a 50% service. and it spends, say, 10 minutes running (on) and 4 minutes resting (off), then you’re stressing it too much!

See our guide to air compressor duty cycles for more information.

Note: It is important to understand that adding a second air tank to your compressor increases the CFM of the compressed air system and NOT the CFM of the air compressor pump. The actual CFM available at the air tank outlet is separate from the CFM of the air compressor pump.

So, on that note, you might get 20 CFM out of your 10 CFM rated air compressor. by having a large enough set of air receiver tanks to maintain the volume. This 20 CFM would only be available for a fixed period of time, as the 10 CFM air compressor pump could not meet this demand.

How to Connect Two Air Compressor Tanks

  1. Disconnect your compressor
  2. Select your location
  3. Install the second tank (using couplers, tees and a hose)

Now let’s get into the process. To connect two air compressors you can follow the steps below:

1. Unplug your compressor

First, unplug the compressor and vent compressed air from the tank to atmosphere by opening the tank drain valve and allowing it to drain.

2. Choose your location

Where do you put the extra tank? Right next to the existing compressor tank or across the shop?

For most DIY applications, it doesn’t really matter. Just remember to have a long enough hose or pipe to reach from one tank to the other.

An additional tank can be any shape or size, depending on the capacity of the pump and compressor motor.

Note: You will need to drain both air tanks regularly. Make sure you have access to the drain valves on both tanks to make this process convenient for you.

3. Second Tank Installation

You can “force connect” the new tank, but the easiest way, and the one I will recommend, is to connect the two tanks with a hose.

Use the existing coupler on the current air tank. This coupler allows you to plug in a connector, and once you connect the connector, air will flow into the airline or hose.

You will need an air hose long enough to reach from the tank coupler main, to the inlet connector on the second tank. This air hose will have a coupler on one end and a connector on the other.

Now, thread a tee into the inlet port of the new tank and thread a coupler onto one side of the tee. You can now push the coupler from your extension air hose into this connection, effectively connecting the two air tanks together.

On the other side of the tee, you might consider adding a nipple, an air filter, another nipple, and then another proven coupler. This allows air to filter before it is routed down the line from the secondary tank to the air tool.

You may not want an air filter here, so you can insert a coupler for the tee and then connect the air hose or line that connects to your air tool.

For more information on hoses, visit our guide to air compressor hoses and tubes.

Note: Do not plug the connector into the coupler until you have connected the hose to the new end of the tank!

Now, whenever the power switch compressor pressure calls for air, the compressor will start and run until it fills both air tanks to the high pressure cutout level, giving you the extra tank air volume for your applications, between compressor cycles!

Just like the connector on your compressor tank it has a proven coupling to keep To have air in the tank when there is no connector attached, the coupler you have added to the tee on the new tank will keep air in both tanks until you are ready to insert an airline connector into it.

Second Tank Installation Steps:

  1. Plug an airline into the discharge coupler on the primary tank (other end should have a coupler)
  2. Attach that coupler to the secondary tank tee
  3. Attach another air line to the secondary tank discharge coupler, so your air can flow from both compressors to your tool pneumatics

Important considerations when connecting a second tank

Keep in mind a little thing called cycle duty. It would be a shame if your compressor worked so long and hard to fill the multiple tanks that it burned out just because you didn’t give it a chance to cool down often enough! Make sure it is operating within its duty cycle limits.

It is possible to decrease the ratio of work time to idle time by adding a second tank to the air compressor system. This will result in a reduced duty cycle, even if the pump runs longer.

Adding a second tank is not ideal for continuous duty applications, as it must stop and start for the compressor to run. I can refill the tank. tanks. It is much better suited for intermittent uses where the compressor pump has time to “catch up” as such, with the demand.

You should keep in mind that the air compressor will require a greater amount of time to refill the two tanks when the pressure drops below the cut-out, this is due to the increased volume of the connected tanks.

This can be a very important consideration to take into account, since the Compressor run time and idle time have cycle limits specified by the air compressor manufacturer. Operating the compressor outside of its recommended duty cycle could cause permanent system damage or even compressor pump and motor failure.

Important Considerations When Connecting a Second Tank Summary

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  • Not ideal for continuous use of air tools
  • Great for intermittent use of air tools
  • Need to size tank correctly even for intermittent use (see how to size a tank). air compressor tank here)
  • There is still a need to check the duty cycle of air compressors to size them correctly in relation to the working CFM of the air tool
  • Where should I add the second tank

    It is absolutely crucial to insert the second air tank AFTER the first air tank due to the location of the check valve.

    Where the air enters the tank at the compressor, there is normally a check valve retainer installed. This allows air into the tank, but won’t allow air back that way. For more information, visit our guide to air compressor check valves.

    This is a very important feature of any compressed air system, and that is why the secondary tank is installed after the primary. In this way, air from both tanks cannot escape through the supply line when the compressor stops and escape through the discharge valve that opens to atmosphere.

    If you are interested in cleaning the air inside the compressor tank, visit our guide!

    Parts available on Amazon to connect two air tanks together

    Many parts to connect two air tanks are available on Amazon . The first is a Le Lematac air tool accessory kit that includes couplers, plugs, and connectors.

    Another good set is the Milton 1/4″ NPT 12-Piece Plug and Coupler Set.

    A third set is the 18-Piece Air Coupler and Plug Kit that includes a T-pipe fitting.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Questions and answers from readers

    How to add an air tank to increase volume?


    Adding a second air tank to the small compressor to increase volume.

    Where should the pressure regulator be located…if it stays in the same location, the back pressure the other tank would be a problem? problem?


    Ray, if you put the second tank in series, then having a regulator before the second tank will mean you’re regulating the pressure going into that tank.

    Since regulators only reduce pressure, the secondary tank will only have air pressure equal to or less than the first tank, so there will be no back pressure.

    You would still have More sense you asked me to install the regulator in the line after the second tank so you have the full compressor pressure built up in both tanks so you can draw it off.

    Set the regulator to the lowest possible pressure that works for your air tools to reduce energy consumption and compressor wear.

    Sure. DeWalt does, as do several compressor manufacturers, as they try to get more volume capacity in a small compressor.

    I added a second tank and the compressor keeps turning on and off at the same rate as before


    I followed your instructions on how to add a second tank to my compressor, I added a 26 gallon tank to a 30 gallon tank.

    Everything is working fine, but the compressor seems to keep turning on and off at the same rate as before. Are there any adjustments I need to make?


    I’m not quite sure what this means.

    Adding a tank gives you more pre-compressed air supply for your tools It will not change the pressure levels on or off the pressure switch.

    What will happen is that when it is turned on, the compressor will run longer as it fills both tanks.

    If that’s not the problem, please post a comment here to let me know.

    Can I put two tanks on one compressor?


    Put the two tanks side by side and fill them up.


    Hello, Walt…

    Yeah, sure you can.

    Supply the second tank with air from your air compressor tank, and then connect the air from the second tank to your shop.

    You’ll need to remember to drain both tanks regularly, as both will collect moisture.

    See the new page on this website Adding an Air Tank and review the compressed air plumbing pages on this site for more information.

    Remote Air Tank – How to install?


    I have a compressor tank that I want to keep in my garage to use when I need more volume for a bigger job. Is there anything special I need to do to connect a smaller compressor (1 1/2 hp 6 gallon pancake style) to the larger tank?


    If you have a tank 30 gallons in a compressor, or one in a compressor and one next to it, the compressor doesn’t care. The net result of the two tanks is 60 gallons of ready-to-use compressed air when both are full. You have more air to use, but the compressor takes longer to fill the two tanks.

    How do I couple two air tanks together?


    I have a compressor portable and got a bigger tank from an older compressor.

    Can I couple the two with a hose between them and increase my volume so I can run grinders and sanders more efficiently?

    What should I be aware of?

    Can I burn my laptop if it runs more frequently?


    Yes, you can dock two tanks together to form a larger reservoir.

    When the compressor runs, air flows from the piston (assuming it’s a reciprocating compressor) through a tube into the tank. As air travels through the tube, it passes through a check valve.

    This check valve keeps air in the tank when the compressor stops and the unloader valve operates.

    So, if you are coupling two tanks, you need to make sure they are both downstream of the check valve. This way air enters both tanks from the compressor and cannot flow back through the line to the exhaust port of the unloader valve.

    Go to the site map on this site and see “duty cycle” to give you some ideas so you don’t burn out your compressor.

    Thank you for writing.

    When two tanks are coupled, the air pressure in each will equalize.

    Add an additional compressed air tank to the system?


    I purchased a portable tank, but plan to add it to the system when I install pipes my home garage/workshop.


    You can add the tank anywhere that is convenient in your garage/workshop.

    Air The compressor needs to be connected to that tank, and then you need to have a discharge from that tank to your shop.

    If (and you should) have an existing compressor filter/regulator, you’ll want air from both tanks to go through this unit before connecting your tools.

    Don’t forget to drain too! the secondary tank!

    Visit this page plumbing guide for more information on how to install compressed air.

    Can I connect a second tank to my air compressor? ?


    I want to connect my new 60 gallon air compressor to my old 60 gallon tank that I removed the compressor and motor for additional storage. I was told it was not safe to do this, is it possible?


    Hi Bill. If the “old” tank is solid, I don’t understand why anyone would say it’s unsafe unless they’re talking about the engine.

    If your compressor has a 60 gallon tank, a 120 gallon tank gallons, or two tanks totaling 120 gallons, is irrelevant to the air compressor, as long as filling both tanks doesn’t overload the motor.

    See sitemap link regarding fuel cycle work .

    See also the “add an air tank” link in the sitemap.

    Two tanks, two different explosion rates…


    Hi Bill, by the way, you are a ROCK. Ok so I have a 16g 200psi compressor, and I also just bought a 15 gallon tank that is rated at 150psi. Is it possible to add the 15 gallon tank as a slave tank for the compressor? The slave tank says not to exceed 150psi and I’m assuming that’s its burst pressure.

    The compressor pressure switch does not automatically shut off until it reaches 205 psi. How would I connect the two together? Is it possible to add a small regulator between the connection lines? Or is this not possible due to the spare tank being blown at it’s psi limit? Thanks!


    Andrew, if this were my setup, I wouldn’t put a 150 PSI rated tank in series with a 250 PSI air source, regardless of putting a regulator online.

    My opinion is that you drop the compressor output pressure to 150 PSI and run that pressure for both tanks, or you get a tank rated for 250 PSI from the original compressor.

    If you have any questions about adding or connecting a second tank to your air compressor system, please leave a comment here along with photos if applicable so someone can help you out!


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