– Como é um formato válido de endereço de e-mail

The main rule of e-mail marketing is to send e-mail drop campaigns to valid e-mail addresses. more or what makes you valid endereços? We are going to analyze how it should be or format of valid e-mail addresses.

The e-mail address is a unique identifier of an inbox used to send and receive messages, known as e-mails. There are two types of email addresses: personal and corporate.

Personal email accounts are created on different email servers. most popular in gmail, outlook and yahoo! mail.

Corporate e-mail addresses are created in a domain of the Internet special buyer for the company previously. These customary addresses include either the name of the company or the brand.

Corporate emails are generally designated to all functions and departments of the company for direct and business communication purposes. These e-mail addresses are by name or area of ​​the person I don’t come by (eg, [email protected], [email protected] etc.).

since the 1980s, e-mail addresses follow specific records standardized by the internet engineering task force. To verify that the email is valid, check the following factors:

1. email structure

The entire email submission consists of three elements: the local part, the @ symbol (pronounced “at”), and the domain name. The local part is posted before @, and the name of the domain is posted after @. for example, without e-mail [email protected], “so-and-so” is the local part, and “” is the domain. without these elements, the e-mail addresses are invalid.

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The local part is the username, which indicates a unique name for the input box.

at @ connect or domain and to the person who has or e-mail address.

The name of the domain indicates the name of the organization. It is an address that leads to the site of the organization.

When an email has been sent, or a forwarding server attempts another email server that corresponds to the recipient’s domain name. For example, someone sends a message to a user at, or the email server first checks if there is an email server at will exist, it will contact this server to see if the username is valid. be a real user, or e-mail will be delivered.

2. local part syntax

The local part, or user name, cannot have a maximum of 64 characters of compression and content:

  • Latin uppercase and lowercase characters (a-z, a-z);
  • numeric values ​​(0 to 9);
  • special characters, such as # ! % $ ‘ & + * – / = ? ^ _`. { | } ~.

observation: or end-point character (.) is valid for a local part, except that it was placed without beginning or end of e-mail address. I also cannot have two or more points in a row. (eg, [email protected] is not allowed).

the most used special characters are or ponto-final (.), or sublinhado (_), or hyphen (-) and or plus sign (+).

The local part may include name and surname (eg, [email protected] or first initial and surname (eg, [email protected]). Names may have uppercase initials ou não. Both as variants correspond to the same e-mail address. For example, ou não. , a message will still be delivered to someone’s inbox.

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3. domain name syntax

The domain name consists of one or more parts separated by point, like each part can have a maximum of 63 characters and against:

  • Latin uppercase and lowercase characters (a-z, a-z);
  • numeric values ​​(from 0 to 9), because our domains cannot be made up of some numbers;
  • hifen (-), therefore it cannot be posted at the start or at the end of the domain.

how to check a syntax of an email send?

Invalid emails can render your email campaign ineffective and harm your email account.

Happily, there are services that can help verify email addresses and save your marketing campaigns. The e-mail verifier of checks your e-mail addresses, follows the standardized rules of e-mail format and eliminates invalid addresses from your list, or improves the reputation of your e-mail account.

I knew how to validate your e-mail addresses like

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