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24-year-old mother-of-four comes under fire after revealing she won’t ‘clean and wash’ her newborn son for a month, insisting that soap is bad for babies’ skin and that it is ‘beneficial’ for it to remain covered in birthing fluid
- shahnta hoare, 24, of silverdale, washington, recently gave birth to her fourth child with her husband, tyler
- however , is getting a lot of scrutiny after she revealed she hasn’t given her son a bath since his birth on May 6, and has no plans to anytime soon
- the baby, named ozzy, is still covered in the fluid with which he was born, known as vernix caseosa; shahnta says soap can dry out babies’ ‘delicate’ and ‘fragile’ skin for the baby and it’s ‘an antimicrobial’
- discussed his plans to keep ozzy covered in vernix caseosa in a tiktok video that quickly went viral, sparking a great discussion. among viewers
- reported that vernix can help prevent infection and moisturize baby’s skin, but only recommends keeping it on for a ‘day or so’
- the world health organization recommends leaving vernix on the baby’s skin for at least six hours, preferably 24 hours
by lillian gissen for
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