A Step-by-Step Guide To Building Your First Mobile App

Why do you want to create a mobile app? Do you want to ride the wave of other entrepreneurs, or did you come across a problem that you feel you can solve? The answer to this question will determine whether or not your application will be successful.

This is a guide to get you started, but please note that it may not work for everyone. This is drawn from my experience working for over three years with entrepreneurs, helping them build and market their mobile apps. Take from it what best suits your strategy, or follow it to the end. The important part is getting started.

Step 1: Get an idea or problem. If you already have an app idea, skip to step two. If not, keep reading. Want to create an app but don’t have an app idea? What you really need are problems, and they’re everywhere!

Successful entrepreneurs solve problems in ways we couldn’t have imagined. When you look around you, every product and service you use was created to solve a problem. You wanted to go from one place to another faster, you got a car. You wanted to get from one country to another faster, you got planes.

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So Look for problems in your daily life and list each of them. Once you have an exhaustive list, start thinking about how you can solve them and shortlist the ones that make the most sense.

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Step 2: Identify the need. Validation will show that there is a demand for your application. You can validate your idea by using the Google Keyword Planner tool to find the number of people searching for what you are trying to do. You can also create a landing page that broadly highlights your app idea and engages users through an email signup.

Step 3: Design the flow and features. Validation of your idea application means that you have something that people want to use. Now is the time to detail your product in a document, or if you want to go the extra mile, use a wireframe tool.

When you put your idea down on paper, remember to be as detailed as possible. Include the flow of how the user will navigate through the app, as well as all the features planned. This will help your developer clearly understand your expectations.

Step 4: Remove the child features. From the flow and features document you prepared, begin to take a close look at the features that you can remove Offer only the core value of your app idea. Don’t create features in the first release that are “nice to have” and can always be added later as an update. This will help keep your initial development costs down and also help you get to market faster.

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Step 5: Prioritize design. I’ve heard many entrepreneurs say that they want a very basic design and want to focus only on developing an app. They are so wrong! Design is not just about how your app looks, but also how a user will experience the app. Vinod Khosla of Khosla Ventures puts it best: “Design is a way of making technology useful.” So look for a developer who puts design first (user experience and graphics).

Step 6: Hire a designer/developer. Look for a development company that has great design talent and a strong development team. While hiring a developer, go online to check their credibility and the apps they have built. If you really liked an app they built from their portfolio, it’s probably the right one for your product.

Step 7: Create developer accounts. You need to sign up for a developer account with the respective app stores to be able to sell your app through their platform. You have the option to sign up as an individual or as a business if you already have one set up.

Step 8: Integrate Analytics. Analytics help you track downloads, user engagement and retention for your mobile app. Be sure to use tools like Flurry, which is available for free, and Localytics, which has a free and paid version.

Step 9: Get feedback quickly and improvise. A Once your app goes live on the app store, the first set of customer usage and behavior will give you an idea of ​​how to improve and enhance your app. Improvements and changes are constant, so keep an eye on user feedback and keep developing.

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Step 10: Introduce Features. Created version one with limited features and only the main offer. Now is the time to evaluate and introduce the remaining features that were left out of the initial release. You will know through analytics and feedback if the features are still relevant.

These steps are not sacrosanct, but rather a guide to building your app in the most effective way in my experience. Once you’re ready to get started, you should also know that creating a mobile app is the easiest part. Getting customers is where the challenge lies.

Related: Where to get the money to build your mobile app


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