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Tracking time with a time sheet isn’t just a way to pay teams and contractors. As project-based work becomes more common, timesheets have also become valuable for companies to track their time and keep projects on track. In this blog, I’ll cover the following:

  • What is timesheet management?
  • What is an employee timesheet management system? ?
  • What are the elements of a project timesheet?
  • What is the use of a timesheet?
  • What is effective timesheet management?
  • How to overcome resistance to using the timesheet?
  • How to get employees to complete the timesheet?
  • What is the difference between manual timesheet and online timesheet software?
  • What to look for in an online timesheet management system?
  • How to create a timesheet in Asanify?
  • Are timesheets good or bad?
  • What are some of the best timesheet programs ?
  • How often should you complete a weekly timesheet?
  • How to manage absences and vacations in the timesheet?
  • FAQ
  • >

What is timesheet management?

Timesheet management is a practice of tracking and analyzing timesheets (logged work hours). It can also involve taking different actions (for example, calculating the employees’ payroll or invoicing the client based on these time sheets).

Work time used to be summarized on a piece of paper, so that the name is time sheet. Today, online timesheets are much more popular, although there are several options here as well; from simple spreadsheets to AI-powered software tools.

What is an employee timesheet management system?

An employee timesheet system is an automated timesheet tracker that sends timesheet requests to managers as soon as possible. as an employee you submit the employee timesheet form for approval. An employee timesheet system tracks the number of hours worked, additional overtime, and routes requests for timesheets to managers, HR, and employees. H H. and payroll.

What are the elements of a record of hours worked?

Time recording systems generally include the following data:


This is the person who is completing the time record. Managers can access complete timesheets on behalf of others on the team.


Timesheets typically display a week to view . The date field allows you to navigate the calendar and enter your work time for a particular week.


Timesheets can group tasks per project to make it easier for the user to see what they are recording at a glance.


The list of tasks that have been assigned to the user to work on that one are not marked complete yet.

Copy last week

If you are working on the same or similar tasks each week, you can automatically populate the timesheet with last week’s tasks instead of having to enter them again.

Days of the week

All other days the timesheet columns show the days of the week. Check off the hours worked on each task against the correct days.

Percent Complete

See what percentage of your tasks were completed.

Auto Totals

Columns and rows will total automatically so you can see at a glance how many hours you’ve worked in a day or on a particular task.

Send the timesheet

If an approver has been assigned, the timesheet when ready can be sent to that person for review.

Add notes to the timesheet

Add comments and upload files to timesheet entries to remind yourself of what the task was about or to note why it took more (or less) time than expected.

Additional Timesheet Items

You’ll also see lines on the timesheet that don’t directly relate to tasks on the project schedule. project. These lines could represent things like sickness, vacation, team meetings, training, etc. These tasks take time during the work week, but do not necessarily contribute directly to a project.

What is a timesheet for?

There are several uses for timesheets in addition to tracking employee time and pay. Let’s take a look at some of the uses beyond time tracking:

To build a database of historical information.

The data output from time tracking comes in the form of time sheets that show how much time an individual spends doing a particular task. This is valuable data, because many of those tasks will happen again in the future. Your time tracking data warehouse will allow you to better estimate in the future because it can be based on real life data.

For Billing Clients

If your business model is based on charge clients for their time, then you need to know how long to charge them for.Timesheets also give you details so you can explain exactly what you did on a project.

This is useful if you ever come across your invoices, and especially when work takes longer than planned due to to the changes requested by the client. .

To Manage Your Workload

Often, people are surprised when they start tracking their time. They can see exactly where they are investing the most effort. And it’s not always where it should be.

Timesheets can be very helpful in pointing out why you’re not as efficient as you think you should be. They point out where your time goes. This helps you manage your workload more efficiently. Both over a day and over a longer period of time, say a week.

What is effective timesheet management?

Calculate the cost of your projects

Indispensable for companies that operate with time and material contracts. Since you’re billing your clients for the work your team does on the project, you can simply use their timesheets as the basis for your invoice. Many resource management tools let you export timesheet data or share it externally.

Find room for improvement and savings

Analyzing timesheets Your team’s timesheets are a great opportunity to dig deeper into the data and identify opportunities for improvement. Many time tracking tools offer an option to tag recorded time entries with predefined categories or add comments to them. This way, you can analyze how much of your team’s time is spent on non-billable activities.

Forecast Resources

Previous data, such as timesheets, They can be also used to forecast hiring needs. By looking at numbers from previous years or months, companies can spot trends that are likely to happen again.

Identify problems before they escalate

A Sometimes Project difficulties are pretty easy to notice just by looking at the recorded time sheets. For example, people may start logging a lot of overtime to meet the following milestones.

However, it’s a good practice to regularly compare your team’s recorded time entries against the estimated schedule. This will allow you to catch any inconsistencies before they result in missed deadlines.

How do you overcome resistance to using timesheets?

One of the concerns you may hear from managers is that the team will not like to use timesheets. Because of this seemingly common feeling, it can be daunting to move into time recording when you haven’t previously worked that way. Introducing time tracking where it isn’t already in practice is a big game changer for many companies.

If there’s resistance in your organization, take a step back and ask yourself why that level of opposition exists. It could be because:

  • Employees feel that timesheets are a lot of work.
  • They feel micromanaged.
  • They feel that timesheets they could be used to penalize staff who do not log enough hours.

The best way to deal with these concerns is to sit down with the team and explain what you are doing to address them. For example, if they’re worried that completing their timesheets will be a hassle, show them how easy it is to click and submit using online time tracking software.

When you learn why team members If they are reluctant to keep track of their time, you can handle their concerns on an individual basis.

How do you get employees to fill out the timesheet?

It surprises no one in the world of There may be one cardinal rule of thumb when it comes to employee time tracking: Employees don’t like to fill out timesheets.

It is this fact that makes supervisors and managers constantly struggle to collect everyone’s complete and accurate timesheets. Here are some tips that will help employees complete their timesheets on time:

1. Keep it simple

Time sheets should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete each day. When an employee uses a system that takes 30 minutes or more just to track their hours, the employee becomes frustrated and the company loses a significant amount of time that would be better spent on other activities.

2 . Make Shipping Easy

Many companies employ complicated or tedious time tracking processes. Simplify or automate part of the process with Asanify and your employees will send their timesheets without delays or complaints. Get started for free!

3. Explain the benefits of a timesheet

Communicate how the timesheet data will be used. Explain the value of the time ticket to all staff members. If the data helps reduce the amount of multitasking, please communicate it. By clarifying the process and explaining how timesheets help speed up the billing cycle and increase cash flow, thus gaining the ability to take on more projects, you make them understand and want to help.

4 .Be flexible about how time is recorded

If you don’t want employees looking at the clock and getting creative with 15-minute excuses, don’t require timesheets that are accurate to the minute.

5. Limit the number of time-tracking items

If you don’t want your reports to turn into nightmares, limit the number of tabs you’re tracking. Group items like internal meetings, product training, and conference calls into a single category. It will simplify your reporting and make it easier for employees to record their time.

6. Automate time tracking

Eliminate as many manual processes as possible. You’ll save countless hours of timesheet-related administrative work for the employee and help reduce the potential for human error on each submission, therefore saving time for the approver as well. Automating the process also makes the timesheet more accessible to employees, no matter where they are.

7. Use automatic reminders

A system that automatically reminds an employee when timesheets are due will help them collect those timesheets on time and reduce the number of late submissions.

8 . Don’t punish people for being honest

It’s relatively easy to get staff to report project time, but rather difficult to get them to report (consistently and fearlessly) non-project time. Instead of penalizing employees for spending time on other things, use information as an opportunity. Identify the source of the problem and fix it. You may discover a legitimate internal issue that requires follow-up, such as morning meetings or training.

9. Choose your projects

Some projects require extra time entered for project management. Some projects can be easily managed with results. If your team is getting results on time and on budget, don’t criticize them in time sheets.

10. Avoid the Reward/Penalties System

While penalties may solve the problem in the short term, it is not good in the long term. Using a penalty/reward system can undermine team unity and create an atmosphere of mistrust between employers and employees, things you want to avoid if you’re building a long-lasting business and looking to enhance the employer’s reputation.

What’s the difference between manual timesheets and online timesheet software?

Timesheets track team hours, but software is worth investing in online timesheets. Certainly small businesses that don’t have to keep track of many employees can get by without it. But once an organization grows, so do the complexities of ensuring proper pay for its employees.


One advantage of an online timesheet compared to online The ancient thing about recording hours is that you can customize them to fit the structure of your business. Not all companies are the same, they work in different sectors and have different needs when it comes to processing payroll. Online timesheets have the flexibility these companies need to more accurately track their timesheets.


The problem with paper or even a sheet of digital computation is that they are islands of data. While functional, they don’t go beyond the basic needs of a timesheet. For example, an online spreadsheet has a central repository that can then be leveraged to generate reports that give managers insight into how their teams are doing and also information to track time on projects.


Having timekeeping software online means it can be electronically locked, preventing anyone from changing the information it contains. Once a manager approves the time sheet, he can protect it to ensure that what makes it to payroll is the same as what he saw. No one can log in and change the numbers.

Easy Access

Paper timesheets must be distributed physically, and even digital copies must be sent electronically. However, an online timesheet software can be accessed anywhere and anytime. If you’re managing remote employees who work in different locations and time zones, they can log in to their timesheet when they need to update it without having to send it to them.

This is not even talking about having timesheets that they are integrated with larger project management software and can automatically update as teams submit their status. While we don’t completely disdain classic timesheets, online timesheets are what the workplace needs.

What to look for in a timesheet management system online?

To choose a tool to automate the timesheet process for your employees, here are some key points to follow:

1 . Don’t compromise on integration

Choose a solution that is easier to integrate with your payroll platform, employee database system, employee portal, etc.

Plus, you don’t need dedicated software for the sole purpose of keeping track of timesheets. Attendance monitoring is only a subset and relates to the broader aspects of human resources. Therefore, you can choose HR software that treats the timesheet management system as part of your overall operations instead of treating it as a separate issue.

2. Aim for the cloud

Cloud-based time recording software is ready for integration and is also accessible to its users anytime and anywhere. Cloud accessibility is also a great advantage if your company has employees or teams working from remote locations.

3. Be picky about the user interface and user experience

Human resources staff aren’t known for being tech-savvy, so they need software they can use on their own without disturb the IT team. Look for software that has a user-friendly interface, drag and drop design, customizable features, low or no coding options, etc.

How to create a timesheet on Asanify?

Timesheet software is a key component in tracking time spent on tasks and also projects to ensure you stay on schedule. Here are the steps on how to use timesheets in Asanify:

1. Create your project

Create project in Asanify

Timesheets are much easier to manage when you have an idea of ​​what tasks employees will be working on ahead of time. You should start with laying out the tasks you will need to get to your final schedule.

2. Invite your team

Gather your team together and invite team members to the project. Choose members who have the experience and skill set to tackle all the tasks necessary to get the job done.

3. Adding and Assigning Tasks

timesheet table

Tasks are the building blocks of your project, and carefully planned task lists guide your team through the entire project. Therefore, it is essential to practice proper task management, with clear direction and other details.

4. Designate a timesheet approver

Assign someone from the team who will receive submitted timesheets. This person will ensure that work hours match tasks completed.

5. Have team members log their hours

Each team member is responsible for keeping track of the hours they work on a task. This information is then collected on the time sheet. Record hours on individual tasks or record them on the time sheet.

6. Check the timesheet

Asanify timesheet

After the required amount of time has passed, typically:

  • weekly,
  • bi-weekly,
  • monthly, or
  • bi-monthly,

it’s time to review the timesheet before submitting it.

7. Submit Timesheets

Submitting timesheets to the team approver who approves them is the next step in the process.

To ensure you submit your timesheets in a timely manner, You can set notifications that can be set to a certain day/time every week.

8. Approve Timesheet


The approver will receive the timesheet and should review the hours and tasks to make sure there are no errors. If there are any, then the timesheet should go back to the person who sent it.

9. Reporting

Now that the timesheet has been approved, you can take your time tracking even further using HR reports. The reports are useful for reviewing all of your data and identifying bottlenecks, overruns, and other disparities. They are also an essential tool for keeping stakeholders informed.

Are timesheets good or bad?

Managers tend to fall into two categories when it comes to tracking of time:

  1. Either they understand the value of time sheets and are big supporters, or
  2. They don’t see the point and believe it undermines trust in the team.
  3. </ol

    If you fall into the second category, this will also explain why you should reconsider time tracking on your projects.

    You can only manage what you measure. Successful project managers know how far along their project is at any given time. This information helps them determine if they are ahead or over budget and if they will meet upcoming deadlines.

    Unless you know how long a task has taken and can compare it to the time that was scheduled . take, understanding the performance of your project is much more difficult.

    What are some of the best time logging programs?

    1. Asanify
    2. Harvest
    3. Clockify
    4. T-sheet
    5. Toggl
    6. Hubstaff
    7. Wrike

    How often should you complete a T-sheet? of weekly time?

    There’s no hard and fast rule about this, but it’s usually best to complete them as soon as you can to remind yourself of what you wasted your time on.

    If you don’t have as many tasks, it’s You can probably manage them by completing them once a week. If you have a lot of separate tasks to do in a day, then it’s best to spend a few minutes recording your time just before you log out for the day.

    How to manage absences and vacations in the timesheet?

    Sometimes you don’t want to record time against project activity because a staff member is sick or on annual leave.

    The easiest way to manage this is to set up a ‘manager’ ‘ labeled ‘Sick’ or ‘Vacation’ and ask them to record their normal working hours against that.

    When a period of downtime affects everyone, such as closing the office for vacation, per policy company holidays, you can change the working hours in the master calendar so your team doesn’t have to log time on those days.



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