Tricks to Get Free Indoor Plants | Free Garden Plants

do you want to have free indoor plants? it’s possible? Well, these tricks to get free indoor plants will help you.

Don’t compromise your love of plants if you don’t have a budget for them. there are plenty of ways to have them without breaking the bank. Let’s take a look at the tricks to get free houseplants.

check out houseplants that grow from seed here

how to get free houseplants

1. ask your neighbors

If your neighbors are moving, you can ask them to give you old or extra plants. Also, if they go on a long vacation, you can volunteer to take care of their plants. Could you have some plants please.

2. visit garden centers, nurseries and florists

These are the places where you can get cheap plants. Nurseries and garden centers clean out their old plant stock from time to time, and you might be in luck if you get plants cheaply or even for free! an abandoned house can also be a good place to look.

3. visit farmers and flea markets

Plan to visit flea and farmers markets, as these places have really cheap plants to offer. Also, ask some vendors to give you a free plant or two. rest assured you won’t be disappointed when attending any of these!

4. check online

Tricks to Get Free Indoor Plants 2

research on an online platform for plant exchange groups that give away plants for free. some of the good ones are:

  • the plants of my town
  • global plant exchange
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If you’re on facebook, you can join great american seed swap and helensburgh plant swap to get free plants and seeds.

  • craigslist: look up your region and enter ‘free plants’ or the name of the plant you want.
  • meet: find a plant swap group or garden near you.
  • facebook market: with a bit of searching, you can get free plants.
  • next: search for a sale/free section for plants or post a request. chances are you will receive a lot of succulents and also make new friends.

5. visit environmental organizations and garden clubs

Seasonal sales are a great way to get plants cheaply or even for free. These sales also feature rare and exotic plants at nominal prices. it all depends on how you strike up the conversation, and you might even be lucky enough to get some beautiful specimens for free!

6. request for a plant as a gift

How to Get Free Indoor Plants 2

If your family or friends ask you for a gift suggestion on your special day, ask for a plant. Plus, you can even take them to the nearest garden center and choose the plant that fits your gift budget for you.

check out our article on affordable houseplants you can get so cheap! even free! here

7. seeds

Tricks to Get Free Indoor Plants 3

Seeds don’t cost much and you can also get them for free. using seeds from the pantry is also a brilliant way to grow plants for free. just add soil to a container, sow seeds, water often, put the pot in a bright spot, and soon you’ll have your own plants!

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8. look for seedlings, pups and offsets

While visiting a friend’s house, keep an eye on puppies and plant offsets. you can get them for free to start a new plant in your home. Similarly, many nurseries have seedlings of houseplants such as pothos, philodendron, anthurium for sale in seed trays, which you can get for a very low price.

9. Christmas features

During Christmas and Easter, churches are decorated with potted plants. once the events are over, plants are distributed to regular parishioners. so if you’re a parishioner or member of the congregation, you can order these pots for free.

10. sales of goods

In garage or real estate sales, plants are not as popular as people are generally looking for jewelry, furniture and household items. when the sale ends and the merchants pack up their stuff, the price drops drastically, and some even give it away for free because they want to get rid of the stuff while they pack up and leave.

11. from cuttings

Image Source: cooperandsmith

Cuttings are a great way of creating your own free indoor plants through propagation. You can request your neighbors and friends to let you snip a cutting from their plants.

philodendron, pothos, monstera, spider plant, jade plant, and English ivy are some of the best plants that grow easily from cuttings. you can also distribute the cuttings to other gardening enthusiasts!

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check out the best houseplants you can grow from cuttings here

12. join the arbor day foundation

Although you may not get free plants, the main advantage of attending the Arbor Day Foundation is receiving 10 free trees. there is also an option to plant 10 trees in your name in a rainforest.

13. buy plants that produce offspring

Succulents and plants like aglaonema, anthurium and alocasia grow pups. look for those plants that are filled with so many puppies that you can multiply from them for free!

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