How to Create Mailing Labels in Word from an Excel List

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You may be using Microsoft Excel to organize a distribution list in an orderly fashion. however, when you’re ready to print mailing labels, you’ll need to use mail merge to create them in word from your excel list. here’s how.

first step: prepare your mailing list

If you have already created a mailing list in excel, you can safely skip this test. If you haven’t created the list yet, even though excel doesn’t have the mailing label feature, we strongly recommend that you use excel, as it’s better at organizing and maintaining data than using a table of words.

The first thing you need to do is create a column header corresponding to the data that goes in each column. put those headers in the first row of each column.

The headers you include will depend on the information you plan to use on your mailing labels. Titles are always nice, but it’s important that you know what title a person is identified by before you create your tags. Also, if your list is for businesses and not individuals, you can omit the “first name” and “last name” header and just use “company name.” To properly illustrate the steps, we’ll use a personal mailing list in this example. our list will include the following headings:

  • first name
  • last name
  • address
  • city
  • state
  • zip code

This is the standard information you’ll find on shipping labels. you can even insert images into the mailing labels if you want, but that step would come later in word.

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related: how to create and print labels in word

Once you’ve finished creating the headers, go ahead and enter your data. once you’re done, your list should look like this:

Mailing List in Excel

go ahead and save your list and let’s move on to microsoft word.

step two: configure tags in word

opens a blank word document. then go to the “mails” tab and select “start mail merge”.

Start Mail Merge

in the dropdown menu that appears, select “tags”.

Select Labels from menu

the “tag options” window will appear. here, you can select your label brand and product number. once finished, click “ok”.

Label Options

your tag outlines will now appear in word.

Label outlines

note: if your label outlines are not showing, go to design > borders and select “view grid lines”.

step three: connect your worksheet to word tags

Before you can transfer the data from excel to your tags in word, you need to connect the two. Back in the “mailings” tab in the word document, select the “select recipients” option.

select recipients

A dropdown menu will appear. select “use an existing list”.

windows file explorer will appear. use it to locate and select your mailing list archive. with the file selected, click “open”.

locate mailing list

the “select table” window will appear. if you have multiple sheets in your workbook, they will appear here. select the one that contains your list. make sure to enable the “first row of data contains column headers” option if it isn’t already, then click “ok”.

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Select table

Your labels are now connected to your worksheet.

step four: add mail merge fields to tags

Now it’s time to add your mail merge fields into the word tags. select the first label, switch to the “emails” tab, and then click “block addresses”.

address block

in the “insert address block” window that appears, click the “match fields” button.

Match Fields

the “match fields” window will appear. in the “mandatory for address block” group, make sure each setting matches the column in your workbook. for example, “first name” must match “first name”, and so on. once you’ve confirmed that everything is set up correctly, click “ok”.

Match Corresponding fields

back in the “insert address block” window, check the preview to make sure everything looks right, then click “ok”.

Preview label

<<address block>> will now appear in your first tag.

Address block in first label

go back to the “mail” tab and then click “update tags”.

update labels

once selected, <<addressblock>> it should appear in all tags.

Address block in each label

Now, you’re ready to do your mail merge.

step five: perform the mail merge

Now let’s see how the magic happens. in the “mailings” tab, click “finish & merge.”

finish and merge

From the dropdown menu that appears, select “edit individual documents”.

the “merge with new document” window will appear. select “all” and then click “ok”.

merge to new document

your excel list will now be combined with the tags in word.

Finished merge

all that’s left to do now is print your labels and send your mail!

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