The Check Is In the Mail | U.S. Department of the Treasury

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today, treasury secretary paul o’neill and vice president cheney toured the kansas city facility of the treasury department’s financial management service as the first advance paychecks are sent to taxpayers. Nearly 8 million checks are mailed today, delivering $3.3 billion in immediate tax relief to hard-working American taxpayers.

Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill made the following remarks in Kansas City:

the check is in the mail! Those words couldn’t be truer today. nearly 8 million checks, totaling $3.3 billion, are in the mail today. and that’s just the first shipment. We’re here to proudly tell 92 million Americans, the check is in the mail, thanks to the President’s leadership in passing tax relief.

This facility is one of five nationwide that will produce and issue 92 million refund checks to American taxpayers over a ten-week period. i would like to personally thank jack adams, the facility director, for all the hard work he has already done and will do over the next ten weeks. he and the other four directors of the fms center are playing a critical role in this huge undertaking.

jack and his buddies will send up to ten million checks a week for ten weeks! It’s a huge job, but I know you and your staff are up to the task and for that, you and all your colleagues at fms have our sincerest thanks. You taxpayers can see Jack’s signature on your check, and then you can thank him too.

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American workers across the country will receive a total of $38 billion from Washington by the end of September. that $38 billion comes at exactly the right time to give the ailing economy a much-needed boost of energy. this is a rare case where fiscal policy strikes exactly when it is needed most.

We’re paying taxpayers their money back in record time because the president focused like a laser beam on the tax relief package during his first few months in office. conventional wisdom in January said it would take the entire first year of his term to pass the tax relief bill. We defy conventional wisdom, and the results are right here before you in this stack of checks sent out to taxpayers today.

Lastly, I also want to thank the congress. I’m glad members of Congress are putting politics aside and allowing this bipartisan legislation to move forward. it is now clear that working Americans are going to receive a significant tax break. The president has shown the American people that great things can happen when both sides work together and unite around principle.

The Treasury Department will announce each week the number of checks to be mailed for that week and the amount of tax relief to be sent to taxpayers. checks will be mailed within ten weeks, based on the last two digits of the taxpayer’s social security number. Internal Revenue Service notices that tell taxpayers the amount of their check and when to expect it to be mailed. single taxpayers will get up to a $300 check, heads of households up to $500, and married couples filing jointly will get up to $600.

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Because the social security number determines when checks are sent, taxpayers may receive their checks at different times than their neighbors or other family members. on a joint return, the first number listed will set the shipping time.

if the last two digits of your social security number are:

You should receive your check the week of:

00 – 09

July 23rd

10 – 19

July 30

20 – 29

August 6

30 – 39

August 13

40 – 49

August 20

50 – 59

August 27

60 – 69

September 3rd

70 – 79

September 10

80 – 89

September 17

90 – 99

September 24

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