additional resources xi
preface xiii
chapter 1 sample surveys in our electronic world 1
four pillars of quality surveys 3
what’s different about topography in the 2010s? 10
Why emphasize mixed-mode data collection? 12
what is custom design and why is it necessary? 15
conclusion 17
chapter 2 reducing people’s reluctance to respond to surveys 19
example of a survey with a high response rate 21
use social sharing concepts to motivate potential respondents 23
join the parts: some guidelines for applying social exchange 42
mixed-mode layouts provide new opportunities to apply social sharing 47
returning to the wsu PhD student experience survey: why it got such a high 50 response rate
conclusion 55
list of guidelines 55
chapter 3 covering the population and selecting who to survey 56
essential definitions and their use 57
current coverage and access considerations 58
common sampling frames and assess how well they cover the population 62
probability sampling 75
post-survey adjustments and calculation of sampling error 87
non-probability sampling 91
conclusion 92
chapter 4 the basics of question writing 94
Issues to consider when starting to write survey questions 95
the anatomy of a survey question and types of question formats 109
Guidelines for Choosing Words and Forming Questions 113
conclusion 125
list of guidelines 126
chapter 5 writing open and closed questions 127
guidelines for writing open-ended questions 128
general guidelines for writing all types of closed questions 134
guidelines for nominal closed questions 142
guidelines for ordinal 150 closed questions
conclusion 164
list of guidelines 167
chapter 6 auditory design versus visual design of questions and questionnaires 169
the importance of visual design in self-administered surveys 172
visual design concepts and their application to surveys 173
general guidelines for the visual presentation of survey questions 183
guidelines for the visual presentation of open-ended questions 192
guidelines for the visual presentation of closed questions 197
guidelines for the visual presentation of the pages or screens of the questionnaire 204
A Case Study: Using Visual Design Principles to Improve Data Quality in the American Community Survey 218
conclusion 224
list of guidelines 225
chapter 7 ordering questions and testing the effects of question ordering 228
order of question 229
test questions and quizzes 241
conclusion 256
list of guidelines 257
chapter 8 telephone questionnaires and implementation 258
types of telephone-only surveys currently 262
guidelines for the design of telephone questionnaires 262
guidelines for administering telephone questionnaires 277
guidelines for establishing 284 call rules and procedures
Testing guidelines and quality control for telephone surveys 293
conclusion 298
list of guidelines 298
chapter 9 web questionnaires and implementation 301
guidelines for web and mobile questionnaire design 303
guidelines for implementing web and mobile surveys 328
Testing and QA Guidelines for Web and Mobile Surveys 342
conclusion 348
list of 349 guidelines
chapter 10 mail-in questionnaires and implementation 351
guidelines for the design of paper questionnaires 352
guidelines for implementing 366 mail-in questionnaires
Testing and QA Guidelines for Mail Surveys 389
conclusion 396
list of guidelines 396
chapter 11 mixed-mode questionnaires and survey implementation 398
when singlemode surveys are not acceptable 398
why consider a 400 mixed mode survey design?
guidelines for designing questionnaires that minimize measurement differences between 404 survey modes
Broaden the research base for designing mixed-mode surveys 416
guidelines for using multiple modes of contact for more effective communication with potential respondents 417
guidelines for providing alternative 424 response modes
from individual guidelines to practical study designs 434
guidelines for testing mixed mode polling 445
conclusion 447
list of 448 guidelines
chapter 12 responding to social change and preparing for what lies ahead 450
panels and longitudinal elevations 452
455 non-probability sampling
new mobile devices and technology 456
completion of questionnaires with measurement by means of electronic devices 458
big data and administrative records 459
data security 461
specialized purpose surveys 461
international and cross-cultural surveys 463
the challenge of connecting with empowered but diverse respondents 464
469 references
author index 491
table of contents 497