Even if your message does not exceed the Outlook or Exchange server’s attachment size limits, there is a chance that your recipient’s email provider will block messages that include large attachments. To help reduce the size of attachments you send in Outlook, see Reduce the size of images and attachments.
In addition to mail provider limits on total message size, sending large email attachments is not always the best solution.
your message may cause your recipients’ mailbox to exceed the storage quota if the recipients’ mailboxes exceed the storage quota, the recipients could not receive other messages.
your message may cause your mailbox to exceed the storage quota every message you send is saved in the sent items folder. sending large attachments to other people also counts against your mailbox size quota. when you exceed your storage quota, you may be blocked from receiving additional messages.
attachment inflation when a file is attached to a message, it must be encrypted. the encoding process makes attachments 1.37 times larger than they are on your computer. for example, if you send a 5mb attachment, the attachment is sent as 6.85mb of data.
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