How To Build a Website With Python

Python is a programming language that was developed in 1991 and has grown in popularity over the past decade. Python developers are among the most in-demand in today’s technological world.

The Python programming language is a general-purpose option, meaning it can be used to create almost any type of computer program. , including websites. It’s surprisingly easy to learn, yet powerful enough for some of the most advanced applications out there, making it a win-win programming language for any developer.

If you want to learn how to build a website With Python, you’ll need to have a good command of this language, as well as a good understanding of how websites work. This page is a high-level introduction to building a website with Python to help you get started.

At the end, there will be links to some additional resources that can help you learn Python so you can build your site. . As you read this page, you will learn information such as:

  • Why many people choose to use Python to build a website
  • Examples of popular sites built with Pythonbuild
  • Basic steps needed to build a website with Python
  • Resources for more information on Python
Installing Python
Source: Bluehost

Why you can use Python to build a website

The Python programming language can be used to create a wide variety of things, including websites. Building websites with Python is easier than most people think due to the fact that Python uses something called “frameworks”.

Frameworks are pre-built selections of code that are created to perform specific tasks. When building a website, for example, there are frameworks that will give your site structure, perform common functionality, and much more. Simply put, you can use a framework to drastically reduce the total amount of actual coding you need to do, saving you a lot of time.

Sample Sites Built With Python</h2

Here are a few Examples of websites that have been created using the Python programming language. These illustrate the versatility of the coding language:

  • Google: The world’s most popular search engine uses Python
  • Instagram: Python was used to create the backend of Instagram
  • Spotify: Python is one of the reasons Spotify can serve audio files with virtually no delay
  • Netflix: Much of the Netflix website and the service in general were coded in Python
  • Uber: Uber revolutionized the rideshare industry and its service is built with Python

Of course, millions of other websites use Python for some or all of their programming and that number is growing daily.

How to Build a Website with Python

No matter what language you use, building a website from scratch is going to take some time and effort. Python makes a lot of things about building websites faster and easier, but you still need to make sure you have everything in place and complete all the essential steps. The following are just a few of the critical things you need to do to launch a successful Python coded website.

Setting Up Python Web Hosting

As with any website, you will need to have good accommodation in place. Almost all web hosting companies today will support running pages built with Python. However, there are some that are better than others or specialize in hosting these types of sites.

Taking the time to find the right hosting company for your Python website will help ensure that you don’t have problems. by the way. While most hosting companies can run Python-based sites, those that don’t have it as a focus may not keep their systems up to date with the latest versions of Python. This can cause your website to load incorrectly if you start using updated versions before the hosting provider is ready. If you’re looking for a good option to consider, we’ve ranked and reviewed the top Python hosting companies to help ensure you choose the right one.

It always seems impossible until it's done
Source: SiteGround

Choose Your Framework

One of the most important steps when building a website with Python is choosing your framework. There are quite a few different popular frameworks that will make it faster and easier to build a website. The following are among the most popular Python frameworks in use today:

  • Django: Django is one of the most well-known options, as it use the “Don’t repeat yourself” method. principle, allowing you to reuse the code.It also has several great libraries that are ready to use.
  • Flask: Flask is a non-open source microframework, which makes it ideal for some people. This framework is also compatible with Google App Engine which is key for some people.
  • Web2Py: This is a full stack open source framework that can run on almost any site Web. hosting platform. It also has built-in security measures for common web vulnerabilities.
  • AIOHTTP: AIOHTTP is an asynchronous framework that has both server-side and client-side functionality, making it makes it very useful for many types of sites.

There are, of course, dozens of other frameworks to choose from. Finding the right one for you based on your needs can take a bit of time, but it’s well worth the effort.

Code Your Website

Once you’ve chosen your framework and is in place, you’re ready to start coding your website. This is where you’ll spend most of your time, although many new users are surprised at how fast you can go. Most of the steps that need to be hand-coded when using other languages ​​are already in place, thanks to established Python frameworks.

An experienced Python developer can have a website up and running relatively quickly. Using the right frameworks, you could have an extremely basic site in less than an hour. A typical website will usually take about a day, if you don’t include creating the actual content for the site. Remember, after initially coding your site, you’ll be constantly updating and improving it to keep it up-to-date and running smoothly.

Resources for Learning Python

If you don’t already know Python, or this will be When you first use it for web development, you’ll need to learn a few key points to get started. Python is considered one of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn today. Plus, no matter what level of learning you require, there are resources available to you.

Consider some of the following great options:

  • Python from Beginner’s Page: This is an excellent introduction to Python, explaining what it is, how it works, and much more.
  • Python’s Official Website: The Python website is a great resource. You can download the source code and installers, which is essential. It also has excellent documentation to help you get started.
  • Google Python Class: Google uses Python for many things and offers a nice class to help get developers started. This is a free class that can be very useful.
  • Python Videos: If you like to learn things by watching a video, this page has many excellent resources to help you get started.
  • Languages ​​and Frameworks: If you’re still not sure if Python is the right choice for you, we’ve created a description overview of different languages ​​and frameworks to help you understand your options so you can choose the best one.
Installing VirtualEnv
Source: DreamHost

Give it a try

You could spend countless hours digging and researching your options for creating a website. In the end, however, it is better to try it. One of the best things about Python is that it’s easy to learn and you can see real results very quickly. If you think you want to make a website with Python, the best thing to do is give it a try. You will probably be surprised how easy it is.


See Also:  How to Launch a Website for Your Etsy Shop

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