Effective Gmail Ad Specs to Promote Your Product or Service

You may have seen those email ads at the top of your gmail inbox tabs. Called Gmail Ads (or previously, Google Sponsored Ads), some of these ads can be expanded into full-screen ads that look like real emails. A clicked gmail ad can expand to an email-sized ad with embedded images and videos. this format allows advertisers to achieve various goals in gmail.

how gmail ads work

gmail has over 1.2 billion monthly active users and google’s ad targeting algorithm uses data collected about customers from youtube, chrome and other services provided by the company.

This data allows advertisers to find potential customers by targeting their behavior, interests and intentions or by remarketing to an existing or similar audience. Given the number of active gmail users, the possibilities for advertisers with gmail ads are limitless.

gmail ads specs

When creating gmail ads, keep the following specifications in mind:

for collapsed ad logo (upload):

  • minimum size should be 144px x 144px and maximum size 150kb with 1:1 aspect ratio

for enlarged ad logo (upload):

  • image size should be [300px to 650px] x [300px to 1000px]
  • image format should be jpeg, jpg, png and gif should not be animated.
  • image size should not exceed 1mb

if you create a new gmail ad:

    • the size of the logo image must be square: 1200 × 1200 (minimum size required: 144 × 144). aspect ratio should be 1:1.
    • Logo maximum file size: 150kb (1mb for header image and marketing image)

    marketing image:

      • horizontal (1.91:1): 1200×628 (minimum size required: 600×314).
      • square: 1200×1200 (minimum size required: 300 ×300).
      • header image (optional): 1200×400 (minimum size required: 600×200).

      other specifications are:

      • business name up to 20 characters, must be recognized name of advertiser
      • for gmail click-to-download ads, sender name must be recognized name of advertiser or promoted downloadable app
      • a title limit of up to 25 characters
      • description of up to 90 characters and can include a summary or powerful call to action
      • show url up to 255 characters

      the final or destination url has no character limit and will be displayed when the display url or call to action button in the expanded ad is clicked. you can add a static click tracking url, but not dynamic tracking urls or impression tracking pixels.

      5 reasons why you should use gmail ads

      What makes advertising with Google a no-brainer among advertising professionals is the platform’s ability to identify individuals with high purchase intent.

      Usually these are people using more specific long tail keywords in google search to hone in on precision solutions in the market. If you can provide instant offers to these types of users, you are more likely to win conversions with gmail ads.

      pro tip: if the goal of your campaign is to drive traffic to your website and generate leads rather than build brand awareness, consider using gmail ads.

      1. the popularity of gmail, especially on mobile devices

      Globally, there are over a billion Gmail users. this just means that your prospects, wherever they are in the world, are probably also active on gmail.

      In addition, the use of mobile devices is constantly increasing, and a study by litmus email analytics shows that almost half of emails are opened on smartphones and tablets.

      2. high levels of visibility

      If implemented correctly, the brand impact you can achieve with gmail ads can be enormous.

      this is how google ad campaigns run in gmail:

      • target users see the “collapsed ad” in their inbox.
      • once they click on it, the “expanded” version of the ad appears. users who find the message compelling can click the link that accompanies the ad and go to your website.

      roas (return on ad spend) on gmail ads is exceptionally high because only the most relevant users would click on the collapsed ads to learn more.

      3. numerous creative options

      gmail ads present advertisers with several interesting creative options, not just standard individual ad images. Depending on your goals and activities, you can use any of the following formats:

      • single promotion template
      • multi-product template
      • standard image
      • catalog template

      Catalog templates work well for many different types of advertisers. if the existing formats and templates don’t serve you well, you can use custom html.

      4. good return on investment (roi)

      Email open rates typically range from 5-10%. Research shows that some advertisers nearly tripled their click-through rates when they used email advertising in conjunction with search ads.

      not only that. they also saw a dramatic increase in conversions.

      gmail ads are a proven and easy way to get your emails in front of your target audience. Although the service is not free, if done correctly, advertising on Gmail can be reasonably profitable.

      5. impressive lead generation rates

      as a pay per click (ppc) strategy, gmail ads can generate high quality leads for your website. While your ads can only be shown to potential customers within the Gmail network, clicks from Gmail ads are highly likely to lead to conversions. this reduces ad spend because irrelevant clicks on ads are filtered out.

      how to set up gmail ads in google ads interface

      Here’s how to get started with gmail ads:

      1. launch your google ads panel.
      2. on the left panel, click “campaigns”.
      3. create a new campaign by clicking the button “+”.
      4. choose a goal: sales, leads, or website traffic.
      5. when finished, click “show”.
      6. for campaign subtype , choose “gmail campaign.”
      7. You are now ready to create your gmail ads campaign.

      how segmentation works

      With gmail ads, you can use the display targeting options you’re already familiar with, like audience keywords, in-market audiences, affinity audiences, and demographics.

      These are the different ways you can reach specific audiences with gmail ads:

      • Affinity Audiences: Choose from these audiences to expose your brand value and message to potential customers. For example, a sportswear retailer might curate relevant topics like “sporting goods” and “fitness” or reach people in the “health & fitness enthusiasts” or “running fans” section.
      • audience keywords: Enter the keywords or phrases that best describe your products or services, so that your ads are shown to the Gmail users who are most interested in them.
      • automatic targeting: Automatic targeting allows you to reach your target audience at a relatively lower cost.
      • intent targeting : What sets google apart from other advertising platforms is its ability to predict how likely a person is to buy a product or service.With gmail ads, you are much more likely to reach your target customers.
      • customer matching: With customer matching, you can show ads to customers based on data about those customers that you share with google.
      • demographic data: Through the display network, you can reach people who belong to specific demographic categories, e.g. age range, gender, or household income.
      • In-Market Audiences: Use these audiences to find customers who are researching and actively considering purchasing a product or service similar to yours . .
      • Life Events: Gmail Ads’ powerful targeting allows you to reach customers during critical moments in their lives, such as marriage, college graduation or cultural occasions.
      • remarketing: Re-engage people who have already interacted with your company’s products and services. These people will include previous site visitors, mobile app users, those who have watched your videos, or even those on your lists. If you already have a list of clients, Google can help you reach audiences similar to your list. this strategy is commonly called “lookalike audiences,” which is a particularly useful lead generation technique for companies with a high-converting customer base.

      5 tips to optimize gmail ads

      1. There are three gmail metrics in google ads: gmail forwards, gmail saves, and gmail website clicks. Make sure to run your ad copies for about three months, so you have enough data to analyze. if this isn’t possible because you can’t wait that long, select the “optimize” ad rotation method and google will do it for you.
      2. the best way to measure ad performance is through gmail clicks to website’ counts every click, that is, every time a gmail ad is opened, including those ads that the user didn’t click on to get to your website.
      3. For best results, instead of just one, use multiple videos or images and test how they work with each other to target your ads to different customers.
      4. there is a gmail ads quality score, but will not be displayed. however, keep in mind that the click-through rates on your emails indicate the quality score of your ads.
      5. don’t become too dependent on bidding options and auto-targeting to check and make a decision. track the performance of your ads.
      6. li>

      use gmail ads to your advantage and exponentially expand your reach

      gmail ads aren’t for everyone, but if you set them up right, they have the potential to boost your company’s roas big time. Compared to other forms and ad placements, they are less competitive and provide a strong way to build awareness of your brand within a potential customer’s personal space – the inbox.

      When combined with other advertising campaigns, such as search ads, Gmail ads are an effective way to improve lead generation and increase customer engagement with your products or services.

      See Also:  Here's how to strikethrough text in gmail

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