City Tech OpenLab

access the technical email of your city (for students and alumni)

You can find instructions and search for your city’s technical email username here. instructions are also included below. Please note: Alumni who graduated after 2010 have access to City Tech Email for life. According to the city’s tech alumni FAQ, “You’ll be able to continue sending and receiving email after you graduate. just make sure you log in at least once a year or it will become inactive, in which case you’ll need to log in and take a few steps to reactivate it.”

1. go to the microsoft office 365 email sign in.

2. log in with your city technical email and password. If you’re already logged into your account, skip to step #3. If you’ve never logged into your city’s technical email before, log in with the following:

  • username: [email protected]
  • password: uppercase first initial + lowercase last name initial + mmddyyyy + the last 4 of your employee id

for example: if your name is john doe and your date of birth is 01/06/1986 and the last four digits of your empl id are 1234, your password is:

  • jd010619861234 (no spaces or hyphens).

Student_Email screen shot

If this is your first time logging in, you will be asked a series of questions, such as your location, time zone, and contact information. answer these questions, and if you’re asked to create a new password, do so, but be sure to write it down!

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You will also need to complete your email security verification, which will allow you to reset your password if you forget it. to do this:

  • open a new tab in your browser and type in the address line.
  • click verify now.
  • Set up authentication for cell phone and email and verify them. configure security questions and answers.

click finish.

3. If you have logged in before, log in with your city’s technical email (same format as above) and the password you chose. If you’ve logged in before, you’ve probably changed your password from Default First Initial of First Name + First Initial of Last Name + Date of Birth + Empl ID.

If you can’t remember your password and you previously set up your verification process, you can reset your password:

  • click I can’t access your accounton the login page.
  • enter your email username and special characters, then click next .
  • select reset method by email, phone or security questions.
  • enter the security code sent.
  • create a new password.
  • click finish.

If you have forgotten your password and have not set up your verification process, you can reset your password by contacting the Student Help Desk on the first floor of the Atrium Building. they can also be reached at 718-260-4900 or [email protected].

once you have gone through the openlab registration process described here, you will receive an email from openlab in the email inbox of the technician in your city. click the link or copy and paste it into a new browser tab or window to complete your registration.

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Student_Email screen shot

please note:

  • you may see an error if you click the link. if you see this error, try to copy and paste the link. it’s important to copy the link by highlighting it and copying and pasting the link directly into a new browser window, rather than right-clicking the link to copy it.
  • if you right-click and copy the link location, this will result in the same error as clicking the link. once you have highlighted the link, you can try pressing control and c together to copy and control-v to paste
  • if you have a problem in one browser, try another (eg firefox or chrome on place of internet explorer).

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