How to Start a Blog on Facebook [Including 19 Post Ideas People Love]

There are so many ways to start a blog! After researching how to start a blog, he came to Facebook as his platform of choice. Read on for our detailed guide on how to start a Facebook blog and make money.

How to Start a Facebook Blog

If you’re looking for a short-form blogging platform, the Facebook posts are a great option.

While Facebook Notes used to be a great way to share longer, engaging blog posts, Facebook removed this feature on October 31, 2020.

Keep reading for a great alternative way – with step-by-step instructions for blogging via Facebook Pages.

How to Get Started Blogging Using Facebook Posts

Our guide will show you how to create a Facebook page and start blogging right on the social media platform.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

  • Create a Facebook page for your business or brand. You will need to create a separate page outside of your personal account.
  • Add a profile picture, cover photo, description, and fill out the “About” section.
  • Change your URL of the Facebook page to reflect your brand name.
  • Publish your first blog post.
  • Start marketing your Facebook blog.

Now we have a basic overview of how to blog on Facebook. Let’s dive deeper into each step.

Create a Facebook Page

The first step is to create a Facebook Page for your blog.

You can do this by starting Sign in to your Facebook account (or create one if you don’t already have one), by clicking the “Pages” tab in the left sidebar, and then clicking “Create New Page”.

The main The benefit of creating a separate Facebook page for your blog is that it allows you to keep your blog posts separate from the posts on your personal Facebook account.

For example, posting personal vacation photos on the The same page where you post information about your business can create a disconnect in the minds of your followers. It also ensures that the content you post on your business page is relevant to your audience. Personal vacation photos may not be relevant to your audience.

Fill out your profile with pictures and information

After you’ve created a Facebook business page for your blog, the next step is to fill in all the information for the page.

This information includes:

  • Page Name
  • Category
  • Description

After you have added the page name, category and description, you can click “Create Page”.

After you have After creating your Facebook page, you can now add a profile photo and cover photo along with other details about your business.

Take your time in this step when entering all these details for your Facebook page because these details create the first impression for your audience and tell them more about your blog.

Change the URL of your Facebook page

After you have created your Facebook page and complete With all the important information done, it’s time to change your Facebook page. URL While this may seem like a complicated and daunting step, it’s actually a simple process.

Here’s an example of a Facebook URL that didn’t update to display the brand name properly. cleaner:

To change your Facebook Page URL, go to your Facebook Page admin screen and click “Edit Page Info”.

Next, to change your Facebook Page URL, you simply need to change your username.

Once you change your username, this will be reflected in your Facebook Page URL.

Your Facebook Page URL is important to your blog because it increases name recognition, helps followers better remember your blog name, and creates a more professional look for your blog.


Publish Your First Blog Post

After creating a Facebook Page, fill out all the important details and add a cover image and profile image, you’re ready to start posting to Facebook!

To post content, go to your Facebook page, click on Click “Create Post” and write your post.

Once you’re done writing, you can hit “Publish” to publish your blog immediately, or you can schedule it using Facebook’s publishing tools.

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Get Started Marketing Your Facebook Blog

Now that you’ve created your Facebook page and published your first post, it’s time to promote your blog page!

How to market your new Facebook page Facebook business blog is just as important as the details of your page and the content you post.But how do people find your blog?

Ideas for Promoting Your Facebook Page

There are many ways to promote your new blog post to other Facebook users, including:

  • Join a Facebook group and share the link to your blog with group members
  • Share your Facebook page with friends and family through your personal profile
  • Promote your Facebook page on your other social media channels
  • Run Facebook ads to drive traffic to your page

These are just some ideas on how to build a social media following, market your business blog, and how to set up your Facebook blog for success.

How to Make Money Blogging on Facebook

One of The many benefits of having a Facebook page as a blog is that this is one of the many methods on how to make money on Facebook.

Start a personal blog or a business blog on Face book gives people another source of income for their side jobs or full-time jobs.

Some ways to make money blogging on Facebook are:

  • Using affiliate links
  • Owning a Facebook shop
  • Becoming an influencer associated with brands
  • Broadcasting videos via Facebook Live

Here is an explanation of each of the ways many bloggers make money from their Facebook page.

Affiliate Links

One of the The most popular methods of making money by posting blog posts on Facebook is through affiliate marketing links.

Affiliate marketing occurs when you post an affiliate link in your full blog post that takes your audience to a product and pays you a commission if they make a purchase.

This website link takes your audience to the product’s point of purchase and it also gives you a commission. Think of affiliate marketing as a more modern digital way to be a seller and earn a commission.

Amazon has a seemingly endless supply of products that provides ample opportunity for Facebook bloggers to promote products on follower feeds and monetize your content.

This option has a lower barrier to entry and is a great choice for beginners.

Now that you know this common method of making money With your blog on Facebook, you’re probably wondering how much money you can make through affiliate marketing.

Payments for affiliate links vary from platform to platform.

If If your affiliate marketing strategy is primarily focused on Amazon, AvantLinks or CJ, the frequency and amount you are paid from your affiliate commissions will vary from platform to platform.

An important aspect of affiliate marketing affiliates is to reveal to your audience that you can receive an affiliate commission for purchases made through clicks on links in your content.

Facebook Shop

Creating a Facebook Shop for your blog is another creative way to earn income through your Facebook page.

Depending on the type of content you post, you can fill your Facebook storefront with a variety of relevant products.

For example, if your page If Facebook posts content about coffee, it would make sense for you to sell coffee mugs in your store. If you post about crafts and DIY projects, it would make sense to sell craft supplies and handmade items.

Become an Influencer

Another fruitful way to earn money blogging on Facebook it’s by becoming an influencer and having paid brand partnerships.

Becoming an influencer on Facebook follows the same concept as other social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok.

Brands will then pay based on the value their Facebook page brings to them. The goal would be to create mutually beneficial partnerships with brands that also provide value to your audience and a healthy paycheck for you as an influencer.

Facebook Live Video Streaming

Either Whether you decide to post short videos or long videos, Facebook Live is another great way to diversify your income streams on the platform.

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Content creators on Facebook can earn money simply by going live on Facebook and inserting ads into your live stream.

If your audience is large enough, these types of ads are an easy option to earn more revenue on Facebook.

Types of Blog Posts to Write for Facebook

To choose the best type of blog posts to write for your personal profile, you must first understand your audience.

Having a deep understanding of who you are writing for will help you choose the right type of blog posts. blog post content to write for your Facebook page.

Beyond understanding your audience, you’ll also want to build a deep understanding of your knowledge base and the type of content you like to create.

When you deliver high-quality content to your audience, you’ll be better equipped to create a more engaged audience.

By choosing to create content that you enjoy and are good at, you are setting up your Facebook page for a more successful outcome.

19 Blog Post Ideas for your Facebook page

Here’s a long list of ideas to give you some inspiration on the many types of content you can create for your Facebook page:

  1. Occurrences in your community
  2. Infographics that educate your audience
  3. Current events, including world events, news, or political events
  4. How-to guides on almost any topic
  5. Travel Blog
  6. MemesHow to start a blog on Facebook [including 19 Post Ideas People Love]
  7. Case studies on specific industries
  8. Lists providing curated lists of useful information, product recommendations, products or other inspiring ideas
  9. Pop culture news
  10. Surveys, polls and quizzes designed to engage your audience and learn useful information about them
  11. Vlogs
  12. Product reviews
  13. Interviews with celebrities, politicians or other opinion leadersHow to Start a Facebook Blog [Including 19 Post Ideas People Love]
  14. Video Podcasts
  15. Personal stories with a message to inspire others
  16. Important questions on a variety of interesting topics
  17. Summaries of important events, whether historical, local, or popular based on culture
  18. Wandering posts of your spontaneous thoughts
  19. Lively debates on a variety of important and polarizing topics

As the lengthy list above suggests, there are so many ideas for the dif There are different types of content you can post on your Facebook page.

This list is designed more to spark your inspiration than overwhelm you with possibilities. Choose a few select types of content to post so your Facebook page still has a cohesive feel to your audience.

Benefits of Blogging on Facebook

Whether you decide to create content from long form posts or shorter posts, there are many benefits of blogging on Facebook, including:

  • The platform is free.
  • Facebook is easy to use .
  • There are a large number of users on Facebook.
  • It has a low barrier to entry, compared to getting a domain and starting a WordPress blog.

Let’s explore each benefit further.

Free Platform

One of the most useful benefits of using Facebook as a blogging platform to make money is that it’s a free platform.

Where other blogging platforms require a monthly fee, creating a Facebook page is free and posting to Facebook is also free.

Platform easy to use

The Facebook platform is very easy to use, especially when compared to more intensive platforms like WordPress.

Publishing a blog post on Facebook only requires a few clicks and overall it’s a very simple process. From clicking “Create a Post” to clicking “Publish,” Facebook is a very simple platform for posting content. You’ll be able to start a blog on a Facebook page in no time.

Large User Base on Facebook

Facebook is a great place to promote your business page or personal Facebook profile because it has a large user database. It provides a direct line to your audience, giving you the opportunity to talk about your business, promote products, and grow your audience.

Facebook is a great place for websites and businesses to connect with a wide variety of people. audience. and build brand awareness.

Low barrier to entry

Another great benefit of blogging on Facebook is that the platform has a very low barrier to entry.

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Facebook is a very popular social media platform, and chances are you already have a personal Facebook page, which means you can easily create a new business page.

Facebook is an accessible platform that allows you to easily start your blog.

Other options for starting a blog, like launching your own website, have a much higher barrier to entry. Building your own website involves choosing a domain name, finding hosting, designing the website, partnering with ad providers and more.

Comparing this option to simply launching a Facebook page , Facebook has a much lower barrier to entry.

Disadvantages of Blogging on Facebook

Now that we’ve explored the advantages of blogging on your Facebook page, let’s get a full perspective. discussing the disadvantages of blogging on Facebook.

The disadvantages of using Facebook as a blogging platform include:

  • Very limited, almost non-existent formatting and organization options .
  • You don’t have control over your SEO on Facebook like you would when writing blog posts on your own website.
  • Facebook isn’t typically used as a long-form blogging platform, which means users may not find you or interact with you there.
  • There are fewer ways to monetize your blog on your Facebook page that you exist to monetize your own website.

Limited formatting options

One of the biggest disadvantages of writing a blog directly on its Facebook page is that the platform offers limited formatting and organization options. In fact, they’re almost non-existent.

All of your Facebook blog posts will be formatted the same.

Here’s an example of the one-dimensional aesthetic of Facebook posts:

Those who blog directly to Facebook Pages are limited to Facebook’s formatting, fonts, and colors when creating and posting content.

For some content creators, limited options on Facebook they can be quite exhausting. to the creative process.

Compared to other avenues of blogging, Facebook is one of the most limiting options in terms of format.

For example, having your own website gives you provides seemingly endless opportunities to customize and create your own design that is unique to your brand.

Less control over SEO

If you start blogging directly to a page of Facebook, another downside is that you have no control over your SEO on the platform.

While you do have control over the keywords you include in your content, they don’t affect how your posts are displayed. in people’s feeds or in their search results.

Not best for long-form blogs

When you blog directly on your Facebook page, one of the The biggest drawback is that the platform is not the best option for long-form content. While you can post up to 63,206 characters in a single Facebook post, posts that are too long can sometimes put off readers.

Long-form blogs on Facebook don’t attract the short attention span of the masses on social media. media.

Attention span, especially when it comes to social media posts, is getting shorter and shorter. While some users are there to read long-form content, there is still a large portion of Facebook’s audience who just want to view images, read short captions, and watch videos.

Fewer monetization options

Facebook also offers fewer monetization options compared to having your own website.

While you can still make money from your Facebook page through affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, and Facebook marketplace, there are many more ways to earn money from a website.

For example, if you have your own website, you can earn money by running ads through Google Adsense. This is not an option on Facebook.

Here is an example of a pop-up ad on a recipe blog that generates revenue for the website. This would not be an option on Facebook.

Time to Start Blogging on Facebook: Final Thoughts on Creating a Facebook Blog

In addition to various monetization options, starting a blog on Facebook offers bloggers a wide range of advantages and disadvantages. Whether you’re a long-form blogger or a meme content creator, start a Facebook blog to diversify your income streams and earn money through social media.


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