You are viewing: Alexander McQueen was prone to shocking depravity and cruelty, biography reveals | Daily Mail Online At HTTLEN: Share Good Articles
dark side of fashion: the fashion world fawned over him. But a new biography of brilliant designer Alexander McQueen reveals that behind the glamour, lay a man prone to shocking cruelty and depravity.
- in the early 21st century, alexander mcqueen was the world’s most feted designer
- he was sacked from his east london school as another ‘oik of the this’
- started in fashion after the show about the lack of apprentices from saville row
- became the darling from the fashion ensemble and won a £20 million fortune
- drank £600 of cocaine a day and drank large amounts of alcohol
- found hanged in his mayfair home in february 2010 by a housekeeper
by andrew wilson for the daily mail
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