5 Best Email Sending Services for 2020 | Comparison, Pricing & Features – Netcore Cloud

Now when I say that using a dedicated email delivery service is a must, my motive is not just to promote pepipost! I understand that this article is written on the pepipost blog and under “marketing” it should! but frankly (sic), this article is written to give you honest feedback on the best email sending services out there today and how and when you should choose the same.

Let’s first start with why it’s important to choose an email delivery service.

it’s just an email sending service, why all the brainstorming?

If you’re one of those guys who thinks alike, I urge you to think again!

or better, let me ask you some questions. if you have answers to these or in some cases these questions do not matter to you; you are free to choose any email sending service provider.

Question 1: What happens if your emails start arriving in the recipient’s spam folder?

Question 2: What happens if your urgent emails arrive late? let’s say a minute otp mail, received after time passed!

Question 3: Don’t want to track your emails? who opened them, read them, clicked on them, etc.?

Question 4: Really a no-brainer, but isn’t the cost of email part of your overall business cost? don’t want to save money?

Like I said, if these questions aren’t worth pondering, you can skip this blog. or else, let’s continue!

5 Best Email Sending Services for Reliable Email Delivery

We have compiled the 5 best email sending services for 2020 in this article, keeping all the four questions mentioned above. take a look-

  1. pepipost: g2’s most loved email delivery service in the world
  2. sendgrid: renowned email delivery service
  3. sparkpost: relay service smtp
  4. mailgun – smtp service
  5. mandrill application – mailchimp mail sending service

1. pepipost: the most affordable and reliable email delivery service

Before you say anything, I want you to look at the following image.

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also read: compare pepipost v/s sendgrid smtp

Now, there is a reason why I started the introduction of pepipost with the price table. That said, pepipost is the most affordable email sending service and there you have the proof!

With over 20,000 customers worldwide, pepipost is the largest email delivery service in asia. when it comes to deliverability, it’s second only to sendgrid, but when it comes to-

  • affordability
  • reliability
  • timely email delivery
  • customer support

pepipost is second to none!

pepipost is the only email service provider that has customer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. tell me, who else provides that?

what else do you get with pepipost?

Now I have given you 5 important reasons why you should choose pepipost, but here are 3 more reasons why you should choose pepipost.

be careful, some of these functions are exclusive to pepipost and they are the only ones that offer them.

  • pepipost helps you send amp-powered emails.
  • pepipost helps you check the status of your email with its exclusive free – email status report
  • pepipost provides real-time reporting and notifications.

If you’re still not convinced, I’m sure our onboarding team will help you understand the product. 😛

2 – send grid

If you know a little about sending email services or transactional email services, I’m sure you’ve heard of sendgrid. sendgrid is one of the oldest email service providers and, not to lie, they’re good too. with decent delivery capabilities, they have customers all over the world.

sendgrid is another email sending service that provides amplification for emails and has AI-powered email delivery like pepipost.

and if you’re wondering if they’re like pepipost in most matters, why not choose sendgrid?

but let me give you three reasons not to choose sendgrid-

sendgrid has no customer support. And mind you, they have a complicated onboarding process.

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sendgrid does not provide you with a dedicated email status report.

sendgrid is too expensive. So expensive you can save up to $5,000 a year.

take a look –


Also read: sendgrid price increase

3. spark plug

Next in line is another popular email service provider: sparkpost! also to point out that they have acquired edatasource, which for many was a reliable place to check the deliverability percentage.

sparkpost has been the closest competitor to sendgrid for quite some time and they also had a good pricing structure. until very recently! Sparkpost’s management suddenly increased the price at least 2-3 times in the last quarter, leaving businesses wondering if Sparkpost is in the email delivery or money-making industry. 😛

if you don’t believe us, you have to read this text-


and then this-

well, the pictures speak for themselves and we really don’t want to pin this down!

However, sparkpost’s pricing remains competitive, and fairs like this compare to pepipost.

4. mail gun

another good email delivery service, mailgun is serious about business when it comes to providing an email service for developers.

they have dedicated apis to integrate their smtp server and provide good detailed analytics and reporting. With the addition of the email validation tool, mailgun has taken a good step towards promoting good email delivery. although in recent times it has been seen that they promote the mass sending of emails and send them a lot, so their delivery capacity has taken its toll.

their pricing structure looks-

quick read: sparkpost vs mailgun: where they stand compared to pricing and features

5. chuck application

another well-known email delivery service, mandrill has been in the arena for quite some time. but once they were acquired by mailchimp, it became clear that they are not serious about the delivery business, just marketing.

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Your surge in pricing structure shows the same thing, and note that the difference is huge.

although you get all the services of mailchimp when you use the mandrill app and we know that mailchimp is really good when it comes to marketing (hands down I agree). But if you want to use the mandrill app for your email delivery business, I urge you to think again and think harder!

the mandrill app is the most expensive transactional email service on the planet!

You can save over $10,000 a year just by switching to pepipost and guess what? you can still use mailchimp with pepipost.

don’t you believe me? take a look and decide for yourself.

so, concluding…

I won’t lie, but there are many more email delivery services or smtp relay services, you can call them whatever you want. I only mentioned 5 of them but smtp2go, amazon ses, sendinblue and many more.

the list really doesn’t end. so how on earth does one decide which esp to choose?

I agree, this is a great question and some of the answers would be: reliability, deliverability, speed, customer support, brand relationship, pricing, etc, etc.

Yes, here are some things to keep in mind. I agree!

but if you ask me, you only have to look for two things-

a. Your email delivery job should be done.

b. shouldn’t burn a hole in your pocket.

You have your choices, choose what you think is best! and if you are still worried about the same thing; Leave a comment below and we’ll discuss what esp would meet your business needs.

You can also sign up for pepipost and let us do the work! 😉

Until next time! happy emailing!

another related article.

pepipost price vs. mailgun

check if emails from your domain are going to spam – email blacklist tool

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