Fix: oops… a server error occurred and your email was not sent


Gmail oops a server error occurred 007 also called (#76989) is an error code related to Gmail.

It was just a normal day at the University. I was having a cup of tea in the cafeteria. Suddenly, I got a text on my mobile phone from my class fellow. She wanted an important document from one of our lectures.

I opened my laptop. I signed into my Gmail account. After attaching the important document in the email, I pressed the “send” button. Instead of sending the email at my required email address, I got the following error:

“Oops… a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)”

It was pretty annoying. Sending an email should be a very easy process. I did not know what to do. I searched for some ways in which I can resolve this error. In this article, I will tell you the details about this server error and a few methods by which you can solve this error. After solving this error, you can send your emails without any problem. 

Table of Contents

Disabling the “Background Send” option:

What is 007 Server Error 

Gmail is one of the most widely used email network in the world. The 007 server error is a common Gmail server error. This error occurs due to some features of the Gmail. The root cause of this error is in the lab features of the Gmail. You must be thinking “now what are lab features”? lab features are known as some experimental options that are used by the Gmail users.

A user can enable or disable these lab features according to the requirements. One of the problem that arise from these still developing features is that the users are unable to send emails. Don’t worry! This problem can be quickly and easily solved by using different methods. Down below is the list of some methods that you can use for resolving this 007 server error.

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Watching: Fix: oops… a server error occurred and your email was not sent

Disabling the “Background Send” option:

Sometimes, your Gmail account is configured to send emails even when you will exit the window. This method of sending emails in the background also works whenever you work on another folder within your account. “Background send” method of sending emails in the background saves time for the users. Occasionally, the “background send” option for sending emails stops working and the user can get the 007 server error. Use the following steps for disabling the “Background send” option:

In the first step, log into your Gmail account.Search for the icon of settings and click it. Click on the “Lab” icon.Search for the “Background search” option.After locating the option, disable it.

For testing, whether the method worked or not try sending the email again. Using the above-mentioned method will solve your problem.

Clean the Cookies and Cache from Your Browser:

Cleaning the cookies and cache from the browser is a very simple process. This process is very useful. By using this process, you will refresh your browser and get rid of the 007 server error. Follow the following steps for clearing the cookies and cache from your browser:

Open your Google Chrome browser. Go to the settings of Google Chrome.Click on the advanced setting option.Go to the privacy tab. Select the content settings. Locate the cookies option.Click on the button for removing all the cookies and save the settings.

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By following the above-mentioned steps, test sending the email again. Many times, clearing out the cookies and cache of your browser solves the problem of 007 server error.

Ensure that your browser is up to date

Google Chrome browser updates itself automatically. In some cases, the browser is not up to date and it causes 007 server error. Update your browser manually by going into the settings of the Google Chrome. 

Check your computer for viruses

If you do not scan your computer regularly for viruses and malwares, then your computer is at risk. You should download a good antivirus software on your computer. If you encounter the 007 server error, scan your computer for viruses. Make sure that you thoroughly scan your computer. Click on the option of full computer scan.

Try to disable the browser extensions

Using different browser extensions can cause 007 server error. Make sure that you have not installed any new browser extension after getting the 007 server error. The browser extensions are updated regularly in the browser. Any new update to a browser extension can cause the 007 server error. Try the following steps for disabling the different browser extensions in your Google Chrome:

Open your Google Chrome browser.Open the menu option by clicking the three dots at the right corner of the screen. Select the option of “More Tools”.Click on the option of “Extensions”.Disable extensions.

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By disabling the browser extensions, you can easily get rid of the 007 server error.

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Gmail is the most widely used email network. It is the email network of choice among different organizations and educational institutions. Almost everyone uses Gmail for sending their emails. Sometimes, an error known as “007 server error” comes when Gmail stops working. Different methods can be used for solving the 007 server error. Try using the following methods for solving the 007 server error:

Disable the “background send” option in Gmail lab settings.Clean the cache and cookies from your browser. Cleaning out the cache and cookies of the browser empty the contents of the browser. In this way, the 007 server error can be removed.Make sure that your browser is up to date.Different malware and viruses can affect the working of the Gmail. Thoroughly scanning your computer for different viruses can solve the 007 server problem. Disabling the browser extension can also solve the 007 server error problem. The browser extensions can affect the 007 server error problem in two ways. Sometimes, a new browser extension can cause the 007 server error. Similarly, an old browser extension can also start causing the 007 server error. The simple solution is to disable all the different browser extensions for sending the emails from Gmail effectively.

The 007 server error is a tricky error. Try using the methods that are presented above one by one for fixing this error. 

Categories: Mail

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