How to create a website for real estate business

The world is moving towards an all-digital age, and if you think your industry won’t be affected, think again. If you’re a real estate agent and have worked based on referrals, cold calling, and other traditional methods, let me share some thoughts with you.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), at 42% of homebuyers in 2017 took their first step toward buying by searching online for properties that were available for sale. Compared to that, 17 percent contacted a real estate agent first. If you frown on that disparity in numbers, worry, as it will only get worse.

You’ve heard of the old phrase; “If you can’t beat them, join them”? That’s exactly what you should consider doing.

Thanks to digital technology, homebuyers are entering the process more informed about market conditions, what to look for in a property, and more. Most of the time they start their education process before they are even in contact with an agent.

Take advantage of this change and educate your prospects first, with your own website.

The process of creating a real estate website is not difficult. All you’ll need is a domain name, website hosting, and maybe use a website builder or WordPress template to make things pretty and functional.

Table of Contents: How To create a real estate website

  1. Register your domain name
  2. Choose a web hosting plan
  3. Install WordPress (or another website builder )
  4. Design and add features to your site
  5. Add IDX-powered listings (if applicable)
  6. Add valuable content and other services
  7. Market your real estate website
  8. Bonus: Examples of Good Real Estate Websites

1. Register Your Domain

Tips: NameCheap, GoDaddy

The domain name is the address that your online identity will use to allow people to access your website. It’s something so common that most people hardly think about it, but as a real estate agent, it should be important to you.

Your domain name should be something simple and representative, so that potential clients can see and remember it easily.

Take these two domain names for example:

The first could mean many things, but the second is hardly debatable. It also adds your identity as an agent to the business.

With the Internet so crowded today, it can be difficult to find an available domain name. If you can’t get your first choice, consider using alternative top-level domains (TLDs). If not, you will simply have to choose another domain name.

2. Choose Your Hosting Plan

Tips: Hostinger, A2 Hosting

Web hosting is a more complex business, but I won’t go into it. basics of that here as WHSR is pretty much an encyclopedia of web hosting service providers.

Just search and find a web host that is good for you and your business. Personally, I would recommend A2 Hosting or Hostinger, but that’s just a personal preference.

3. Install WordPress

The following is what you will use to create your software. It is very easy to build a website nowadays. All you need is a little design flair and you can use building blocks to put your site together.

For beginners, I highly recommend exploring and using WordPress to build your real estate website. .

This app comes with tons of themes that you can use to design any space you want. More importantly, the WordPress ecosystem has a plethora of plugins that you can use to perform additional features that your site should have (more on that later).

WordPress also has the advantage of being out of the box. as a Content Management System (CMS), which allows you to use content to increase site traffic.

You don’t need any knowledge of coding or web development to set up WordPress. Most hosting platforms will allow you to install WordPress in just a few clicks with an “automated installer”.

Alternatives: Website Builders

There are many good options in website builders. Websites like Wix, Weebly, and more, which also include domain names and hosting, if WordPress isn’t right for you.

If you’re looking for something a little different, Weblium, an AI-powered website builder, is also a possible option. It could offer you an alternative website building experience.

4. Design and add features

Good looks

Ok, maybe I could have chosen a better word, but as an agent, I’m sure you know that first impressions count. If you can’t showcase a property in all its glory beautifully on your site, well, you won’t get very far.

Most homebuyers are in some sort of dreamy frame of mind. when they are looking for something to buy. I call this the honeymoon syndrome, and even the seasoned homebuyer is susceptible to it.They are building a dream in their minds: can you make it happen?

Of course, the investor probably won’t fall for it, but who knows, right?

It’s also It goes without saying that you need to have great pictures of the properties you are listing. Again, according to NAR data, of buyers who used the Internet during their home search, 89% found photos of listings very helpful.

Quick tip: Branding your home site consistently is also a key factor in demonstrating professionalism. You don’t even need a professional designer. Some reputable web tools can help you develop your entire brand identity.


I’m not talking about a simple search box where users can type something and scan your site. , but something that helps how most users search in real life.

For example, they might want properties in specific areas, between certain price ranges, or even with a certain number of bathrooms . Make sure they can find what they’re looking for!

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Quick tip: Being long is important, but don’t inundate your visitors with 20 dropdown boxes to choose from; make sure they are key items of choice. !

Be Mobile Friendly

I’m sure you’ve experienced browsing to a site on your mobile device and finding that it looks terrible and doesn’t make any sense. That’s because the site may not be mobile friendly. Mobile devices are small and standard websites often don’t work well on small screens.

Whichever tool you choose to build your site, remember that ultimately your site must be mobile friendly. with mobile devices. According to Statista, since the beginning of 2017, the number of people accessing the web from mobile devices has consistently exceeded 50%.

Building a site that is not mobile-friendly will likely drive away the half of your potential customers. !

Quick tip: WordPress has themes that automatically help make your site mobile-friendly. These are usually called ‘Responsive Themes’.

5. Add IDX Powered Listing (optional)

When building a real estate website, a term budding agents may not be too familiar with is IDX, or Internet Data Exchange. It’s a somewhat comprehensive terminology that covers a couple of areas, including standards, policies, and software.

IDX isn’t something that comes up very often until you need to deal with Multiple Listing Services (MLS). ). If you want to include real estate listings from MLS sources, you’ll need to adhere to the IDX guidelines on your site.

Why the need for IDX?

For many of us, How the data is shared and presented often doesn’t mean much. However, once you start building your site, you’ll find that integrating information from multiple sources can be tricky at times.

With multiple ways to build websites, format data, and even present , using the same data set can lead to strange and unexpected results. IDX helps prevent this by allowing all realtors to use common policies and standards for greater accuracy and reliability.

Following IDX Guidelines

The full list of IDX guidelines IDX is long and constantly changing. Also, not all of them are necessarily related to the way you build your website. As an example, here are some of the guidelines summarized from the National Association of Realtors IDX policy:

  • Maximum 12 hour intervals between listing feed updates
  • Clear brokerage firm display of each quote is required
  • Contact information must be available for corrections of factual inaccuracies
  • Quote information must not be tampered with IDX guidelines
  • Listing agent identities must be displayed

The problem with IDX guidelines is that they can differ for various MLSs. To comply with IDX’s policies, you’ll need to comply with those of the MLS you want to use.

On a brighter note, many of them are similar in many ways. Because of this, those building real estate websites can make compliance easier by using IDX ready themes and IDX plugins. Fortunately, fonts are available for both.

IDX WordPress Themes

WordPress is amazingly expansive, and the many theme fonts mean there’s something for everyone. This scenario presents a doubly good deal for real estate agents: access to a free website builder and potential for built-in IDX compliance.

As with all WordPress, you can find IDX-ready themes from many sources. We recommend looking for more established theme providers who have resources dedicated to agent-focused or IDX-ready themes.

If you don’t want that, just grab an IDX-ready theme from somewhere like Envato Market or AThemes.

IDX Plugins

There are also WordPress plugins that are specific to IDX. For example, Realtyna and Showcase IDX are specialists in IDX and offer products that cover a broad spectrum.

Realtyna has built their entire platform based on WordPress.With it, you can create rich real estate websites that integrate IDX fonts. It also makes it easy to publish a mobile real estate website, a truly all-in-one solution.

ShowcaseIDX allows you to do a number of things, such as integrate a robust IDX search engine . to display the list to your site visitors. Your WordPress IDX WordPress plugin also includes a real estate CRM tool to help you better manage your team.

6. Add Value: Content and Services

Be Comprehensive

As real estate agents, I’m sure you know the needs of most people looking for property. Remember those sales pitches you had to execute every time? Good.

Transfer that knowledge to your website. In addition to the information about the property itself, please remember to provide full supporting information such as nearby amenities, highways, and educational zones.

For investors, make sure you can provide some form of market reports as that is probably what interests them the most.

Quick tip: a little research goes a long way. Remember, Google is your friend. Go the extra mile so your potential buyers don’t have to!

Allow for a quick follow-up

All this while I’ve been sharing information with you about setting the hook. Providing information and having beautiful site designs are all necessary, but don’t forget to set the hook! Always have easy options for the prospect to contact you.

For websites, that’s what we call a call to action. For example, a bright red button that says “Call Now!” it just skips to its users. Or maybe a link to their email for them to ask a question? Always place it near where a potential buyer might be on the brink of making up his mind.

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Quick tip: Be bold but not loud. Red is one thing, but a button that’s bright red with a blinking light is just… phew!


Again, this is something you might be interested in. Like it or not, but let me put it this way: If your prospective buyers aren’t listening to you, you can be sure they’re listening to someone else. Instead, step up and give them the information they need to make good buying decisions.

Talk to them about the benefits of buying in certain areas, for example, or that this house is close to a amazing mall that has everything under the sun. Let them know how easy it is to access a major interstate or anything else that helps.

Quick tip: I know most of us aren’t writers, so focus on your core business. Engage a writer to tell compelling stories about your properties and watch interest rise!


There are literally billions of websites on the internet and if you’re getting on the train in addition, will be N+1. Make sure your prospective buyers know that you’re an expert at what you’re doing and that others have recognized you.

Include any awards you’ve won or list testimonials from satisfied buyers you’ve had in the past. Build a level of trust between you and your prospective buyer before your first meeting even takes place!

Quick Tip: No matter if you choose bohemian or simplistic, remember to show professionalism at every stage: no Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, please!


I strongly encourage you to add a ‘blog’ segment to your site where you can list this type of content. This will help immensely in generating traffic to your site. You don’t have to write too often, even once a week is fine, but focus on creating relevant content that is informative and engaging.

Quick Tip: Ideally, write content that others will want to share, And now you have your own free advertising scheme! Be creative and think outside the box.

7. Promote Your Real Estate Website

Just because you have a website doesn’t mean you can leave it there and expect clients to flock to it. Remember that N+1 I just mentioned a few paragraphs above. ? That fact remains, and you need to make sure your website gets seen.

Social Media Marketing

This is one aspect of marketing that has been revolutionized in recent years. Social media has taken over so much ad space that many traditional businesses have simply collapsed. Be sure to take advantage of this by choosing a social media platform to focus on and use it to promote your website and engage with prospects.

Social media is more seamless and interactive than websites, so you can let your personality shines through communicating with them. They’re also great for building buzz and excitement, so consider running contests or just giving away. Remember the open houses you do? Social media promotions are exactly that, albeit in digital form.

If you’re using Facebook as your chosen social media platform, you’ll have an added bonus: chatbots.These automated response systems are a close form of efficient communication tool that will help you win more customers.

If done right, you can take advantage of these free (in some cases) and powerful bots to provide information to customers. , speed up response times, and generally act like you while you’re busy. Learn more about chatbots in marketing here.

It all adds up, and when you’re redirected to your website, which has more comprehensive information, you’re a winner.

Engines search and SEO

To get a little more traffic, make sure your website is indexed by search engines and appears in their search results. Make sure all your content is indexable and accessible from Google or Bing. You can check this by doing a “site:search” and see if your important pages are indexed by search engines (see example below).

However, developing more of that is a very important thing: Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Creating effective SEO content is probably one of the most important things you can do. do to generate traffic. to your website. Spend time on this! Using SEO tools like SEMRush can help you track trends, formulate effective keywords, and more:

When you’re creating your website content, be sure to keep an eye out for keywords that clearly identify your good , such as: “homes for rent” “mobile homes for sale” “studios for rent” “condos for sale” or other similar terms.

Remember that long-tail keywords also help a lot. This will help make sure you get the right traffic, and if you pair it with strong content, it will make sure you get noticed by the search engines.

List on Google Local Business

Google is not just a search engine, but it is also what I like to call the largest marketing company in the world. Submit your site to Google My Business and they’ll not only do it for free, but they’ll also give you more tips on how to promote your business.

Encourage your visitors to sign up

Though It seems that many people don’t like to register, I find that in many cases it is mainly because many registration forms are extremely intrusive. Remember, what you need is relatively simple: name, email address, and permission to contact them with marketing material. Anything else is usually just greed.

Create a quick one or two step signup process that’s seamless and easy and build your database of potential customers. This will be invaluable in your future marketing efforts, especially with your website, and I’ll show you how to do it below.

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Email Marketing

When visitors come to your site, they’ll be looking for around and generally just do your thing. Rather, your website needs to be information-heavy in order to appeal to a variety of customers. This is where email marketing comes in handy.

Targeted email marketing can help you organize campaigns for specific purposes. Take, for example, if you have a glut of beachfront properties to promote. Create an email marketing campaign along those lines and distribute it to everyone who has registered on your website before.

In this endeavor, luckily there are a plethora of tools at your disposal. Early in your site’s existence, your email marketing list will probably be small and can be managed with a free or inexpensive service. As you grow, there are also numerous professional options to choose from.

Some of the options in the email marketing space include highly reputable names such as Constant Contact and MailChimp.

Constant Contact

Mail Chimp

As your list grows, you’ll also gain experience using and grow with email marketing tools.

Side Notes: Why Email? Is Marketing Best For Real Estate Agents?

Email marketing should be your focus in your sales efforts. It is extremely powerful and can be a tremendous business boost if done the right way. They offer you a unique opportunity with a cost-effective means of communicating with customers, any time of day.

  • According to McKinsey market research leaders, email is nearly 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter to help your business acquire new customers.
  • With strong and effective email marketing tools, you can build strong, long-lasting relationships with your potential buyers.
  • Every time you get a marketing email from you making the rounds, your brand is staring people in the face – consider the mileage it will get you.
  • It also gives you something most traditional methods don’t. provide: data. The data can be analyzed for patterns and will allow you to understand the likes, dislikes and inclinations of your customers. This allows you to modify your future campaigns for maximum effectiveness.
  • Getting started is quick and easy. Just like websites, many email marketing tools offer easy-to-use drag-and-drop interfaces so you can quickly create your newsletters.Even if you’re not a designer, there are probably templates you can use.
  • Generate leads, even if the content isn’t what some of your scopes want. Some may follow a link to your site and be captivated by other information there as well.
  • In addition to sending information, you can use email marketing to generate publicity. Build excitement about upcoming events and get people looking forward to it!

Check out WHSR’s article on email marketing for new bloggers for a quick guide on the subject.

Example Real Estate Websites

Weichert Realtors


Weichert has an extremely traditional and simple site that is laid out very clearly.

All the main hallmarks are in place, including the first impression elements for what your clients want, in this case, to search for properties easily . What sets it apart from the rest is an extensive informative section that offers buyer’s and seller’s guides and other research.

Core Real Estate


Core has taken mobile compatibility a bit too far in the sense that it’s now a bit hostile to the desktop. Sure, since desktop computers have larger screens, it’s usable, but the immediate call-out isn’t there for that category of users.

Cleaning up the site ends up hiding everything and leaving the visitor looking in the screen. where to go.

Alison James Estates and Homes


On the face of it, Alison James has it all: beautiful design, modern styling, and all the right information sections.

The only little qualm I have here is the way her brand is too muted in the bottom of the landing page. There’s a little visual impact on the brand there that could affect visitors’ first impressions.


By now, I’m sure many of you are getting a little dizzy. . Yes, I admit it’s a lot for a beginner to absorb, but relax and take a deep breath. While all of this may sound outside of your field of expertise, I assure you that it is not.

Here is the summary:-

Owning and maintaining your real estate website is something that is simply invaluable in this line of business. It represents professionalism, stability, reputation and many other things to your client, all good.

Spend a little time working on this as a side project and you will never regret it. Creating websites and other associated tasks is also something that a LOT of people do, so there is help if you just look for it when you need it.

It can take you some time, and I’m not going to overlook it. . finished – some heartbreak, but isn’t everything in life an educational experience? Make that experience work in your favor and get a leg up on the competition today.

In addition to this article, I recommend you explore the rest of WHSR for more information on web hosting, chat bots, networking social marketing, email marketing and more. We have tons of resources available, great for aspiring site owners!

Read More

  • Different Types of Websites
  • Learn about ChatGPT : A Guide to Using Long Language Models
  • Free Website Security Checker


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