| Printable free Christian posters and downloadable gospel posters free for evangelism


hello and welcome to

please help yourself get free printable Christian posters and resources to share for evangelism, for personal use, and to share and encourage other Christians.

if you are not saved yet, please read carefully about salvation through jesus christ and reconcile with god. please don’t put this off.Your eternal destiny hangs in the balance, making it life’s most important decision!


To download and photocopy free Christian tracts, free paintings, African Christian posters, and additional Christian resources, visit my site:


July 2022. Eleven more wallpapers added to the free Christian wallpapers page.

May 2022. Check out the new “free christian wallpapers” and “free wallpapers” pages. free phone wallpapers and desktop backgrounds to download and share.

a couple of examples of free downloadable wallpapers below:

“Hope” free Christian wallpapers. Romans 15:13. Wallpaper by David Clode.


Free Bible verse wallpaper. Photo: Eberhard Grossgasteiger on Free Christian wallpaper by David Clode.


The gospel or good news of salvation through Jesus Christ:


Salvation poster. Hebrews 9:26b-28. Poster by David Clode.


Free downloadable Christian salvation poster. Photo: Eberhard Grossgasteiger on, poster by David Clode.


ministry of puppets “douglas speaks” on youtube. i would like to recommend a wonderful christian children’s puppetry ministry and sunday school on youtube. it’s so good that I think many adults will enjoy it too. JJ Graves does a great job of communicating sound Christian doctrine in a user-friendly, entertaining, and harmless way. good job!


videos. i have made videos about: “blessings”, crocodiles and lizards, another one at cairns aquarium, one about birds at birdworld in kuranda australia, and clownfish or clownfish (nemo) at cairns aquarium, anzac parade 2019 and seahorses. you should be able to find them if you search for david clode on youtube. I hope you see and enjoy them.



coronavirus/covid-19 advice

for detailed information and scientific articles on covid-19 treatments etc. please visit my site


please check out the wonderful new paintings of three crosses on a hill by my sister laya clode at the top of the “christian poster backgrounds 1” page. You can freely download them for computer wallpaper, art prints, backgrounds for text for church announcements, card making, etc. thanks, laya!

February 2020. five new posters with laya paintings on page “bible verse posters 1”.



spread the good news of salvation through jesus christ

Please photocopy or print and distribute the free Christian posters on this site to spread the gospel (good news) of salvation through Jesus Christ.

“Christ died for our sins

…was buried

… He is risen.”

portions of 1 Corinthians 15:3,4.

The Christian gospel on posters:





free photos. For more of my free downloadable photos (higher resolution, about 6mb), visit (type search terms “unsplash david clode” and it should be at or near the top of the page).

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spread the christian gospel using bible verse posters

For those who don’t feel comfortable handing out tracts or street preaching, evangelistic posters are another tool to help share the gospel with others. The free printable Christian posters, free gospel posters, and free downloadable evangelism materials on this site can be photocopied and displayed on public bulletin boards, in schools, universities, etc., to spread the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. they can also be photocopied and framed, or printed on small stretched canvases and hung in homes and churches where visitors can see and read them. they can also be made into holiday cards and greeting cards.

There are also many uplifting posters you may like to download and photocopy, or print on small stretched canvases, for yourself and to give to friends, family, and Christian brothers and sisters for encouragement.




In the Bible, the word men is often used generically, as humanity, and therefore includes women and children. fulfilled prophecy is one of the proofs that the bible is true, and it is ironic that the bible prophesies that people will blaspheme, mock and mock Christianity, and yet in doing so they are fulfilling the prophecy, and therefore are themselves one of the proofs that Christianity is true.








see the “African Christian Posters” page at click here:





wonderful paintings by sian butler (my mother) turned into posters, free to download and print:

These scenes are primarily inspired by country houses and farms in Tasmania, Australia, and have both British and Mediterranean influences. sian has brilliantly captured the textures in a style that is both photorealistic and painterly. how do you do that?!



He is coming Christian poster. Photo: Nick Scheerbart on Poster: David Clode.












please check the “free hymn posters” page. examples below:



some gospel posters:

Moments with the book make great tracts for purchase, and you can add your church/contact details to the tracts. Tracts are available in a few different versions of the Bible. you can also design your own tracts, and you can use any of my photos or text if you find it useful. This is also a great opportunity to produce brochures in languages ​​other than English, if you are bilingual or multilingual. to visit their site, click here:








Bible verse posters can also be framed and hung on a wall, used as screen savers, or simply stuck to a refrigerator door, as an encouragement to yourself, a message to visitors to your home, or as gifts of breath. to other Christians, friends and relatives. Also, if you like the site, please mention it to your friends so many more people can be blessed.

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You may also be interested in posting tracts on bulletin boards, in mailboxes or handing them out. click here to see a couple of tracts: good news aa, bigbang. there are many more tracts on numerous topics available at If you’re interested in making your own scripture posters, church signs, etc., you can find some backgrounds you can use to make posters on a computer, print and then type, or add text in photoshop or similar, at Tracts4Free., on the “Christian poster backgrounds” page 1 and 2.


if you are interested in photographs and paintings (free to download), you can visit:

my brother bryan’s brilliant photos of outback australia and tasmania on my site (and some of my photos), and my mother sian butler’s wonderful paintings (and some of my paintings and photos) on my site https:/ /


The flowers are from the Brazilian iris Neomarica gracilis. the flowers of the iridaceae or iris family have petals and other parts in three, reminiscent of the trinity.




new poster background (to make your own christian posters) and new posters:



You can use the poster background above to make your own Christian or evangelical posters, church signs, etc. the idea is that many countries have a flag with the colors red, white and blue, so if you write in white, people may like the posters, as the posters remind them of their flag. some more examples below, which you are free to download and print or photocopy. please do it. many more poster backgrounds available at

Some of my posters (including some of these), paintings and photos are now available as better quality art prints and postcards for purchase at

These posters could be used as postcards and posted around the world, and in the process, the gospel message would be read by many people around the world.


evangelism poster

john 3:16 poster

john 3:16 poster

background document:




eternity poster

eternity sign with purple text on pink marble background. I hope this one will appeal to the ladies. printable christian poster.

free downloadable christian posters – “good news” gospel posters

good news gospel poster. a short and simple gospel message, with what I hope are bible verses presented in a logical and easy to understand order.




free printable gospel poster.

“you are invited”. evangelization poster, with text in blue and red on a blue marble background, aimed at men.

Christian sign “you are invited”, purple and red text on a pink marble background, which can attract the ladies.


3:20 apocalypse poster.

Christian posters displayed on a public bulletin board.

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good news banner in gold and red. the already succinct gospel message of the apostle paul given in 1 corinthians 3-4, is made as brief as possible on this poster. red and gold (or yellow) are the colors of the flags of some countries, e.g. china and vietnam, so a gospel poster with these colors may appeal to people in china and vietnam.

good news gospel poster – dark blue background. Blue and white are the colors of the Israeli and Greek flags, so a gospel poster in these colors can appeal to people in or from Israel and Greece. Also see the “Bless Israel” posters on the “Bible Verse Posters 1” page.

good news cross – black and white. pure black and white can stand out surprisingly well on a bulletin board, and of course, black and white photocopies are cheaper.

free downloadable good news evangelism poster.

good news printable christian poster.

the-gospel-gods-plan-for-my-poster-5.5mb . i like this professional looking gospel poster by jeremy echols.

gospel posters “the way”:

gospel poster “the way”. free printable christian poster.

gospel poster “the way”. free printable scripture poster.

Continuation of the Christian “eternity” posters…

Christian evangelization poster of “eternity”. psalm 965:2. david clode.

black and white christian poster “eternity”.

poster of the gospel of “eternity”. free downloadable christian poster.

“eternity” scripture poster.

“eternity” gospel poster.


“his commandment”. 1 John 3:23. scripture poster.

some bible verse posters:

poster of the bible verse “blessed are you”. the abstract art background includes the colors of the tabernacle and the clothing used by the aaronic priesthood. numbers 6:24-26. To see more Bible Verse Posters, click the “Bible Verse Posters” buttons on the menu bar at the top of the page. see also the new “posters from israel” page… an example below:


numbers 6:24-26. scripture poster.

bless you poster.

poster of the bible verse “blessed are you”. numbers 6:24-26.

“hope” bible verse poster

poster of the bible verse “hope”. Jeremiah 29:11.

“All things work together for good to those who love God…” Romans 8:28. bible verse poster.

“the blessed hope” free christian bible verse poster. Titus 2:13.

“praise be to god” doxology. free christian poster.

“the harvest”. free scripture poster to download.


the cross, a dove and palm leaves – all Christian symbols.


for more christian posters visit:

for some ideas, solutions and information on foreign aid, poverty alleviation in developing countries, agroforestry and reforestation, forest fire/wildfire protection, climate change (from a vantage point) skeptical view), etc., visit another site of mine: .

I like the photo below:

Thank you for visiting us.

My best wishes and may God bless you and all you do for him,

david clode. b. south carolina app. (hort.), University of Melbourne.


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