How to Be a Successful Art Blogger: 7 Effective Blogging Strategies for Artists

By Admin at Art Business Advice > Art Marketing Tips

As a blogger for over two years, I know firsthand that creating a successful art blog has much more to do with planning and time. I work hard than being a great writer.

Of course, I’ve always loved writing, a definite plus if you plan on starting your own art blog, but that’s not enough on its own.

In fact, I’d say 90% of my success with EmptyEasel comes from following the 7 blogging strategies I’m going to share with you today. (The other 10% is probably a combination of luck and search engine optimization.)

So, whether you’re just starting an art blog or just looking for ways to improve blogging, here Here are my 7 strategies for building a successful blog:

1. Create an art blog that is NOT a “personal” blog

It is very important that your art blog is not perceived as just a “diary” or some kind of diary of your life in general.

A few personal posts now and then are fine, but for the most part, people are searching the internet for very specific things, so avoiding your blog being a hodgepodge of material will encourage the right readers. to keep coming back.

I would suggest having an 80/20 ratio where (at most) only 20 percent of your posts are personal or non-art related, leaving the majority of your blog to be about your art, your process or about art in general.

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2. Treat your blogging time like business time

This means setting up working hours for your blog (the exact amount needed will vary for each person) and giving yourself a “paycheck” of some sort for each blog post. Blog. . . in other words, reward yourself for posting.

I’ve also found it helpful to make sure your spouse, kids, friends, and anyone else important to you KNOWS that you’ll be blogging at a set time. every day and make it part of your marketing plan, not just a hobby.

Explaining this up front will help clear the way for non-stop blogging time.

3. Be a content creator, not a content recycler

You might be tempted to create a blog that only follows current art news or popular topics other bloggers are writing about. don’t In the long run, this is a recipe for failure, and here’s why:

For starters, there are always many, many bloggers doing this, so it’s hard to stand out. More importantly, while some current and hot blog posts are fine, you should always think of them as posts that are due in a month (or less).

If the post you’re writing looks like no one will be interested in it a month from now, be sure to write some timeless tips, entertainment, or resource posts to balance things out. . . those are the ones that will bring visitors year after year.

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4. Keep a schedule of upcoming topics to write about

Having a schedule is great for both you and your readers. Planning ahead will help you post new posts regularly and keep others interested in coming back to see IF and HOW you deliver on your plans.

This can be as simple as saying, “For the month of March, we will see the work of Degas”, or as complex as a monthly program with specific titles and short excerpts from each future publication so that readers know exactly what is coming. Either way can work.

5 Don’t Just Write About You and Your Artwork

If you publish a new blog post every day, make sure that a couple of posts a week aren’t about you.An easy way to do this is Have a day where you praise other talented artists or art bloggers in your field.

The benefits of this approach are twofold: First, a little variety is good for everyone – your regular readers will appreciate it. and visitors won’t think you’re obsessed with yourself. Second, saying nice things about other people will generate a lot more links to your own blog.

6. Point out good resources whenever you find them

There’s no reason to be stingy when linking to other websites from your blog (although linking to specific pages within your own blog is just as important).

Sure, it may seem like by linking to other websites you’re losing visitors, but it’s much more likely that people will start seeing your blog as the place to go to find good stuff, whether it’s on your website or not. .

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7. Please re-read and edit each post before publishing it

Before you hit the “publish” button, ask yourself a few questions:

Are you interested in the post you just published? written? Does it fill a need? Is it inspiring, educational or at least entertaining? If you answer “no” to any of those questions, don’t publish it, rewrite it!

Take another look.Are any sections confusing or ambiguous? Have you repeated yourself unnecessarily? Would your spelling or grammar get you less than a “B” from your high school English teacher? If you answer “yes” to any of those questions, please spend 10 minutes cleaning up the post before publishing.

Every post on your blog has the potential to make a great first impression with a future art collector, that’s why it pays to make every post the best it can be.

Good luck and keep writing!

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