Free Christian Books By Mail: Order The Top 6 Today |

the list of the best free Christian books by mail

Update: We’ve updated our list by removing some outdated resources and adding new resources to our list of free Christian books by mail.

paper books are here to stay. call them old-fashioned, but there’s something about holding a book, the smell of paper and ink filling your nostrils.

Whether they admit it or not, tech giant amazon was the best place to buy books, I mean physical ones, not electronic ones. The fact that they are now so committed to selling eBooks through Kindle smacks of sheer betrayal. sometimes I wonder if the irony escapes them.

then why not get all this for free? It could be said that Christian books will be the last bastion of the free book. it’s much more personal than emailing a pdf, easier to deliver a book to someone starting their journey with christ.

If you’re a new believer and want to immerse yourself in Christian books, or if you’re a long-time believer who loves a good read, here are some of the best free Christian books by mail.

1. recovery bible

bible for america began as a group of believers who for years found strength in reading the recovery version of the good book. they finally formed a formal group in 2000.

Then it happened on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attacks bombarded the country with endless questions about how they could be invaded so brazenly.

So bfa staff members and volunteers began an epic campaign to distribute the bible at ground zero. But to make the most of their trip, which lasted two months in a large mobile home, they stopped at every possible place to pass out the Bible. It was not just New York that needed it, but everyone who was shaken by this event and realized their spiritual hunger.

after their date in new york, bfa realized that their road trips had to continue and have done so to this day. They have also added Watchman Nee and Witness Lee books to his gifts. The books tell the inspiring and true-to-life story of a Chinese missionary in early 20th century China.

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bfa has also established a strong presence on the web, specifically through youtube. anything to bring the good news to those who need to hear good news.

get your free copy of the recovery bible here. They will post it for free.

2. a grain of wheat

a grain of wheat is another source for free Christian books by mail. gives you the opportunity to order a variety of Christian books in 3 easy steps right from their website. the best part is that it’s free.

most of the available books were written by david w. dyer, who started the ministry of the grain of wheat. the grain of wheat is a ministry dedicated to serving the body of christ throughout the world. Some of the top free Christian topics that David focuses on include; spiritual growth, the church, the kingdom of god and the biblical prophecy of the end times.

Ministry literature is also available online in pdf, word, or epub format, as well as mp3 for those who can’t wait for it to ship.

Free Christian books by mail

3. pocket new testament gives you the opportunity to receive a free printed copy of the new testament. Its version is pocket-sized, allowing you to take the word of God with you wherever you go. he discovers and feels the power of the holy bible anywhere.

his version is based on the new international version (niv) of the holy bible. The NIV is one of the most modern and widely distributed translations that helps make God’s Word easier to understand and read.

They ask that requests be limited to one copy per person. it can also take up to 6 – 8 weeks to arrive by mail. Please note they only ship in the United States.

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4. how to study the bible

There will come a time when you will seek more meaty teachings. as paul, peter and the writer of hebrews mention, we grow from babies who need milk to adults who need solid food.

This comprehensive Bible study guide is published by Associated Bible Students, a nondenominational Christian fellowship based in Ohio. they have independent congregations all over the world that are totally independent and free to preach the word as they see fit for their church. this gives their pastors the wiggle room to make their preaching relevant to local conditions and mood.

all of your ministers use this study and it has served them well. It would definitely help you put down deeper roots in your Christian life.

It is important to keep in mind that this ministry works only with contributions. if the book has blessed you, please consider supporting them.

5. God’s plan for humanity

The Biblical Christian Church of God was established in 1983 by Fred Coulter and a small group of believers. cbcg now ministers to thousands in various fellowship groups and small congregations, as well as thousands of believers scattered around the world. fred coulter is the author of god’s plan for mankind and can be ordered free by mail.

his website offers a lot of free books. It’s no wonder more than 40,000 people actively use the resources to help them in their Christian walk. Fortunately, you can too. check out their other offerings here.

6. kids club for jesus

If you’re looking for a great resource for free Christian children’s books by mail, then look no further than the Kids Club for Jesus. Although they also offer free Christian books for adults, they are primarily focused on providing quality Christian reading material for children of all ages.

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all of his books are donations, which are cataloged and listed on his website. anyone can browse their free marketplace for all available titles and order up to 5 books per month per household.

Although the books are free, you may have to pay shipping and a small processing fee, unless you live in the Collegedale/Ooltewah area, where books can be picked up for free at certain pre-designated locations.

When you’re done with the books, you can donate them to the Kids Club for Jesus to help spread the gospel to other kids and families.

7. general resources for free christian books by mail

The last item on our list of free Christian books by mail consists of non-traditional Christian sources. however, these resources are great places to get some free books, either through trade-ins or as gifts.

the first resource we would recommend is facebook marketplace. With over a billion users, Facebook is a great place to find free Christian books. His market has items listed daily for free, and if you’re lucky, you’ll find Christian books someone is willing to send you.

The second resource is the paperback exchange. this is also an excellent source for second-hand Christian books. paper back swap is a club where members share books for free. all you have to do is mail a book to another club member and they can choose from over 1 million available titles and receive it free in the mail.


There you have it, the best places to get free Christian books by mail. receive any of these in your mailbox and grow in the lord. send us a message if you want to suggest other free christian books by mail.

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