Comparing Outlook vs. Gmail – Which Is Better? | Switch

Deciding which email platform to use can be frustrating. depending on your main use, different platforms can offer different things and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Having a reliable email service provider is a must, but which one is right for you? here we compare outlook with gmail to help you make the right choice.

what are outlook & gmail?

both outlook and gmail are email service providers but in completely different formats. The biggest difference between the two is that Outlook is an email client, while Gmail is essentially webmail, meaning it can only be accessed through web browsers and apps.

An email client is a program that downloads emails from the server to your computer to read and reply to messages, which means you can check emails without internet access. while webmail is an interface provided by a custom domain or internet service provider (isp) where all parties are accessed through the browser.


Outlook is an email client and webmail service managed by Microsoft, and is currently part of the Microsoft 365 suite. It allows you to send and receive email, but it’s also great for letting you manage your calendar to schedule meetings. or quotes. outlook also allows you to share files from the cloud or other remote file servers, so everyone has the most up-to-date version.

It is available as a desktop application (email client version) and in a web browser (webmail version).


gmail is a webmail service managed by google. it is connected to some other google programs, like google calendar, drive, meet, photos and chat. it’s also linked with the same connection as g suite services like docs, sheets, and forms. however, it is only available as a web browser service and does not have a dedicated client.

If you’re looking for more information on which office software is better, check out our article comparing g suite vs. office 365.

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what is the difference between outlook and gmail?

Comparing Gmail to Outlook, there are many similarities between these two products. Unless you use both to get an idea of ​​what each offers, it can be difficult to identify the important differences between them, and therefore it can be difficult to know which one is right for you.

Below are some of the most important comparisons we were able to find to make your decision easier.


Outlook allows you to create up to 20 email accounts, while Gmail does not limit the number of accounts you can create.

Because gmail is a webmail service, all you need to access your email is to be connected to the internet. If you can’t always rely on the internet, Outlook offers an email client, which means you’ll be able to access your emails even when you’re offline. If you need to manage multiple email accounts for yourself or your clients and access that email anywhere with a simple internet connection, gmail might be the best option.


The option to mark items for follow-up or as important, snooze emails so they arrive at the top of your inbox at a later date and time, and add labels to items are available from both providers. Furthermore, Outlook allows you to pin emails to the top of your inbox, while Gmail allows you to star items or favorite items.

an advantage of outlook is that it has a feature that allows you to password protect your folders for added security.

security and security protection

outlook and gmail are mostly on an equal footing when it comes to keeping your information safe. where one falls short in one area, excels in another. Outlook has weaker spam protection, while Gmail has strong phishing and malware detection. gmail has had leaks and accounts compromised in the past, while outlook can connect to an additional server to strengthen security.

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Both services do a good job of protecting your information from hackers, but the best way to keep your email safe is to protect your information. First, create a strong password that you only use for that service and don’t share it with anyone else. then enable two-factor authentication for your accounts. Finally, beware of phishing so you can spot any malicious attempts to gain access to your account. Check out our list of password protection apps here.

mobile applications

outlook has two sections for email organization: focused and other, which means that the algorithm sends the most important emails to the focused tab. conversely, less important emails live in the other tab. On the other hand, gmail classifies incoming webmail as primary, social, promotions, and updates, where emails default to primary unless gmail detects that it’s related to social media, an announcement, or an update.

outlook has the calendar integrated, while gmail has a shortcut link to a separate google calendar app. Composing an email with the gmail app is very similar to the web browser version, while the outlook app offers a simplified version.

With so many people working from their phones or tablets, a good mobile app is important. In addition, you can customize many settings in both applications to suit your habits and needs.


gmail has over 1.8 billion active users worldwide compared to outlook’s 400 million. At the end of 2020, Gmail held 43% of the email service provider market share. With roughly 450 times the number of active users, Gmail wins the popularity contest.


both outlook and gmail give users the same amount of free storage: 15gb. if you use this storage for emails only, it could hold about 3 million of them.

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The good news for Outlook users is that the 15GB is dedicated to the email client, so it might take a while to get over that amount of space. the bad news for gmail users is that the 15gb is shared with other google programs like drive and photos, which means that if you use google to house a lot of documents or pictures, you will most likely run out of space. storage space much sooner.


Both are free to start, but if you run out of initial storage, both providers have plenty of options to get more. As of 2021, upgrades start at approximately $2.00 per month. Outlook offers 200GB of storage with its OneDrive cloud-based storage for $2.00 per month and Gmail offers 100GB for $1.99 with a Google One subscription.

Pricing often depends on whether the accounts are personal or business and how much additional storage you’re adding, but they are comparable.

which is better for you: outlook or gmail?

Deciding which email service provider will work best for you comes down to your needs. If you prefer a streamlined experience with interconnected parts and a clean interface, Gmail is the best option for you. On the other hand, if you’re willing to spend more time learning and browsing the additional features it has to offer, Outlook may be the best option.

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